The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

you know the bliss of evil

i've seen the smallest, tall creatures be eaten alive from the inside.

a quick glance to the left and under the bed will tell you all you need to know. 

the festering, rotten bed frame.

assembled by the very thing that chained me onto it for years.

but when i finally broke my own chords, vocal and the ones restraining,

another creature crawled from under the bed and took my place. 

they put rats and worms and bugs into its mouth. 

 i wept for the poor, broken creature. 

its silken skin yellowed, its locks spiralled from the head full of forbidden fruit. 

its slender frame growing ever frail.

hurled were phrases of betrayal, a knife in my back thus making me turn it on them, 

prodded a thing not so unlike our capture to spill from me.

it had eight legs and eight arms and a thousand mouths.

a mossy mound had grown around the knife in my back.

like arthur, i pulled it from within me.

to double over as you fight a battle uninitiated by you,

yet one that only and completely depends on your strength.

the knife broke the air, and killed the sixteen limbed monster, 

its toungue, razor sharp and inches away from the creature. 

the creatures bonds are yet unbroken, 

and will remain frozen in time. 





poetrypoempoetprosestoryshort storyfictionfantasyteensadsad storybasedhorrorevilbliss

◄ an ode to Nancy

girls and their nonsense. ►


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