The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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End Of The Line

There’s a purpose in the way that it goes.

There’s a reason why things will be fine.

But we tend to only figure it out…

when we come to the end of the line.

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purposepurpose of lifeopening your eyes to see

One Change

I wish I could teach the world one simple thing,

then pray that they grasp it and start following.


Because it would change every outcome to be,

dispel all the darkness and set the soul free.


‘Twould make everything we do under the sun

a pure joy to do just because of this one


simple change that has nothing to do with the things

that we spend our time doing,...

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The Question

Depression and heartache and yearning -

common throughout all the years,

general amongst all the masses,

driven by so many fears.


It’s truly the struggle of ages,

despite born of mansion or cave.

Is life the thing that you’re living,

or is it life that you crave?


It's tied to a question so simple -

just what do you live your life for?

Do you live to live in ...

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Snow Day

The lowest point found me
shivering in a filthy kitchen
The second day of January

I'd walked away from my old life
a lover, a home, a decade of meaning
all stripped and left upstream

The blue mind and splintered heart
of a thousand Christmas drinks
conspired behind my leaky eyes

No friends around, no work in front of me
The year loomed huge and empty
a vast and frozen lake of days


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lowest pointsnowpurpose


We go through life trying to fulfill

By feeling full

It’s easy to live in comfort and abundance

But maybe you drown,

Don’t live

And you just exist

Strip away luxury…

Could you be with just yourself,

And basic needs?

With only your thoughts for company?

Because we go through life trying to fulfill

By feeling full

We consume with our mouths

Pack, squeeze, cram...

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fullconsumptioneathappinessmeaning of lifeconsciousnessvibrationforwardshopegrowmodernitypostmodernmediasaturationculturewestern worldidentityfeelemotionsin touchconnectedpurposenumbsociety

Young Family In The Sunshine

Over by the river, a young family
painted by the sunshine
So comfortable in their skin
so happy
Little baby, beautiful mother
loving father

Pulling silly faces
the three of them 
He looks strong and clear minded
by the truth of honest purpose

Life seems simple, warm
they wear their love 
like a tattoo
Working together
to overcome the daily challenges


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Haiku #10 2021


Spring fluffs fall like snow
"all is lost; our end is mud"
but wake up a tree





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Praise The Dreamers

Give Praise to the world,
To all those who'd been here before
Who made this world so much more
Than it had been.

For each tiny change, 
If it took years, months or days, 
Was all part of the way
From nothing to everything,

So let's Give Praise to the world,
To all those who'd been here before
And maybe do one thing more
Because we share their dream

To make this world a better pla...

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We are at peace
when we stop wanting
We are happy
when we accept ourselves

Maybe we went wrong
when we thought we should be trying
to achieve anything else.

No doubt
there are many people hurting
And we hear about
many people getting hurt

Maybe we went wrong
when we thought life had a purpose
to struggle for.

Or is it life
can't contain true peace and happiness
Or not unles...

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meditationinner peacehappinessself-acceptancepurposepeace

Rhyme & Reason


Right here, right now
is how & what, & where,
to be--
for nowhere else
has the key;
could it ever be?

This is it,
of a timeless Rhyme
set in space--
atomic time.

Anomaly or intention?
Accident or invention?
Stop-- and check-in--
since this is the occasion
to lose--or to find,
a flowing mind.



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purposerhyme royal

Just A Feeling

There is no winning or losing possible
Only what we let go of and what we keep,
Because we don't know the final outcome
Or the purpose of anything.

And positivity and negativity are as good as each other
When nothing much matters,
So it all comes down to not what we want to be or have
But what we want to feel.

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balancemeditationpath of lifepower of mindpurposesuccessvictoryshort poem

Poetry As A Means Of Meditation

You'd be surprised how rarely we think
About what we want to say.

This world barely gives the time
To do more than think
We are thinking, 

Not the everyday chatter,
Though even that sometimes slips out

It is our inner message to the world,
Our message to ourselves
That we neglect.

Whereas, a blank page challenges the poet
To do more than merely spill the sou...

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meditationpoems about poetrymessagepurposethink!

Oh My Soul

Oh my soul must have dropped litter in heaven
Here in earth, on Earth, on earth I am bound.

Oh my soul,
Why did you drop litter in heaven?
Now on earth, with earth, by earth I am ground.

Oh my soul
Rise, strive, and soar to heaven
Redeemed, relieved, rebound.

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The center of everything, in the middle of nowhere






the midpoint of the universe,

the center of everything

in the middle of nowhere

that’s you


space is infinite all around

think about it

your thoughts chase

the ever-extending boundaries

with the speed of light

but the limits are impossible to find

they are set by your mind


no need to be a scientist

to know, what can't be known


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If you could compare my soul to anything in nature

I’d say it‘s like a thunderstorm

people have mixed feelings about it

there are positive and negative feelings involved

some fear it for its destructive potential

some admire the lightning show


tension holds it together

that it’s trying to release

an inner state of unease

it’s contrary in all of its parts

the heat...

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Inner StrugglePurposesoulthunder

Garden Greed

The rose recognizes the beauty of the sunflower, all the while self-assured in her own. She does not envy the golden beauty for her appeal to you


She knows better - she has guarded her stem from the likes of your fingers and the fingers of those before you, and the ones that will come after


She knows that while you, selfishly and ignorantly, believe the garden to be created for you...

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gardengreedroserosessunflowerbeautyself esteemSelf-WorthPurposecreatecreationgrowthwomanwomenwomens rightswomans issuesfeministfeminism

Spectator? Participator? Instigator?

The old man sat on the terrace his eyes closed. The throbbing purr of the mini-digger sounded like some very large, contented lion. Rob the driver was telling Jake the plumber, who was in the trench, to saw through the large root from the acacia tree that was stopping the digger scooping out more trench. The old man opened his eyes and saw his friend Dave, owner of terrace and trench, holding out ...

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My car stands motionless in the drive-way
but I still don't have my licence
That guitar stays propped against its amp
but I don't know a single chord
and my lover, she lies there in the bedroom

My chess set collects dust in the fire grate
but I don't know what the rules are
That fishing rod looms above the bait box
but I don't have the technique
and my lover, she lies there in t...

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purposedistractionshobbiesend of relationship

Rose Colored Reality

Too much reality 
can burn a hole
through your soul.

I prefer to temper it
with rose colored glasses,
as you know.

With my glasses on
I can see past the ego
to the wounds at
war within.

I can see that the
past, present, and
future are all 
an illusion...

created for one purpose

to tell the story
of how we want to 
show up in this world. 

I can see beyond 

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despairdestinydivisionegofatefuturelifelovepastpresentpurposerealityresistancerose colored glassesrosessoulstorystorytelling

A New Riddle of Cosmology

An explosion beyond comprehension sent all

The ingredients of the cosmos careening through the void.

Light, matter, and energy diffused chaotically,

Taking billions of years (as we now know them)

To fall into some kind of order, to establish

Some vaguely predictable interactions of

Cosmic proportion. Somehow, trillions of

Particles began to cooperate to form

Molecules of ca...

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What Does It All Mean?

Live life today,
Like there's no tomorrow,
So forget about the pain,
And embrace the sorrow,
Life is a struggle,
That we all go through,
Searching for deeper meaning,
And contemplating whats true,
Beauty and complexity,
A trip through the divine,
It can't be mere coincidence,
It was done by design,
At first we are taught this is it,
The material is all that's there,
Then what is my p...

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This piece comes from an exhibition of the work of celebrated Australian artist and sculptor Brett Whiteley. Parts of his enormous masterwork "Alchemy" can be found on the cover artwork of Dire Straits' album of the same name. A long-term drug user, he died in 1992 from a heroin overdose.



A metaphor for clear technique,

the Gallery (patrolled, secure,

well-scrubbed, ...

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Let Not Distraction Keep You!

Let not distraction keep you!


When The Drama of the perfume Fades

The Tossing Tousled hair parades

Settle in a lazy muse and the moon no longer lingers,


When the mystery seems tired as the night turns day,

The conversation feels hired as the wine wears away,


When reality strings together like a cellists’ tune,

Awaking your longing for a richer room

Be the see...

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alcoholdistractiondreamsdrugsfulfillmentPurposewaited lives

A Noun in White Open Space

A noun all alone in the white open space is at risk,

if it doesn't know its own definition or purpose.

Without knowing its identity, this noun may search for a verb.

Once it finds this verb, it may begin to become active.

After it is active, it may come to dwell upon passive.

Should this be the case, it may call itself just a subordinate clause.

Still without the sense of cause, ...

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purposedecisions makingself reflectionidentityself-esteemself discoverynoun in white open space


She, born of the forge and cast from the pyre,
The fire of her birth soon vanished to iron,
Cold and lifeless, but still with a purpose
And then, from the worthless womb of coals
She falls.

Her sisters, countless in their tumble
Collide and stumble to the four corners
Of the earth.  Rapidly consumed
Exhumed for a thousand years
Or perhaps two…

Here she, in the wood of ...

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