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Flyntland on CORRA
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Flyntland on CORRA
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Flyntland on CORRA
16 minutes ago

Hélène on not to the swift
1 hour ago

Hélène on CORRA
1 hour ago

David RL Moore on Of sorrowful songs there is no fear
5 hours ago

David RL Moore on CORRA
5 hours ago

David RL Moore on Tits
5 hours ago

Mike McPeek on not to the swift
13 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on Tits
15 hours ago

i hate this empty house (10/24/2024)

i hate this empty house. 

beneath every floorboard,
a void
a yaw of wretched midnight 
clawing footsteps, pacing
and pacing
echoes banging
barbed and noosed
by nothing 

and the only thing louder 
than the bathroom fan I never turn off
than the drip of a sink, the tick of the gas stove
than the sleepless train yards and slick black streets
than the desperate, hollow orgasms in a co...

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you were okay with that . (it's just a shower) 12/19/2023

by the flicker of my spark
by the cooling coals
beneath the hearth
by eyelids,
flittering then frozen still
where the snowflakes fall, today
where the Ash tomorrow will
our snuffed will lay to rest
a sediment of misspent youths
the rest will weigh fate's dander
o'er paths of long forgotten truths

brights buried
in moonlight
in alien sun in long-tread lost ways tr...

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didn'tidoitforyouthisdoesntfeellikelove. i know better nowdon't i?

through a windshield (11-25-2023)


thru all the glue

filn history's glossy cracks

and all the pines

from wane to wax

we were(are, perhaps)

moonrise bent

lain with backs

pressed on tarmac

slid red, long

longer than we thought possible.

dream-licked heads

shattered and spread :

painted lines on painted lines


painted lines

down along this serpentine road.

without a motion ...

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soft; Amelia Earhardt 0837 (11/12/2023)

lain in, thinking about 

the soft roll of hair and 
gentle exhales and 
soft, pressing folds 
filled with tiny collapsing sounds
sighs, held on high
near imperceptible if not uttered 
and deep down 
and deep down
and deep down 
like the brush
of my bones
where all the gaps between could disappear 
where we don't need to know where one begins
or the other ends

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The haunting of a broken tap: drip, drop

The thirst after the sun: drink, gulp

She never said a lot, gargling girl

Sliding in and out of my body

Helping me breathe, walk, talk

That was why I swam

It was water

Brought me alive floating out to No Man’s

Diving down to skim the sand

It was water

Wanted it, always had it, but could never catch it.

It was water


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waterwavesinsipiddriptransparentintangiblewomenloveidentitymyselfgirlwomanmonologueyouIexistentialconfusedswimdreamabsurdeclipsesecond selfshadowshadow selfanalysisreflectself awareness

I Am Whatever You Want Me To Be

I sliced the sun into two

And looted shimmering bars of gold

Which lined her womb, 

Her beloved broods I stole. 


I plucked the sturdiest mountains, 

The choicest adornments on the face of the globe. 

All it took were my hands, raw and unrestrained, 

Their maimed rubbles now abuse those they adore.


I remember the sea that like Moses I parted

And the ocean floor ...

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devilevilfateGodhopehumaninaturePandora's BoxPoetry

Random Hero

The only person who can save me

is me

A Random Hero wont set me free

Violets are blue

Its time for you to save you

Mentalities can't fly

Yours wont admit defeat

Not that I ever wanted you to lose

But, my grasp is still so weak


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Answer to a Prayer

I was kind of hoping,
That you would come along,
Like the answer to a prayer,
And the music to a song.

Like the kind of thing that happens,
At a special place and time,
That will change our lives forever,
Like a fantasy of mine.

The fantasy was there before,
I ever knew your name,
And now that I have found you,
We will never be the same.

So, pardon, if I look at you,
Forgive me ...

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Punch Line

Leapt about

nothing fits.

Dressed quickly

dashed out.

Friend upset

Whats up?

Falling face

cloudy frown.

Urgently needed

cheerful clown.

Suspected breakdown

teardrops due.

Seriously suicidal

life saver.

Corny joke

nervously told.

Simple smile

punch line.

Laughter bursts

depression cured.

Eyebrows raised

Asking why?

Zip undone


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So Why do I Write













So why do I write?

I am not a poet,

but I write a

lot of poetry.


So why do I write?

I write to

show my

point of view.


So why do I write?

Sometimes it's to

feel like I have

a small amount

of control.


So why do I write?

I write what

I feel.



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I sat on a park bench today.....

Not because I thought it the thing to do....

Or because I thought it poetic....

Not because I thought it would make me look artistic,,

Or thoughtful...

I sat on the park bench because I was tired...

My body was begging me

For a sit down


I sat on a park bench today


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