Corona virus (Remove filter)
She's the new girl in town, getting everyone's attention
Her beauty is unique, her smiling face a novel mystery
Her soft gentle touch will make your knees weak, you'll fall for her
She's jealous, and wants you all to herself
she wants you home and isolated, away from everyone else
Her enticing ways will play games with your head, she'll get what she wants
You, exposed and vulnerable, laying ...
Friday 9th April 2021 8:44 pm
Our Covid Christmas
This year has been different and certainly strange,
So for this Covid Christmas we must all make a change.
With our loved ones we may not be able to share,
But remember them still and know that they do care.
Although Covid-19 makes us all be apart,
Try to be strong and remain stout of heart.
Though at this festive time numbers may be reduced,
Know a wonderful Christmas may still be produc...
Wednesday 16th December 2020 6:30 pm
Over Corona
We've had such a long time with this Covid-19,
The greatest pandemic that there's ever been.
With huge numbers infected and some having died,
To stop this virus we have all certainly tried.
Now it seems that we may now have a solution,
As vaccines are prepared with mass distribution.
While we all had to live in this dreadful reality,
Can we at last now return to normality?
When all vac...
Friday 4th December 2020 4:48 pm
Our Covid
All Great Britain has now seen
How dreadful is Covid-19.
While it is hard to make predictions,
We hate all these dismal restrictions.
Has Nottingham reason to be in fear
Now it is placed upon the second tier?
For its people what shall this mean,
As we envisage this depressing scene?
While our politicians fight their wars,
Recall us being long cooped up indoors.
So many people do not ...
Friday 16th October 2020 5:46 am
Attempting to kill infection invisible germs we can not see
Its there but we can not see
We just know it is there
Corona got us sanitising
Got the people realising
Coughing and apologising
Terrorised or terrorising
A few questions I have in mind
With no rules inplace that can be outlined
We are all confused by boris's speeches
If we can't trust our government then we ...
Monday 5th October 2020 8:08 pm
Lockdown in the Local
The pubs are shut
The grass aint cut
The pints not flowing
The lawn needs mowing
The pies are cold
The snacks are old
The crisps are stale
The lack of ale
The jukey's quiet
The waitress fired
The buzz is gone
The fire ain't on
The food disposed
The doors are closed
Goodbye my Local
Thursday 24th September 2020 9:51 pm
Our total deaths have ballooned since I wrote this and it was reported over and over on the news that sober total deaths of 31,000.. At first during lock down I felt quite prepared isolation isn't new for me but after learning all your life to get out then being pushed back inside all thoes early feelings resurface again.
All information
Was inflammation
Arriving later than a British...
Wednesday 16th September 2020 9:40 am
Face Masks
We have all been told to cover our faces
In all of the shops and most other places.
This should not be something you are dreading,
As we do this to stop the virus spreading.
Of face masks there now exist a range,
And at first we may all look quite strange.
Are our masks bought or home assembled?
And like Hannibal have we then resembled?
To wear one is surely an expectation,
Those who ...
Wednesday 22nd July 2020 1:37 pm
Dear Kate
Dear Kate
The challenges of the jungle, have stood you in good stead
little did you know back then, a greater battle lay ahead
As a celebrity in the jungle, your personality shone through
supported by your lovely family, justifiably, so proud of you.
The interview this morning, so touching, presented in your style
despite the pain and suffering, you still managed to raise a ...
Friday 5th June 2020 3:25 pm
A 20:20 Vision
A 20:20 Vision
On the one hand, it’s thumbs up for this lock down,
For hand on heart, I prefer a gentler town.
We’ve lost our human contacts, now back in touch,
A world for reaching out, with more time and much
Space for taking and for making stock.
We knead our dough, and minds unlock,
And saws are sharpened in this time of rest,
When breath and nature seem to teach ...
Friday 29th May 2020 4:22 pm
As I walk my hour a day
A golden army line my way
Stood to attention tall and proud
Paraded together, a nodding crowd
Wild, strong and free they grow
Against stone walls and in hedgerow
Dancing and swaying in the breeze
Sheltering under the budding trees
A fanfare of trumpets, glowing bright
Dazzling rays in the spring sunlight
Elegant and ...
Thursday 14th May 2020 1:02 pm
At five o’clock the Tories dribble poison in my ears
trying hard to hide their perma-smirks they giggle at our fears.
Trumpeting as triumphs, all the targets they’ve not met.
They twist the truth like wicker man and hope we’ll all forget
that they failed to act in time to protect our brave frontline
And they watched the death toll climb, while they told us we were fine
Saturday 9th May 2020 2:27 pm
The "Corona" Special
So we all know this is bullshit, this thing called Corona Virus,
My friends and I don't wear masks and now people won't stand beside us,
Damn it's crazy that people still watch the news,
All they do is lie and it's owned by the Jews,
That doesn't make me a racist so please just relax,
Just look up the definitions and make sure you know your facts,
Can't you see this virus is one ...
Saturday 9th May 2020 11:12 am
WE live by the hands of others
We live by the hands of others
Not seen by you or me
They pass the parcel
Stand at the till
Nurse the wounded
Or keep order
We live by the hands of others
Not seen by you or me
Our hands scrubbed clean and safe
We live by and are grateful to others
Who have to live day by day with that terrible fear
Friday 24th April 2020 12:38 pm
The Daily Count of Lives
746 (six fell in love more than four times)
673 (twenty had no regrets)
714 (five could still feel their first kiss)
643 (twenty-seven looked at photos of their loved one each morning)
547 (seven had contagious laughter)
517 (hundred regretted that their beauty had faded)
468 (thirty-five had worked in the same job all their lives)
Friday 24th April 2020 12:09 pm
maybe it’s natures way of telling us
to slow down to reset a bit to take stock,
to turn inward and then outward
in kindness and support
maybe I’m just saying it’s a good thing
in the long run, a reassessment of sorts.
weeks ago who would have imagined
an ethical Tory, clear skies over Beijing
who could’ve have foreseen the sacrifice
we are to make for the...
Monday 13th April 2020 5:24 pm
2020 Spring
Poetry, written by Ali Taha Alnobani
A metallic alien object with plastic gaze
Without emotions, and no feelings
It holds tapered forceps and a magnifying glass
It runs on the empty street
Like a spooky ghost
Like an absurd robot
His eyes are round, red
His nose is crunchy squared
And his voice is like air when it comes from the hole of a sick object
Now h...
Saturday 11th April 2020 11:00 pm
What COVID-19 taught me
Generosity is trapped in a photo
shared on instagram and liked by a thousand
tearing privacy into tiny shards
Emotions are sold by traders
disguised as "reporters"
and kindness has become a drug,
supreme to Tylenol
humanity is glorified as
a noun only to be used
on selected human "kinds"
that a racist can never be sobered
Friday 10th April 2020 4:02 pm
The Next War Is Here
The Next War Is Here
Out there, we walked quite friendly up to death,
Sat down and ate beside him, cool and bland,
Asked of his health and shook him by the hand.
Recoiled in horror at his fetid breath.
Before the world went crazy, he was there,
We treated him as though he was a fly
Who we could swat away - and never die.
We were invincible, without a care.
Now ...
Wednesday 8th April 2020 12:47 pm
Call the trade descriptions police...we've been sold the wrong spring this year!!!!
Like a metal coil
In a tense, uncertain
And when the pressure is
Many mere mortals, by then
They thought that
Was daffodils
Now life has fallen
Almost still
Invisible, silent, viral
The question is
Do we
...Wednesday 25th March 2020 4:44 pm
Herd (Co)Mmunity
Stir crazy,
my mind’s hazy.
Penned in like chicken
that never lays...
e-mergency broadcasts
and a merging of powers.
When did we surrender control of the supply chain?
I hear vegans got beef
with carnies,
but you can’t get the show on an empty road.
Do we even know where our food is grown?
Butcher, cheesemonger, greengrocer, and farmer...
were stripped from our com...
Thursday 19th March 2020 5:11 pm
The Coronavirus Poem
All too little,
Too late
As the Coronavirus
Takes down the world by mistake.
Government officials standing behind gates
As it rains a blood of money
To keep the economy straight.
Waking up the public to a doom
Which is highly frightening
For me and you.
A war with the unseen.
Watching loved ones turning green.
Mortals inflicting pain and death.
Born from the innocent creatu...
Saturday 14th March 2020 8:38 am
Music in me.
Music floats
Through my veins,
Brings me back to
What I am.
I sing and sing again
To kill the silence outside.
My songs, directly from my heart,
My hard chords,
A resistance
Of all what's forbidden.
My passion resists
In the middle of sounds
And chaos.
©️ By Magical whispers
Friday 13th March 2020 11:10 pm
End Of Days
Ends Of Days
The fact that I’m quite anti-social
Is a blessing in dark times like these
When you’re treated like a pariah
If you develop a cough or a sneeze
When they’re telling us to wash our hands
And not just after we pee
When I’ve been doing that for years
Because of my OCD
I’m also a bit of a hoarder
It’s always been one of my goals
To ensure I have ...
Monday 9th March 2020 1:05 pm
Chinese Whispers
Chinese Whispers
We thought we’d done everything right
Taken precautions to self-isolate
Avoiding those risky types
Who would pass it on
Making sure we didn’t
Pass anything on ourselves
Fourteen days later
We thought
We’re probably safe now
Safe to come out
Safe to mix with friends and family
Once again
But no
We’d b...
Monday 2nd March 2020 7:40 pm
Corona Virus
Corona Virus is sweeping causing panic and fear
Many lost to it now. It's in the uk it's starting here
Pray that a vacine can soon to found ?
Stop the corona in its tracks, don't hang around
China god bless you, so many you have been lost to it
Do something God, make it go, we don't need this sh..
Pray that is all any of us can do. Pray people won't you
Banish and stop...
Thursday 27th February 2020 3:16 pm
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