Bliss (Remove filter)
his scar garden
it is in the safety of the charred night,
one whose stars have been hand plucked
from the sky,
that I observe myself
in an infinite bliss.
the cosmos purr this sacred psalm of wonder,
this fresh breath of a new love
spilling from my lips
sets fog from core.
I thrust myself to the sky
time and time again,
and time again.
this precious consequence
leaves me
numb and hungry
for an...
Wednesday 21st August 2024 4:46 pm
you know the bliss of evil
i've seen the smallest, tall creatures be eaten alive from the inside.
a quick glance to the left and under the bed will tell you all you need to know.
the festering, rotten bed frame.
assembled by the very thing that chained me onto it for years.
but when i finally broke my own chords, vocal and the ones restraining,
another creature crawled from under the bed and took my place.
...Wednesday 8th June 2022 10:10 pm
Anxious Ground
this bizarre plea for that dystopia
dug here with slumber
which might sleep for friendship.
maybe creep and demise passing,
a prayer and an assembly,
me and God in his chamber,
a euphoric chalice
that grasps a spade to dig
but who am I to find such bliss in the anxious ground?
I take a spade and dig
but who am I to find such bliss in the anxious ground?
Friday 24th July 2020 6:52 pm
Moral Abyss
Meet me in the
moral abyss,
the interwebs
of eternal bliss,
where we will
confirm our love
with a virtual kiss.
Saturday 11th May 2019 7:51 pm
Have a goodnight,
Everything would be alright,
No matter the life situation, be little or a might,
Future would be like a shining star - very bright,
Like the dark black space, illuminated by a tiny powerful light (white),
When the mind is heavy, have a deep breathe N Smile to make mind a bit light,
Among the Mind's Right or Wrongs Fight,
With ...
Friday 9th November 2018 4:01 am
The Season of cleanse
I hear the pitter patter outside my window
So soothing and melodic to my ears now
The rain outside is pouring down
Creating a melodic soothing sound
I again start to finally breathe
As this cleansing process sets me free
The noise it makes charms me
Often helping me see clearly
I long for Autumn to soon come around
It's the rainy season, I have found
The water trickling from the sky
Saturday 8th September 2018 11:20 am
Dream State of Mind
Dream State Of Mind
Maybe this is a dream
All I know is I don't wanna go back to reality
A cotton-candy blue and pink sunrise, a beautiful color scheme
Everything's sweeter here, I'm oblivious to my problems and I'm carefree
Laying under a bridge, graffiti tags, remnants of troubled soul's past, lit by a sunbeam
In front of me, I see water blue as the baltic sea
Breathing the air warms my...
Monday 5th December 2016 7:36 pm
Horrible Bliss
Very surely I’ve been remiss
To imagine you, darling, like this!
Oh, the melded hours have cruelly conspired
To strand me in ecstasies of longing—which I so desired!—
To abandon me to oceans of thoughts of your kiss—
It’s a breathless caress, plunged in the shuddering abyss;
Oh, darling, what bitter elation—what horrible bliss!
I’ve made lists which contain nothing but your name!
And of ...
Tuesday 22nd November 2016 4:08 am
blissfully shut
Never sure what to expect.
Never quite aware.
It has been eons and we are still here,
Like nothing ever happened.
With eyes blissfully shut,
We lie
And the ritual keeps on.
The soul shines on within,
The flesh is wearing thin.
It's crumbling.
Where there is no love,
There mustn't be life.
But then,
What is this weird dream I am in?
Thursday 14th April 2016 5:58 pm
Eternal Moment
A sky for a blanket .
Blue and light blue, grey and dark grey.
Clouds as moths wavering to and afar,
Circling natures son in the cradled hood.
Ah! Let my breath catch this beauteous scene
Could I escape from you?
I hold my breath to capture this moment
None would need nepenthe.
This slumber of nature has made me hold my breat...
Wednesday 3rd September 2014 1:57 pm
Typical Day
Staring out of window
admiring nature’s awe
Picture full of perfection
sans single evident flaw
Indolent tepid sunshine
streaks daubed with gold
As if time has stood still
to treasure and behold
A lone cloud high above
seemingly gone astray
Wending its way towards
blurred horizon far away
The trees swaying gently
with gusts of ...
Thursday 3rd April 2014 7:14 am
Soft Summer Reverie
Tuesday 8th January 2013 12:42 am
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