Manchester (Remove filter)
The Shout
The Shout
It has been long in the heart but -
never really noticed in the eye,
it has been a life long courtship that persists
it stays silent, quiet, unsaid and unrecognizable,
like a child you employ to do house cleaning on estates;-
‘every misunderstood wound has one, and all
are misunderstood wounds in Manchester -
Friday 23rd August 2024 12:25 am
Confluence Time
Welcome to Manchester;
To the Tóraidhe Party Confluence;
to the land in which
the pursuit of greater affluence on behalf of
the already obscenely affluent
results in vast quantities of verbal and physical effluent;
which will of course be removed
by United Futilities
who’ll dump it
on our land and in our streams;
a “service” paid for
by those who have next to no...
Wednesday 4th October 2023 12:14 pm
Often used as a fake New York city from 1920 but Manchester, you ain't fooling
The mucky Neo Roman columns built on hurt and hierarchy are testemant to lives,
lived in poverty.
Lowry could see, he correlated the city funnels with, human misery.
Here I sit, here I stare, at the weathered wealth of my city,
Old buildings are barely standing,
Outflanked by looming apartments,
But I'm ...
Saturday 30th January 2021 1:08 pm
Cats and Dogs
Heavens open up.
Cats and dogs cascading down.
People disappear.
My second crack at the Senryu poetry form. 3 non rhyming lines, 17 sylables arranged 5,7,5
Friday 27th September 2019 11:53 am
Unmasked - a snippet from Buzzin Bards Anthology
The following piece is a snippet from Buzzin Bards Manchester Poetry Anthology, submissions are still open at:
While you’re too busy being two-faced
I’ve got one face with many layers.
Take me at face value, or take a detour,
reforged, like Ant Man upon my deep pores.
Tryna get 1UP, that’s a weak score...
Friday 2nd August 2019 11:47 am
Mediocre Town
The dawn never breaks, the sun never sets.
Dirty grey brown sky is as good as it gets.
Malevolent and brooding it hangs like a veil.
Twenty-three feet above the Arndale.
Where uncouth youth roam in packs.
Their flint like scowls as keen as tacks.
Malice and boredom forged the frowns.
On the not so bright future of Mediocre Town.
But don’t be fooled, these kids are scho...
Wednesday 20th February 2019 12:36 am
Under August Skies
Under August Skies
We sat around the table Mam
but none of us got fed,
for the Corn Law has been biting
and we don’t have any bread.
The mill wheels have stopped turning,
so we haven’t any jobs
and we’re under-represented
by the parliamentary nobs.
So we gathered in the field Mam,
with our banners and our flags,
and the soldiers sat in lines
with their...
Sunday 19th August 2018 8:49 pm
Manchester to Me.
A new home to Grandparents, ‘immigrants’ from Eire
A sense of community and not “them from over there!”
Neighbours blurred into family, my Mum and my Dad,
Protective eyes everywhere, show the young good from bad,
Dirt, scuffs and laughs forge irreplaceable mates,
Arguments then make-ups with r’kid until late,
A house full at me mam’s for ‘community’ meals,
Irlam Rotary provided r’kids fir...
Monday 25th June 2018 1:11 pm
Sonnet M
Shall I compare thee to a Manchester summer’s day?
You’re a bit damp and soggy
I’d love to sit in your company
But the ground seems a little boggy
Outwardly bright, but temperamental
Presently fine, so I’ll risk it
As Carpe Diem is essential
Blink and you’ve missed it
But thou art as bright as a summer’s day
Through skies laden with smog
From Ancoats, Droysl...
Tuesday 30th January 2018 9:55 am
The Return of 7:22 (at 7:27 )
In their wool blend suits
And Primani boots
Crusaders on a mission
Like jockeys before the National
They jostle for position
As the 7:22 snakes into view
They anticipate her breaks
She grinds unto a squeaking halt
Before the incumbents make their escape
Hands in pockets lined in pockets
Aligned to the doors
They brace and embrace the putrid heat
Swim toward a ...
Thursday 4th January 2018 1:43 pm
My Cliche Rhyme
She started life as a Roman fort
And became a name synonymous with music and sport
Attracting the greats, the waifs and the strays
Providing a stage for the Babes and the raves
A settlement where three rivers meet
Where the Industrial Revolution rose to its feet
And jangly guitars discovered their beat
Where Emeline, bound, did us all proud
Where the Nazi’s dropped bombs and hatred to the ...
Wednesday 23rd August 2017 11:05 am
One Love
One people. One voice. One Love....
United as a city, we rise above the hate.
Because these are the bricks that we built.
A labour of love. And it’s the workers’ hands
That make them great.
From the beating heart of Albert Square,
The vessel of music takes us everywhere.
It owns a bucket hat and Adidas footwear.
You can feel it alive in the streets, in the air.
Indie music. Madchester. No...
Tuesday 23rd May 2017 10:46 pm
Referendum dum dum...
Referendum what a bore
The man in the street will still be poor
And the rich will be richer than before
The press will descend on Manchester
And what she declares the world will swallow
The public’s chance to change tomorrow
Leave or stay? Remain or exit?
United Europe? Or Sporting Brexit?
The lying deceitful corrupt elite
Boring yawning I’m snoring ...
Tuesday 21st June 2016 10:24 pm
3 Write
3Write is a new free monthly writing event at the heart of the local community in Ashton-under-Lyne. It takes place every first Saturday at Ashton Library starting at Noon on Saturday 5th March, and is open to people of all ages and abilities.
The premise is 3 themes per session, and 3 styles of writing per session. We then 3Write. With the growing spoken word scene in Tameside (with big p...
Monday 29th February 2016 4:59 pm
Floating in Space
I feel a bit cheeky advertising here, but one of the perils of self publishing is that if you don't take advantage of the internet, nobody will hear about your work; my book is now available as a kindle e-book or as a paperback.
Friday 23rd May 2014 5:33 pm
The Quiet Compere Tour 2014 Dates
The Quiet Compere Tour is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.
Manchester – The Three Minute Theatre - Friday 31st January 2014
York – The Cityscreen Basement Bar - Friday 28th February 2014
Birmingham – MAC Hexagon - Friday 21st March 2014
Kendal – Brewery Arts Centre - Saturday 26th April 2014
Liverpool – Blackburne House Café - Frid...
Monday 23rd December 2013 1:47 pm
Irregular Apocalypse
“Got 10p for a cup of tea?”
“If you show us where you can get one for that price,
I'll give you a quid”
He never did...
Irregular Apocalypse.
Lonely and irksome.
The bitter glow of jaundice
tears at society's rustic chains,
one tragedy at a time.
“The Freemasons took my children,
they took my baby.”
Now she's hopping magic buses,
...Thursday 4th April 2013 9:41 pm
What do you do with a drunk in GAY bar? - NaPoWriMo Day 3
What do you do with a drunk in GAY bar,
What do you do with a drunk in GAY bar,
What do you do with a drunk in GAY bar,
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning!
Tell 'im, “sorry, it's members only”,
Tell 'im, “sorry, it's members only”,
Tell 'im, “sorry, it's members only”,
Early i...
Thursday 4th April 2013 8:20 pm
Our Sanctuary
enchanting armies of harmony...Phalanxes of rhythmic phoenixes.......remixing life to art art to life dark to light death to is our sanctuary music is our life to art art to life the art of life is the heart of life...... lifes A cycle like sum hyped CD or 12 inch vinyl spiral tribes thrive.........revolutionary breath music’s vital enlightened or suicida...
Saturday 23rd March 2013 3:03 pm
Total Art
Total Art….he art...she art……soulful hearts… arms…….vocal craft…..motion dance…….oceans calm…………Notions of the dark….like Napoleon….blown apart……….focus sharp… opal vase……..golden mask……………ghosts of ones selves past……nations reincar…..woeful gasps…emotions scarred…..ter disa………. souls un-charred……wondering star…..melodious bars……opulent spark…….associate all parts…..ahh the holy who...
Thursday 14th February 2013 2:05 pm
A Crying Shame
Shame - the greatest shambles; a sham
sex and guilt, beauty and modesty; molest
pitted in the stomach like acid,
spat swallowed pity, feeding starvation, an unquenchable famish, unsensibly sore
malnourished habits die hard, and lonely, resentfully
twisting and turning and diving, deprived
Lies for eyes, for ears and the nose; twitch
flies on the flesh of ...
Friday 25th January 2013 5:48 pm
Berlin Tokyo War Hearts live poem set@isis levenshulme
Tuesday 26th June 2012 6:15 pm
Cheaper to Bang, a split ticket saga.
For those who don't know Bang Said The Gun is a hugely successful performance poetry event which has run in London for over 10 years. Just over a month ago an intrepid bunch of Mancunian poets attempted to transfer its uniquely rowdy weekly format to the North West. As one of the first poets to be invited to headline, what follows are the travails of an artist attempting to keep down travel...
Saturday 9th June 2012 8:42 am
Gerry Potter interviewed by Dominic Berry about 'THE MEN POMES'
'The Men Pomes' by Gerry Potter
8pm, 29.2.12 - 3.3.12
Studio Salford, Kings' Arms, 11 Bloom Street, Salford £7 / 5
Tickets can be bought on the night at the door or bought online
Creator of Chloe Poems and writer of smash hit play 'Miracle', Ge...
Tuesday 24th January 2012 3:32 pm
Pretty Homeless
Pretty homeless.
Her caramel complexion told not the stories she did not tell,
Nor did I ask.
No bucked teeth,
No smack-banged jitters
mixed with incoherent stutters...
but beauty in the most surprising of places.
Piccadilly Gardens on a sunny Mancunian afternoon
the busy city stands in shock
at the thought that anything can happen.
Without the badge such beauty...
Saturday 15th October 2011 11:43 pm
in the crepuscular wash of sodden November
ambiguous buildings in damp lethargy
lean over militant shoulders
umbrella bonneted
cast eyes glare pavement blinded
pragmatic heels bark through pools
dogged determination
crammed trams and insular buses
wheels hissing
Friday 25th February 2011 3:58 pm
Detective Novel
There was nobody else here
the body said
without leaving any clues
like a detective novel would.
There was no cold murder
with the thrust of
a steel knife
and no silent voilence
that stung in the night.
This body lay there un-found
with a zen like silence
for long than it could remember
staring at the moon-light
the sun-light
and then the moon-light again
Sunday 14th February 2010 12:52 pm
Recent Comments
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