writers block (Remove filter)
Writer’s Block Strikes Again
Gather jumbled up thoughts
jot down some words
numerous adjectives,
superlatives, and delicious nouns
Describe the scene
that can explain
it is certainly this
but it could be better
Conjure up a lost love
hint at a depth of longing,
fulfillment, and regret
but give yourself some credit
Leave readers with faith,
love eventually wins
love yourself enough to see
Saturday 23rd May 2020 6:23 am
Drowning in the Drought
Drowning in the Drought
At times I drip with poetry
The words simply pour out of me
A flow it seems no dam could ever stop
Until, I’m drowning in the drought
A flood of tears and mere self-doubt
That withers, in the barn, my finest crop.
Friday 17th January 2020 6:13 am
Dear Muse
Hide away
if you must.
I don't understand
what prompts you
to surface anyway.
I will do like I always do,
show up on the page,
stumble through what
I was put on earth to do,
share my truth.
I know even though you
fly away again and again
to do whatever muses do,
you will come back,
when I least expect
and light up my soul
with your beautiful words,
like you alwa...
Wednesday 27th March 2019 8:25 pm
Idle Hands.
I don't think you understand the the severity of my depression.
If you did you'd know it justifies my smoking sessions.
I don't do it to get "lit" or to have a good fucking time,
I do it cause I can't sleep unless I'm really fucking high.
My brain it eats at me and won't let me breathe.
The destruction and misery that's inside of me.
It keeps me awake and when they ask I just fake
a smile u...
Sunday 20th January 2019 6:02 am
My Muse
You have come to visit me.
Welcome. I have missed you.
I often see you hiding behind the laundry,
patiently waiting until the neverending chores are done.
Then, when I finally sit down to talk,
you disappear like an unwritten dream,
leaving me speechless.
Today, for the moment,
you are here
and I have so much to say.
Won't you stay
and be my friend?
My Muse Replies:
Tuesday 18th December 2018 4:06 pm
Writing Prompts
Monday 5th February 2018 11:32 am
The moon comes
but nothing is all I got.
The trees refuse to speak
and the breeze
no longer heals my pain
like rain
the words would fall
but now nothing,
nothing at all,
blank pages appall.
I look inside,
a grey brick wall
and I wonder
how it got so tall.
Friday 19th May 2017 5:51 pm
The Devil On My Right Shoulder
The Devil On My Right Shoulder
it might be snowing outside
if I could be bothered
a girl with red lipstick
could be kissing my cheek
the sky could be filled
with ants on the wing
silver fish
darting in foam
at the foot of a black mountain
we could be counting stars
riding a Ferris wheel
licking sweat
from thighs of gold
the days could last
for week...
Saturday 11th March 2017 12:57 am
I'd love to write a poem
at least to make a start,
but I havn't had a tragedy
nor yet a broken heart.
Politics is much too rough
and flowers much too common.
I need a topic to muse upon
to get the readers enthusing on,
some great mythical event
might prove to be from heaven sent
or a seaside view with developments due
or would that be too solemn?
Saturday 28th May 2016 8:35 pm
The Poetess
The Poetess
It was the twelfth
Of the twelfth
11 days ago
She searched for
10 different ways
To say the same thing
Wrote 9 down
Pondered on 8
Chose the best 7
At 6 she thought she was complete
Then decided to use the first 1
In her pursuit to find
The perfect muse
Move away from the vacuous norm
She travelled
Sojourned many less-trodden shores
Met a rainbow of natives
Tuesday 22nd March 2016 6:48 am
A Tree In The Elephant's Graveyard
A Tree In The Elephant’s Graveyard
It began with a pen
and paper,
beneath a tree.
Carried here
upon a rat
to rest awhile.
The paper was white
and stared at me
The pen hovered,
dripping ink
like tears.
A serpent
coiled itself
around My neck.
I thought of stars
and dreamt
of gouache landscapes.
Still the paper
would not
fuck the pen.
My thoughts
were clear,
Monday 17th November 2014 8:13 pm
the small matter of a white screen at midnight
the small matter of a white screen at midnight
the mocking cursor blinks upon the screen
and my flagging muse sinks
still unable to find links
and then little englyn winks
Thursday 29th May 2014 10:52 pm
I carry a notebook most of the time
the idea, it seemed, to record my impressions
of being and living and all the worlds charms
but it was hijacked and now, instead,
lists the timing and clearance of a CBR
alongside the method for removal of a Zetec
rocker arm
I may be reminded of its primary task
as I stare through the glass, at the spiders posting
poison pen letters to...
Friday 7th March 2014 5:34 pm
cleansing the orphanage with fire and prayer
i.(the entrance lobby)
take five, not to tradition, yet die to keep poor, poor kitty strimming
fragmented , as perhaps are, rosebuds that fall in the manner which
sweat tracks roll, dammed, oiled but not waived, by a picture without words
I would be yourself, centred, and shoes should share my nylon net
musk mined in imaginary time and black, yellow, black deep, I thi...
Thursday 21st March 2013 7:20 pm
Like a pristine field of snow
you glare back at me and I know
that even with the greatest will
I’ll never get the words to spill
upon your virgin gown.
I want to smudge the ashes of my dreams
upon your frigid, frozen streams
that when the summer sun’s aglow
lap gently with a lazy flow
caressing inspiration from my brow.
My ...
Monday 28th January 2013 11:32 pm
Hi everyone and welcome once again to my poetry blog.
It's been a while since I last posted which I apologise for but it's been a crazy few months.
I have a new one for you today which is written about a subject we can all sympathise with, the dreaded writers block. Some say it's a myth some live by it and for others it just happens from time to time. I also apologise in advance to a...
Wednesday 22nd February 2012 5:55 pm
A Craving for Writer's Block
I slaver with anticipation
as your taunts fly past
let me grapple you
while your fangs pierce
and vilest venom spreads
numb my soul and mind
let me scream and cringe
agonise upon this page
let blankness reign supreme
slay this potent pen
for all of eternity
make your emptiness pristine
hover around my carcass
you scavenging vultur...
Saturday 29th January 2011 11:08 pm
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