Broken hearts (Remove filter)
I can see it in your eyes
I can feel it in your soul
The path seems so confusing and you just don’t know
I tried to fight your battles
I tried to keep you safe
I tried to give you love but you just ran away
Then I opened my eyes and realized
The battle isn’t mine
So I closed my eyes with a broken heart and cried
And then I prayed to God that he shows you the way back ...
Thursday 4th June 2020 8:06 pm
Loving Me
Your heart beats fast
You’re love is so strong
I can hear it like beating drums
You love me even though I’m broken
You love me even though I’m weak
You’re love is unconditional to me
I fall on my knees crying, yelling , “God why do you love me!”
The voice whispers back to me, “ Because you are beautiful because I made you as a part of me!”
The light shines bright
Sunday 8th March 2020 4:32 pm
Back to square one
i told my self i am safe
I said I'm safe because I will not let my heart be broken
be taken
too soon spoken
here I am ..once again ..broken
I thought I was tough
I proved otherwise
from me to me
I appologise
I thought I was ahead
and I wouldn't fall in love
walk away I said
rise above
I knew you wern't for me
a future with you I couldn't see
I should not have sta...
Sunday 7th July 2019 7:22 pm
Words of You
Searching for you
You’re the word
On the tip of my tongue
- tip - tip – tick – tock
You’re the face on my clock
You’re the catch in my breath
Like if I was to cough
Words of you
Would just tumble out
Like if I was to shout
Words of you
Would just rumble out
You’re built into my skull
You’re the clutch over my brain
You’re running through my veins
...Monday 1st July 2019 1:27 pm
Through my bleeding heart I cry
My eyes only seeing red
Silent tingles through my body I see you
I see my once happiness through your eyes
My body begins to overheat
But then you speak
Your words feeling as a bandage taping up my heart
I see clarity
In order for me to reach normal temp again
I must forgive
Being angry you consume a lot of pain
So tomorrow I will he...
Tuesday 19th March 2019 12:20 pm
The Pale Rose (extract)
Her broken heart scatters like petals in the breeze
As shards they sought and collected by the lowly,
guarded in vessels of hope,
awaiting the hearts spring that it may bloom anew
Sunday 17th March 2019 6:42 pm
Forever Gone
the sun
With her wings.
A thousand times
He was never to be seen!!
Monday 10th September 2018 5:42 am
Millions of pieces lying around me
A deep gash slightly towards the left of my chest
I look up at the dark sky cursing Zeus
As toxic beads stream down my face
Another sharp stab to my chest when I hear her sob
Pouring out is black ichor
Call me a demon for shattering her heart
But for our best, I greased our beats
A couple of broken people
All of the gods above looking down at this ch...
Saturday 23rd June 2018 3:43 pm
I Wish
Sometimes I wish I didn't have a betrayed me one too many times... I love too deeply. And care too excessively... Then I hurt! And the hurt is like so many hurts I have endured...yet so unlike any... Each time it's new...somewhat unique in its anguish...lingering... Stalking me during the day...and as night falls so does my reserve... Proclaimed by the world as a 'strong woman' if only ...
Tuesday 20th March 2018 10:47 pm
The Last One
today we had a talk
and it seemed so long and higher than a hawk
it came crashing down so fast
i think my ode to you would be the last.
you have taught me a lot
of how to love again
to tell a lie and never get caught
to break free from my chains.
now that i am free
and you are not there
i go down on both knees
and at the empty wall i stare.
Wednesday 28th February 2018 5:22 am
Bad Luck With Love
{Bad Luck With Love}
He was my love that cought my ? heart by the thing's he would say and show me but now he faded away like our love never meant anything to him
But it did me for what it's worth now
I miss the longing of his voice saying I love you
But now my bed is cold on one side as I lay alone tonight writing this hoping one day it might find it's...
Saturday 2nd December 2017 10:00 am
doesn't really matter anymore
which one I follow
soul blinded my heart
cracks like a cello
my art melts
absently full
tipping flipping
upside down
and back in on itself
all the walls melt away
dreams obliterate my fate
with destiny I dance
take my chance
in the black of night
nobody ever
really holds your hand right.
I write every night
like it's...
Wednesday 11th October 2017 4:03 am
One Moment
I fell for you.
I loved you.
I opened my heart and soul to your infinite worlds of possibility.
I touched you.
I held you.
I felt safe and secure in the sacred silence of your arms.
But you were scared.
You were closed.
Meeting every tender word with thought rather than feeling.
You could have been the one,
But now you're just one moment.
Wednesday 4th October 2017 8:10 pm
It all felt like it happened yesterday
When you and I finally stayed away
I love you is an empty word we say
When we have no intention to stay
We never stopped trying
Keeping us from hurting
More than what is intended
From all the past lies
Beneath our shaking hands and hidden scars
Of broken promises and empty vows
Loaded guns that fires the bullet
To the st...
Tuesday 12th September 2017 4:45 am
Wicked Game
I lost
In the wicked game we played;
The distorted rules we make,
The empty words we say,
And the goodbyes in the end of May;
I lost
The lies of February's promise;
And the man I want to love.
Cruel honesty that got us in the beginning, and the only thing that's left for us in the end.
By June, a threat of winter's cold;
It wasn't even close to turn our hearts to stone
A teared ...
Monday 11th September 2017 4:25 pm
In the beginning
In the beginning he would wake at every peculiar sound that came from the babies crib
In the beginning he would bring me a beverage as I fed his son whilst the moon was dimly lit
In the beginning he would rush home from work eager to see the family he created
In the beginning we were the people whom he could be himself and escape with
In the beginning we were enough
He wou...
Tuesday 3rd January 2017 2:37 pm
Open Heart Surgery
Crack open my ribs
Pull out my heart and
While I gaze
In wonderment
Monday 18th January 2016 10:26 pm
The blade of lust cuts me deep, And u seem to like the sight of it, And nothing takes us by chance, Not even when I break and u just stand. Far off u see a pretty sight, You do everything and u slay me, But when u get there, All has gone to none, All was always dust. And now when u know u'll die, U run back. U touch. And u want our fire back, When nothing took us by chance, For a ...
Saturday 27th June 2015 7:52 am
Brittle Wings
This is the end of the Wings series, yes the Gods did play a cruel joke on both of us. We were incompatible. The lady flew back to Sweden and I moped for a week or two.
Too Brittle
Wings for me
Feather so light.
Too brittle
For my rough way.
Yours from art
Mine from the mountain.
Flying bird
Flying high.
You escape from
A love.
Escape you have
Love will search for anoth...
Thursday 12th December 2013 11:39 am
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