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" Hello moon," can you help heal this broken heart

Can you take away the pain of the one I've lost?

The waves crashed loud, my heart beat fast, tears fell down my cheeks as I cried,

"Hello moon" can you help heal this broken heart

Can you take away the pain of the one I've lost?

My feet touched the ocean waves as the moon shined bright on my teary face

I just want to let her go, ...

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brokenheart and soulLove lostlove passionobsessionlosssadnessmoonlgbt

Coming Back

Sweet love you got something i havent had before and im a lover you just cant ignore

Hold your hands and open doors

Amazing thats what you are in every tense of the world

You give me butterflies in the dead of winter 

And in the summer time i get flurries

Feeling the beaming of the sun hitting my face in the morning 

You sleeping to the beating of my chest 

Waking up to me car...

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Obsession (OCD)

O, they can drive us really mad - our peculiar obsessions.

Are you cleaning all the time or are you buying too many possessions?


Or perhaps you are being miserly and keeping all of your savings.

Or may be you need to do or see something in order to satisfy your cravings.


Is your obsession so odd that no one else can understand?

Has it taken such a hold that it is getting o...

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My Entity

Wherever I go,
there you are.

I see you
in stormy skies. 

I feel you
in twilight. 

I smell you 
among the pines.

I hear you 
whispering at night. 

I taste you  
in the words of every love poem. 

You are nowhere to be found,
yet always around.

My entity,
you are the part of me I long to set free.

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Words of You

Searching for you

You’re the word

On the tip of my tongue

- tip - tip – tick – tock

You’re the face on my clock


You’re the catch in my breath

Like if I was to cough

Words of you

Would just tumble out

Like if I was to shout

Words of you

Would just rumble out

You’re built into my skull

You’re the clutch over my brain

You’re running through my veins


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anxietyBroken heartsHeartbreakMoving forwardobsessionrelationship breakupSilencestruggleWorry


I will paint a picture
of my life with a border
a perfect picture of obsessive compulsive disorder
imagine inside a house  above a fire is a
framed painting
the painting is of a scene
inside a house with a painting on the wall
above the fire
and smaller again the painting on the painting
on the painting and it just gets smaller until it's a dot
A single dot left on the chalk board
the t...

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ocdaddiction obsessionobsession


Ah! I loved you!


Lost to your soul,

            I bared my heart


Within your mind

            I held my heart...


            as if all hearts sang with mine

                        as if all lips knew


I felt your blood pulse

            and heat my soul

            as your hair scourged my body


                        (Ah! I loved your hair!)


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loveobsessionpassionworshipdesirelove poemromancebody

Don't even blink

Inertia be damned.

Every time you look at me

It's been too long.

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I stare at your back, as if a portrait

hung to study. 
Bare, I stroke it where it is open as
you snore.
Touch freckles and moles with stealth. There,
I shut my eyes when you wake and sneeze,
I open them again when you fall back to sleep,
Watch as your lips gather the white
sticky dregs of the night,
I wish I could taste it.

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tallulah zeitlos

from now to then and back again

in time; to see

all promise of epiphany roll down between

the cracks that hold you in

such favoured light


your pictures beg to be inhaled

their snapped relief

and Dietrich air of futures trapped in avenues

of silvered shadows deftly

drawn of umber hued schönheit


© Paul Sands 2013

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Echo (aka In response to the infamous You Tube performance)

Do you realise what will be will always be

And do you realise what will never be the same

And do you realise what we were put here for

For some to give the glory

And others give the pain


I once had a friend

But I wanted more than friendship

Wanted more than he could give

I once had a love

though I wanted more than loving

Wanted more than just to liv...

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loveobsessionlove poetry

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