The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Roses aflame

I can feel fire in my veins

Red roses set aflame 

Burning embers 

Passionate rage 

A suffocating feeling I can't escape 


I feel like running away 

To some faraway place 

Where even the stars 

Wont remember my name 


I might lose myself 

In a faraway world 

Hiding away 

In my secret escape 


Time is an illusion 

And I'm caught up in the confusi...

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Travellingmeaningfreedomescapemental health

Serenity freefall

Hello, can you hear me?

I'm writing so you can see me

Type type type

My words are ripe


Without a thought or planning

An idea is hatching

Could it be good, could it be sad?

Only time will tell

If I can make it sell


Down in my basement, I type away

Day after day, I hear them say

As if I'm stone deaf

Without words, I'm dumbdead


So many profiles, f...

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Previous skins

Five years ago flew by

Now, already remote

The rolling of the years

They’re already afloat

Your past self

Already a ghost


When you stand still

You begin to grieve your previous skins

Wonder why you had to forget and kill

Old personalities just to multiply new

So, you cling on to specific moments

Promise not to forget, you never will


But it is not uniqu...

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memorylifepresentpastfuturetensesjourneyagingnaturelivespreviouspast liferememberidentitybrainconnectionmemory lossforgetrebirthmomentghostyearsmeaninglet gohold on

To Find Some Meaning

I often think about the past.
Had it been too slow or too fast?
Then I ponder on what might have been.
What I might have done and might have seen.

I think about all the times I've wasted,
And how I took for granted the things I tasted.
Where am I going? What am I doing?
What became of the life I had once been viewing?

Now all I see is a fog so dense
That in this life I can find no sen...

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Stuart VannerMeaningHope

Hearts Of Hers

Heart of mine
Won't you stand at my side?
Stop your traitorous speeding,
So that my cheeks may stop heating.
What is it about her,
That her whole being allures
What is it about her,
That has me needing more


Who gazes at me as if I 
Am the one who in the east rises
Who sees me wholly,
Not for who I pretend to be.
Who has replaced my blood,
as my life's elixer,

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longingloveromancePassionPoemheartsoul matemeaningpoetryqueer


Happy alone although not physically alone 

Just two repellent magnets incompatible forces

Fighting to pull closer but no efforts could make the scientifically impossible...possible 

Not in those circumstances at that time 

The facts were just the facts

Unsigned unwritten laws bound by unspoken pacts 

Small print unread but thankfully unsigned 

Well technically 

Just not sys...

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Monumentaltransformative poemcodedlovepoetryheartsoul matemeaningpoetrytoxicrelationshipsLifeRealpaintransform

Lost In Translation

From the spirit to the soul
From the soul to the heart 
From the heart to the brain 
From the brain to the throat

From the throat to the mouth
From one mouth to the next
From one language to another

Through the experiences
The perceptions
The assumptions
And the emotions of each listener

The original message
Is ever and forever
Lost in translation

And only if only

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For Whom The Hammer Tolls

For Whom The Hammer Tolls


Dreaming of a hammer

A slow arc of deadly intent

A shaper of metal


The clang of contact

On a wrought iron anvil

That resonates threat


The white-hot sparks

From the red-hot ingot

As it succumbs


Weighing its power

In the palm of your hand

With a smack of skin


Its dull grey mass

Balanced perfectly

On a sha...

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napowrimo2018day 14dreamhammermeaningcreatordestroyer



Stairs going up, stairs going down,

Spiraling stairs going around, around, around.

Which ones to take, which ones to leave,

Ladder or snake? Where does it lead? What is achieved?


Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down,

Sometimes you just go around and around.

Nobody knows the troubles you've seen,

Nobody 'cept Jesus.


I passed a man coming...

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Soul mates

The ebbs and tides of a heart full of passion.. 
Emotions lie dormant within the depths of those ravines.. 
Only few can interpret the complexities and it's abstractions.. 
The tuggings felt by another soul, innocent and pristine.. 
An unknown  transcendent script to decipher.. 
Takes a profound  and a true heart to unravel it's mysteries 
And lifetime of wonders to encipher.. 
The one who ...

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heartsoul matemeaningpoetry

A New Riddle of Cosmology

An explosion beyond comprehension sent all

The ingredients of the cosmos careening through the void.

Light, matter, and energy diffused chaotically,

Taking billions of years (as we now know them)

To fall into some kind of order, to establish

Some vaguely predictable interactions of

Cosmic proportion. Somehow, trillions of

Particles began to cooperate to form

Molecules of ca...

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What Does It All Mean?

Live life today,
Like there's no tomorrow,
So forget about the pain,
And embrace the sorrow,
Life is a struggle,
That we all go through,
Searching for deeper meaning,
And contemplating whats true,
Beauty and complexity,
A trip through the divine,
It can't be mere coincidence,
It was done by design,
At first we are taught this is it,
The material is all that's there,
Then what is my p...

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Charles Bukowski (Way He Writes)

Charles Bukowski

   Charles Bukowski was quite a character. Bukowski relied on experience, emotion, and imagination in his work, using direct language and violence and sexual imagery. Many people found his writing offensive. He writes with a nothing-to-lose truthfulness which makes him different from most writers. Bukowski was very much into alcohol, sex and even violence. Bukowski went to scho...

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catcharles bukowskideathlifemeaningpoempoetry

Psychology and Poetry in the Same Bed

There's many things behind poetry that is still a mystery today. Why does it make us feel a certain way when certain words are placed together? Is it that it's relatable? Nostalgic? Reassuring? I know many people that don't enjoy poetry and many that do. Why is that? Are those that dislike it close-minded? Does it show they haven't been through what the poem is implying, therefore they can't relat...

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An acronym for this, an acronym for that.

RTA, road traffic accident, metal meat grinder

crushing pulping raw red flesh.

Watch the skies and blink twice, was that a UFO?

See the little green men loop their unidentified flying object,

of course you imagined it.

You should feel safe protected by NATO

from the enemy whoever he is.

Yet there is no Soviet Union, ...

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The sound of one hand clapping

Who said that?

But I know what it means, now:

It is the lost beat of one heart loving


Not waving but drowning

I know that one:

Both origin and relevance now:

It is no pleasure, but one soul's need


No man is an island, entire of itself

Sung, used, re-used

The obvious is no less poignant

Now that I've found and lost my land


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Sex and Cigarettes

The smell of sex and stale cigarettes, Two bodies connected in life and death, Chapped lips meet between the sheets, Lust in our bones, the Reaper in the air. How rare an oxymoron, neither with clothes on, We follow recreation with deadly inhalation, Skin touching skin, lips wrapped around uncertainty, Two separate entities leaned inwards somehow gently, Feeling so alive, ...

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