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Graham Sherwood on Forgive, Not Forget
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K. Lynn on We Rise
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branwell kent on Bill
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John Coopey on MY MAN
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Stephen Gospage on We Rise
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Stephen Gospage on Tits
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10 hours ago

The Fury of the Fragile

In The Fury of the Fragile, the clash between compassion and cruelty takes center stage. Inspired by Rev. Megan Budde’s call for mercy and Donald Trump’s harsh dismissal of it, this poem wants to explore the tension between empathy and rage. It paints a portrait of a leader who wields words as weapons but crumbles when confronted with the very kindness he scorns.

Budde called for mercy, kindn...

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empathy vs. rageBuddeTrumpcompassionresistancecourage

The Price of Submission

This poem tries to explore the personal and societal consequences of living under a prospecitve dictatorship, where the truth is silenced, and freedom of the press is crushed. Through the fate of figures like Jim Acosta, the poem reflects on the heavy price of speaking out against tyranny and the loss of voice in a world where obedience reigns. A stark warning of what happens when dissent is erase...

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dictatorshipfreedom of the pressdissentAcostacensorshiptyrannysilencelossresistanceoppressionmedia manipulationfreedom of speechauthoritarianismtruth

Silent Witness

A haunting reflection on complicity and silence, Silent Witness tries to capture the slow erosion of solidarity in the face of oppression. With each passing stanza, the weight of inaction grows heavier—until it is too late.

They came in the night, but I turned away,
Not my fight, not my place to say.

One by one, they vanished unseen,
Yet I stood still, my hands kept clean.

When the knoc...

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Puppets of Greed

This poem critiques a presidency shaped by selfishness, revenge, and the influence of tech billionaires like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos et al. Rather than adhering to constitutional values, Trump’s cabinet is filled not only with power-hungry opportunists and morons seeking their own gain, but also with those who are completely devoted to him—almost god-like in their loyalty. These ind...

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TrumppoliticsgreedbillionairesSilicon ValleyMuskZuckerbergBezosmedia controlloyaltydevotionjusticedemocracyresistance

The Chokehold of Two Tyrants!

As Donald Trump returns to the White House once more in exactly 8 days, his alliance with Elon Musk and authoritarian tactics signal a dangerous reshaping of global power. With threats of tariffs, sanctions, and intimidation, Trump wants to force nations into compliance, from Canada to Europe, while pursuing his boldest ambition yet—annexing or buying Greenland. His reign will be marked by empty p...

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TrumpMuskCanadaGreenlandPanamaauthoritarianismglobal powersanctionstariffsresistancepolitical coerciontyrannyworld backlashglobal instabilitygeopolitical tensionpower struggle

Trump’s Caesarian Megalomania

In a world teetering on the brink of geopolitical upheaval, the specter of Trump’s "Caesarian Megalomania" looms large. This poem explores the audacious ambitions of a leader seeking to claim sovereignty over Greenland, Panama, and even Canada, driven by an insatiable thirst for control. A call to arms against unchecked power, it challenges the very essence of freedom and unity in a world that mus...

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Trumpmegalomaniageopolitical conflictsovereigntyGreenlandPanama CanalCanadaterritorial expansionpowerunityresistanceworld peaceinternational lawmilitary threatsglobal politicsCæsarismambitiondystopia

Wang’s Dīngzihù*

In Wang's Dīngzihù*, the poem explores the unyielding defiance of a man who refuses to let go of his home in the face of relentless urban development. Wang’s small "nail"house becomes a symbol of resistance, standing firm against powerful tycoons and the machinery of progress. As legal battles and societal pressures mount, Wang’s fight is not just for his land, but for his identity and legacy. It ...

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resistancedefiancelegacyprideheritagenail houseurban developmentresiliencestruggle

The Gilded Fist of Greed

The Gilded Fist of Greed is a call to awaken from the suffocating grip of wealth and power. This poem tries to unveil the stark reality of a world held hostage by the few like Musk, Zuckerberg or Bezos et al., as they manipulate nations, control media, and plunder the earth. It warns of the destructive consequences of unchecked greed and the looming threat of totalitarian dominance. Yet, in its co...

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greedpowermanipulationfake newscorruptioninequalityrevolutionjusticeclimate crisismedia controlfreedomresistancewealthoppressiontyrannysocial changecollective action

Voices For The Just

The tide is rising with corrosive lies,

Where ignorance and rage entwine in dark disguise.

Unmoored from truth, they shout and blind the mind,

And reason, silenced, falters, left behind.


Young hearts, unshielded, gripped by twisted creed,

Through platforms pulsing with a poisoned feed,

Fall prey to rhetoric of scorn and spite,

As venom fills the streams and taints the nig...

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democracysocial justiceresistancepolitical awarenesscivic engagement

Resistant News

Written in March 2022 in response to Simon Armitage's 'Resistance'

We watch

                      the News


                to comprehend

the horror that is war:

we see

destruction... death... weeping...

children who do not understand

      held in the arms of mothers

                who do not understand




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war poetryUkraineresistancerussia

Music in me.

Music floats
Through my veins,
Brings me back to
What I am.
I sing and sing again
To kill the silence outside.
My songs, directly from my heart,
My hard chords,
A resistance
Of all what's forbidden.
My passion resists
In the middle of sounds
And chaos.

©️ By Magical whispers 

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Corona virusSilencemusichealthresistanceforbiddencancelledmusicianfeelings

Rose Colored Reality

Too much reality 
can burn a hole
through your soul.

I prefer to temper it
with rose colored glasses,
as you know.

With my glasses on
I can see past the ego
to the wounds at
war within.

I can see that the
past, present, and
future are all 
an illusion...

created for one purpose

to tell the story
of how we want to 
show up in this world. 

I can see beyond 

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despairdestinydivisionegofatefuturelifelovepastpresentpurposerealityresistancerose colored glassesrosessoulstorystorytelling




I’m tougher than a brave marine,

in hard-worn battle gear,

all decked out in camouflage.

There’s nothing that I fear.

You may have taken all my mates,

but they were old and weak,

you’ve never met a foe like me -

I’m tough as fucking teak.


I laugh at all your vain attempts

to seek out and destroy,

for when I’m in my element


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domestosgermskilling 99.9%resistancecleaningbugs

Each Branch I Snap


each branch I snap spills
accusations of every broken neck I ever wished
so out of politeness I bow my head
to show the dotted line,
the hemp tattooed severance knot;
that grace, which allows my hands
such time to forsake the face
of saved history
when everyday swings
the way of an ending that wont be changed
the grass, as always, redder
on that...

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Moving onregretageingmissed opportunitiesbitternessmaliceresignationresistancejealousy

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