hedges (Remove filter)
As I walked
through the garden dew
'tween clipped box and shapely yew,
'tween hard hornbeam and
'tween friends
a perfect peace descends
As I walked
from the round green room
past dusky shade and roses' bloom,
past shapely hedge and
past huge urns
the garden quiet returns
As I walked
in the lakeside glory
to the enchanted terrace torri,
to the ...
Thursday 30th May 2019 12:33 pm
My Old Beech
This tree
is old
It knows its time but has grown in the ancient hedge
escaping the billhook and the thresher blade
standing 'gainst the farmer's pledge
that every stem should be neatly laid
This tree
is wise
It is as large as it needs to be and no more
its spread has grown to contain all of its leaves
and each year it grows to store
just as many leav...
Tuesday 20th November 2018 3:52 pm
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