napowrimo2020 (Remove filter)
The Lodger
The Lodger
We let him in
And he stayed
He had been pleading
Out there
Wanting somewhere to stay
At first we thought he was just like all the others
Some fly-by-night who would be here then gone
But no
He wanted to hang around
He was everywhere
Into everything
He made us change our daily routine
He was probably in the kitchen (and we w...
Thursday 30th April 2020 11:54 am
The Sunshine Is Ginger & White
The Sunshine Is Ginger And White
Here comes the sunshine
Not our sunshine
But the ginger and white sunshine
From across the street
The little prince
With heart markings
He sits at the window
Silently imploring entry
And when the door opens
He trots his way to the kitchen
And looks up at us
In milky expectation
He’s still a kitten
With greyin...
Wednesday 29th April 2020 1:58 pm
My Mother's Kitchen
My Mother’s Kitchen
I’m in my mother’s kitchen
It’s a Monday afternoon
The oven’s heated up the air
The buns will be out soon
Everywhere there’s an aroma
Of cinnamon and spice
An apple pie sits on the table
I’m waiting for a slice
A black-leaded coal fire
Does it’s best to dominate
The heat and the smells
That the baking permeates
An old fridge hums...
Tuesday 28th April 2020 2:50 pm
Harsh Review
Harsh Review
The last time we reviewed The Underpants
They had just released
A smooth and satisfying piece
Called ‘Tumble-dried’
Expertly produced in the studio
With top class electronic tumble-drier
They had taken advantage
Of twenty-first century technology
To create
A fragrant well-balanced affair
That dried quickly
And were ready to wear
Within minut...
Monday 27th April 2020 2:18 pm
In Another Place
In Another Place
a soft breeze
drifting through an open window
hung with net curtains
the faint perfume
from an open book
the creak of a floorboard
above you
the shadows
caught dancing through the doorway
in a dim lit room
the taste of honey
on a teaspoon
the feel of a scarf
on your face
Sunday 26th April 2020 5:57 pm
Thirteen Minutes From Home
Thirteen Minutes From Home
I was thirteen minutes from home
On a warm April day
Bumping my way through a crowd
The future a lifetime away
There were cars revving their engines
As they crawled along the street
kids were playing in gardens
And getting under everyone’s feet
Just for a second I paused
As I turned into Pandemic Close
As the noise fell away lik...
Saturday 25th April 2020 3:07 pm
Empty crucible
Once full of righteous fire
Now just grey ashes
The snake rears its head
Striking blindly at targets
That are imagined
Adopts power stance
Arms crossed - closed for argument
Pin head and big mouth
Thursday 23rd April 2020 1:57 pm
There Are No Bad Ships Or Winds, There Are Bad Captains
There Are No Bad Ships Or Winds, There Are Bad Captains
I would promise you the heavens
If it would get you off my back
Thinks the over-inflated spokesman
As he’s questioned by a hack
You can have your masks on Monday
And your gowns this time next week
Although the plane’s still on the runway
Says a whistle-blowing leak
We’ll have PPE and tests aplenty
And i...
Wednesday 22nd April 2020 3:07 pm
Im Zimmer drinnen ist’s so schwül; My Zimmer driving is so cool
Der Kranke liegt auf dem heißen Pfühl. The Krankies like it to a heaven’s fool
Im Fieber hat er die Nacht verbracht; My F...
Tuesday 21st April 2020 3:02 pm
A Bracelet Of Daisies
A Bracelet Of Daisies
She made me a daisy bracelet
And twisted the stems round my wrist
We swore we would never forget
the sun slowly set as we kissed
And for a short while that was true
love blossomed like that daisy chain
but those white petals never grew
the green shoots were twisted in pain
It hurts when you’re given a heart
that unnourished withers and ...
Monday 20th April 2020 2:51 pm
Swing chains squeak
like unoiled screen door hinges
with each push, I get closer
to touching clouds.
Once I’ve achieved maximum
momentum, I prepare to launch
into the stratosphere
everything slows down;
I feel the heaviness of each heartbeat;
the impending weightlessness of my body
I catch a glimpse of the proud smile
decorating your face;
your mouth wording inaudible sound...
Monday 20th April 2020 12:27 am
The Small Things
The Small Things
A pinecone from a Bavarian forest
A small rock from a glacier in Alberta
A round pebble from a Jamaican beach
A strip of bark from a tree in Wakefield
These are the places touched
The places that have touched
A love letter from a pretty girl
A toy bat-mobile from a friend now lost
A medal given to you by your father
A charm bracelet wor...
Sunday 19th April 2020 2:41 pm
The Dancing Light Of Candles
The Dancing Light Of Candles
Flickering shadows cast upon the night
Phantoms leaping on oak panelled walls
Where the final breath of evening gently falls
The white and orange glow of candlelight
Will soothe the nervous child and ease his fright
Or so your aged memory recalls
There is no more a sweet magical sight
Than darkness where a defeated demon ...
Saturday 18th April 2020 3:38 pm
Carrying around two vinyl records
In a plastic case just four inch long
And half an inch wide
How good would that be?
at a hi-tech record player
that lets you copy the sounds you hear
and with the subtle use of ‘PAUSE’
transfer onto a compilation tape.
Moving from format to format
The highlights of a dozen albums
...Friday 17th April 2020 2:28 pm
The Side Kick
The Side Kick
A purring cat
Sat before a raging fire
The smell of cinnamon buns
Outside the snow falls
Rubbing away ice on a window
Looking out into the whiteness
A smile caught
In the reflected dusk
New buds bursting
From green shoots
The blue sky
Flecked with white clouds
Raindrops dripping from trees
The fresh cool air
Mirrors in the pond
...Thursday 16th April 2020 2:08 pm
Glam Rock Man
Glam Rock Man
A stack heeled stomp in platform boots
Trowelled make-up and glitter suits
Feather cut hair and tinted roots
It’s Glam Rock, man,
it’s Glam Rock
Teenage Rampage, Ballroom Blitz,
Radio One plays all The Hits
Driving your dad out of his wits
It’s Glam Rock, man,
it’s Glam Rock
Jackie, Smash, Disco Forty Five
What a great time to be alive
...Wednesday 15th April 2020 12:42 pm
Death May Be The King Of Terrors
Death May Be The King Of Terrors
Each brush stroke of a word painter
Smeared bloody crimson red
Seen through eyes that recognise
The things that can’t be touched
Behind accumulated layers of gore
Where shadows are the surface
What is felt is hidden behind
What is seen
So your mind fills in the gaps
gives corporeality to the phantom
even as the scalpel ni...
Tuesday 14th April 2020 2:16 pm
Orchard Lane
Orchard Lane
“Don’t get caught, he’ll fuckin’ kill yer!”
Emerald green and ruby red
Jewels just out of your reach
Treasures in the strawberry bed
“He’s got a dog with vicious fangs!”
Black as coal we watch him prowl
He snarls and gnashes foaming jaws
And scares us with his hellhound growl.
“Bide yer time and take yer chances!”
Remaining hidden behind th...
Monday 13th April 2020 2:58 pm
Plague Mantra
Plague Mantra
We know that going out is wrong
and socialising would be worse,
so stay at home where we belong.
We know that going out is wrong,
avoid, like plague, the milling throng
to help the doctor and the nurse.
We know that going out is wrong
and socialising would be worse.
Sunday 12th April 2020 11:41 am
The Mandrake Curse
The Mandrake Curse
I spied the purple mandrake flowers
Sitting in their nest of green
And foolishly looked to rip them
From the earth they serenely sat upon
And everywhere a shriek echoed
Across the woods and leafy vales
and to my weary eyes I saw
The bulbous body resurrected
A face demonic in its glare
For being torn from fitful slumber
Wizened arms of k...
Saturday 11th April 2020 2:47 pm
for each life lost
a broken heart for friends,
a sadness that never goes away
but gnaws at nerves and silent moments
the desolate times of memory cast hurt shadows
dancing on the twilight walls at the edge of your vision
a friend’s laughter that bonded like mortar holds together bricks
those happy tears can also flow in torrents in a recolle...
Thursday 9th April 2020 2:26 pm
The Next War Is Here
The Next War Is Here
Out there, we walked quite friendly up to death,
Sat down and ate beside him, cool and bland,
Asked of his health and shook him by the hand.
Recoiled in horror at his fetid breath.
Before the world went crazy, he was there,
We treated him as though he was a fly
Who we could swat away - and never die.
We were invincible, without a care.
Now ...
Wednesday 8th April 2020 12:47 pm
Strictly Bin Dancing
Strictly Bin Dancing
[People are dressing up in ball gowns and tiaras to take their bins out
An Australian woman has started a new trend online during the coronavirus lockdown, which sees people dressing up in extravagant outfits to put their rubbish out – source: Mirror 4/4/20]
She waltzes across the patio
In her Christian Dior-like dress
She’s picked up the rubbish in el...
Tuesday 7th April 2020 12:43 pm
Painting By Numbers
Painting By Numbers
Poetry is cascading water
Flowing upwards to the sky
It looks like silver fishes swimming
Feels hot or cold or lukewarm
I hear it flowing
Smell its sweetness on the thunderstorm
As threatening as Oswald in a Texas bookstore
Sometimes as sour as storm
I am not painting by numbers
I am just blathering
I feel the words soil my creativeness
Sunday 5th April 2020 2:49 pm
The Loop At The Edge Of Reason
The Loop At The Edge Of Reason
Christmas eve seventy-seven
Snowflakes prickle on exposed skin
I pull the duffle coat tight around my neck
As I weave my weary way up Westgate
Glancing in the Black Horse windows
As the amber light spills out
Onto the crystal streets of Wakefield
Paving them in wuffle-dust
My mind wanders and gears click
As I think of all the H...
Saturday 4th April 2020 3:10 pm
I took to watching slow dying sunsets
Marking the passing of the dawdling day
The trees casting their stoic silhouettes
Counting the golden currency each ray
bestows upon my mood and mental health
keeping the braying doubts and fears at bay
Accumulating natures gift of wealth
hoarding value like a miser stores gold
a solar bank that aids the commo...
Friday 3rd April 2020 2:36 pm
Overnight Stay
Overnight Stay
“Time for bed” they said,
In a front room warmed by coal fire licks
Where the red and orange and white flames
Danced patterns on the walls of falling dusk
They push, cajole, entice you to the stairs
And do not notice terror tears welling in your eyes
Fourteen steps up the narrow stairwell
Tracing fingers on a pale wallpaper wall
Festooned with or...
Thursday 2nd April 2020 12:36 pm
Recent Comments
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Rolph David on The Day They Came
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Rolph David on The World Poisoner
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Red Brick Keshner on Forgive, Not Forget
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Robert Mann on Hostage to Love
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Flyntland on Dickens Said It All
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Graham Sherwood on Hostage to Love
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