The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


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Stairs going up, stairs going down,

Spiraling stairs going around, around, around.

Which ones to take, which ones to leave,

Ladder or snake? Where does it lead? What is achieved?


Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down,

Sometimes you just go around and around.

Nobody knows the troubles you've seen,

Nobody 'cept Jesus.


I passed a man coming up the stairs

Deep in thought and deep in prayers

To follow him I turned around

And found that he was going down.


'This way is up. I'm sure', I said.

He answered not, as deaf as dead.

Another came and passed me by

In deep sorrow I heard him cry.


Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down,

Sometimes you just go around and around.

Nobody knows the troubles you've seen,

Nobody 'cept Jesus.


This house of shadows, stairways, halls

Can cause confusion, can enthrall.

Imprisoned in its endless loops,

We twist and turn and jump through hoops.


To break the spell, to breath pure air,

We long and seek that certain stair.

That takes us to that highest place

Where stress and cares will be erased.


There's a time to step up, there's a time to step down,

There's a time to stop going around and around.

Don't despair in this strangely ordered disarray

In all its shambles there is a certain stairway.


Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down,

Sometimes you just go around and around.

Nobody knows the troubles you've seen,

Nobody 'cept Jesus.





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Mon 3rd Jun 2019 19:11

Thank you Jane. Thank you Mona and Dorothy. So glad you got something from it. ><>

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mona s

Mon 3rd Jun 2019 05:13

Such beautiful use of stairs as a metaphor.. Really liked this..

<Deleted User> (21818)

Sun 2nd Jun 2019 13:46

This technology dependent world has us all going round and round and sadly, people are overwhelmed with pressure and running about looking for "that staircase" to lead them to a better place. Enjoyed the rhyme and reason. Thanks, Jane?

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