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relationship breakup (Remove filter)

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I thank you for not being good enough

You pulled me into your orbit

when I needed your help

and so, I made you my centre 

to centre myself


That was my first mistake


I looked inside you

for places where I could hide

I hoped to run from reality

into the delusions of your mind

I was happy to believe you were one of a kind

chuffed upon chuffed that you were mine

and I felt adored

grateful to m...

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healingnarcissistnarcissismrelationship breakupReflectiongrowthidentityneedsHeartbreakmoving onself esteemself worthself workbreaking freeselfhoodindependence

A chink in the armour

I think I found the chink in the armour,

I think I found your disguise,

I think I found what lies beneath,

The true character behind those eyes.


A slip of the tongue whets truth’s cruel form,

And shows me what had yet been unseen,

The wrong choice of word, adjective, verb,

Makes dirty what once had shone clean.


And with that mistake, a whole character shifts,


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loveloverslossrelationship breakuppainmemory

The Boy Who Never Wanted To Grow Up



You won’t go to therapy 

Your clothes everywhere

It is because your Daddy never cared?


Run away from your problems

Change friends all the time 

Is that why you smoke weed all the time?


Sheets unwashed 

And wine every day 

No wonder you pushed all your friends away 


Video games are a way of life 

Abandoning problems

like it depends on...

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breakupgriefHeartbreakheartbrokenrelationship breakup

Tips for a clean breakup



First, fumigate

Your cell walls fresh-free

of their love.





poison barbed

bitter nothings

must be dumbly plucked from each pink pore,

thrown to landfill,

labelled 'Hazardous biowaste, may cause hideous burns'.


Third, make re-chaste your newly bleach-scoured bone and blotted clean flesh 

with a sore blessing of Domestos and clov...

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breakupcleaningheartbreakheartbrokenloverecoveryrelationship breakup

Closure (My Dear John Letter)

Toxicity in human form
Your rage issues are crazy 
No ambition, degenerate bitch
Inconsiderate, ridiculously lazy

I’m sure you can’t stand the fact
I’m describing you with such candor
We lasted for 3 months what can I say
I must have lowered my standards 

Up my ass, go through my things
Nosy and super possessive
A wolf in sheep’s clothing, angry, jealous
A fraud, fake and obsessive


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relationship breakupaftermathex boyfriendclosure


You lie awake in bed with your eyes swollen from the tears and the pain

Wondering why you deserve to hurt

You play back scenes in your head thinking , " Was it all fake!"

The smiles, the love, the times we laid together in bed, talking about children, and houses by the lake

You close your eyes and tears fall down your face and you cry to God , " Please, please make it all go away!"


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paindreamsheartbrokenGodfaithfakefeelingsrelationship breakup

I Love Me

The words you said made me realize it's all done

I cried, yelled, and wallowed in self pity

Then I showered

Did my hair

Put on clothes and said  , "That is it girl get it together!"

I said, " That is it girl look at that mirror!"


I said , "I love me!"

"I love me!"


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self-loverelationship breakupcouragestrengthsadnesslove

Words of You

Searching for you

You’re the word

On the tip of my tongue

- tip - tip – tick – tock

You’re the face on my clock


You’re the catch in my breath

Like if I was to cough

Words of you

Would just tumble out

Like if I was to shout

Words of you

Would just rumble out

You’re built into my skull

You’re the clutch over my brain

You’re running through my veins


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anxietyBroken heartsHeartbreakMoving forwardobsessionrelationship breakupSilencestruggleWorry


A perfect match - strike anywhere.

A perfect love - what happened there?

I walked away without a care,

but turned and tripped on your last stare.

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heartacheHeartbreakloverelationship breakup

Category 5

When I think of you, I am flooded with a million emotions
A wave
A wave so big it could take out the world
My world 
And that it did
I haven’t been the same since I met you. 
I’m part to blame for that
You are quick on your feet
Charming, witty, and handsome
Oh so handsome
I opened the flood gates 
I welcomed in the storm
The perfect storm that you are 
But little did i know it was hu...

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damagedloverelationship breakup


I try to ignore the gaps between us

But I fail miserably

This vacuum too huge and anti-gravity everywhere

When I'm rooted you're soaring

I would be lying if I say it didn't hurt

Cause it hurts like daggers to my heart

We may have our differences

But in the end it's hard to say goodbye

Spaces between us, grins before

Now forced smiles and chuckles

Hoping for the best i...

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relationship breakuplove



never seem
to learn
same old
each time
we speak
tear off
another piece
keep pulling
at threads
unable to
stitch back
was a
completely worn
that much
is true
hard to
this blanket
over me
not easy
to quit
quilt that
i knit
bed we made
no longer fits it
in the

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relationship breakup

I have a letter from you

I have:

a letter from you. It is typed,

in Times New Roman, font 12.

Your way of saying goodbye.

I never got to say anything back.

Face to face,

we only knew how to laugh

at each other. No point in being serious,

it can’t be serious.

I read it once and never again

because I know exactly what you mean

when you say it’s like leaping back into a hedge of thorns.


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lossrelationship breakup

The Reunion

Saw you again

over the wine and canapés,

and it was as though you

were dead to me all over again.

Your shining eyes were locked

with some other bloke’s and I

thought, ‘Shite, not again.’


Except there is no again,

and it’s my well-crafted lie

to believe that you were alive

to me. Then you came over and said ‘Hi’;

I echoed the same, lamely,

and you said how g...

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relationship breakupdinner partylove and romanceanti-romancebitterness




I relish the darkness of the night,

Its cloying blackness like a friend

who will not leave you till the end

and walks behind you, out of sight.


The solemn fading of the light

covers the cracks that will not mend.

I relish the darkness of the night,

it’s cloying blackness like a friend.


My life was always fresh and bright,

a silver sixpence, yet to...

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bankruptbrokerelationship breakuprondel


The heat of a sultry summers day

and the news wasn’t good,

you were going away.


Vow’s made by the lovers brook

are just trickling memories

of a love that you took.


A heart that once was full of life

is now but an empty shell

on the edge of a knife.


A vignette, closing in on a world,

as into the deep dark abyss

my mind was hurled.


Dreams and g...

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Broken Dreams


It was unexpected,
that morning when you left.
The sun shone strongly
through the pane,
my pain shattering the silence
of the emptiness you dropped me in,
A morning moon still in
the sky would not let me rest
from the ignorance
of last night,
false bliss, false peace
as you slept and lied your love upon
my breast.

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broken dreamslove poetrylove poemsdianna hardypoetry 2010sad poemssad poetryrelationship breakup

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