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Idle Hands.

I don't think you understand the the severity of my depression.
If you did you'd know it justifies my smoking sessions.
I don't do it to get "lit" or to have a good fucking time,
I do it cause I can't sleep unless I'm really fucking high.
My brain it eats at me and won't let me breathe.
The destruction and misery that's inside of me.
It keeps me awake and when they ask I just fake
a smile until they nod, say okay and walk away.
It may seem like I'm angry and I must say that's the truth.
How would you feel if it was you murdering you?
From the inside out until theres nothing fucking left.
But you crucify me because I have to clear my head.


Trying something newbare with mewriters block

◄ harakiri.

Tracing Veins. ►


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lisa donohoe

Sun 20th Jan 2019 12:18

I feel your pain ?
Can I say ' I myself have an over active thought process that can effectively corrupt my ability to see things clearly to which I can Become isolated....

I found grounding yourself works a charm.. When our thoughts (negative) start coming in stages of twenty at a time, replacing them with a positive can be tricky..
But programing your thoughts to become aware of the present moment work so much more then blocking them with ' drink or drugs..
When your active thoughts start to make an appearance tell yourself what you are doing in that moment, left hand on phone' bum on chair. Feet on ground , right hand scratching body parts (haha) you get my drift... Before you know it your mind has become focused on the here and now and no longer dwelling on past traumas... Be consistent with this and you will feel empowered to be able to control the process with out any additional help..
What you feed your mind has a major impact on how we feel..
Create many I am affirmations that best suit you. Your subconscious will swallow these words which will then program your brain to repeat and before you know it.. BOOM.. Different emotions take over..
I am strong minded
I am talented
I am happy
I am in control of myself
I am amazing
I am funny
I am smart
I am confident
? their are better days ahead my friend x

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