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Lost In Translation

From the spirit to the soul
From the soul to the heart 
From the heart to the brain 
From the brain to the throat

From the throat to the mouth
From one mouth to the next
From one language to another

Through the experiences
The perceptions
The assumptions
And the emotions of each listener

The original message
Is ever and forever
Lost in translation

And only if only

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začetek / the beginning

Na začetku sem se spraševala, kako ovrednotiti besede in občutke, v tej sivini sem vsako solzo odpisala stran, kot nepomemben člen v enačbi, kot kamenček na makadamski cesti v stari vasi, ni pomembno. Nič več ni pomembno, ker si ne zaslužim čutiti, ker sem spoznala, da si ne zaslužim biti človek, da človek sploh nisem, da krutost ni človeška, ne do sebe – do drugih pa še manj.

Ponoči sem se zna...

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Mum's Dream - حُلْمُ أُمْ (العربية /


Mum's Dream
In the deep black darkness of the night
I seek him:
walking, running,
stumbling. My blood-stained feet
refuse to stop,
cannot stop,
must not stop,
searching for him.
In the deep black darkness of the night

I adore him, for death I love him,
look forward to the day I shall meet him,
throw myself between his arms,
put my head on his shoulders and j...

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The time of weather...


The crystal city is shivering,
The unreal smoke is delivering,
An Easter Angel is flying,
It hardly goes to spring.
The matter comes to the strings,
To the old tales that eternity brings.
Wipe your eyes that weep!
It rains as in a sleep.

The poem is unwittingly shortened,
The sun is between the scapulas,
The bees are shivering from payola,
The morning is still dar...

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For Chris


For Chris


The isinglass

that holds the eggs

for ever in a jar,

preserves in porcelain

translucence the


That is no yolk.


Translations into vinegar

produce no more than pickle.


My sadly screwed up assonance

and metre rendered scantily

would make a tasteless omelette

as far as I can see.


Mais en francais


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