broke (Remove filter)
A tale of a boy who lived by destruction
New toys at Christmas they'd break when he'd touch them
If the label said keep dry then no doubt it got wet
He scratched dvds and danced on his train set
He'd climb any height to get were was needed
Danger keep out but this boy proceeded
If he couldn't go through it he went over or under
Mayhem on school trips made sun turn ...
Thursday 24th August 2023 2:31 pm
Either to swear, or not
The lies are a bad spot
Thanks, but thanks a lot
For your unfaithful effort
Isabella, remember, again
That love has fall in a drain
Not only nothing to gain
But also broke the brain
You believe all what you say
As a role of a daily play
Surely, will see some day
How much of love you deny
Wednesday 13th February 2019 3:31 pm
Rough Patches
You told me cared,
I saw that you did,
Your trapped in your mind
and so I hid.
I see pain in your eyes
they are so dark for me.
I want to shine light on you
but you wont let yourself be free.
It hurts me darling ,
when there's rough patches on your skin,
because I've seen you soft,
and that feeling brought me in.
I love you.. darling
Friday 2nd March 2018 2:15 am
I relish the darkness of the night,
Its cloying blackness like a friend
who will not leave you till the end
and walks behind you, out of sight.
The solemn fading of the light
covers the cracks that will not mend.
I relish the darkness of the night,
it’s cloying blackness like a friend.
My life was always fresh and bright,
a silver sixpence, yet to...
Sunday 6th December 2015 12:43 pm
You took my Heart
You took my heart
and held it your arms.
You took my heart
and guard it with your soul.
You took my heart
and filled it with love.
You took my heart
and showed me how to love,
and how it feels to be loved,
but just like that
you tore my heart into pieces.
You took my once empty heart
and filled it love.
Then in a blink of an eye
you destroyed it.
Making my heart
an empty pl...
Wednesday 22nd October 2014 2:47 am
Cheap Whore
Cheap Whore
I don’t cost very much,
virtually giving it away
you like to watch and listen
but you don’t like to pay
I keep you entertained
turning inventive tricks
arousing you all night
giving you your kicks
you like it when I’m oral
you like to feel my pain
you like the kick and twist of it
again again again
I try to sell you add-ons
but you won’t buy my wares
I’ve given you a p...
Thursday 23rd January 2014 7:27 pm
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