The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The haunting of a broken tap: drip, drop

The thirst after the sun: drink, gulp

She never said a lot, gargling girl

Sliding in and out of my body

Helping me breathe, walk, talk

That was why I swam

It was water

Brought me alive floating out to No Man’s

Diving down to skim the sand

It was water

Wanted it, always had it, but could never catch it.

It was water


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waterwavesinsipiddriptransparentintangiblewomenloveidentitymyselfgirlwomanmonologueyouIexistentialconfusedswimdreamabsurdeclipsesecond selfshadowshadow selfanalysisreflectself awareness

Awkward Questions

Awkward Questions


Awkward questions, I don’t want to speak

Leave it alone, the hurt is too deep

Pick at the scab and I’m sure to bleed

In silence I scream, this is not what I need

The one word answers

Can’t you see that it hurts

Things buried so deep

You are trying to unearth

I don’t want to face it

I’m not ready for that

Inner thoughts are my secrets

That ...

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Chains of Capture

Chains of Capture

Deepest darkest nightmares
But only if you knew
The lengths that I have taken
To hide away the truth
The scars are slowly fading
But the pain runs deep inside
Some say that I'm outspoken
But they don’t see the things I hide
The questions left unanswered
Constantly running through my head
The ‘what if’s’ again resurfaced
That I’d thought I’d put to bed
My demons is ...

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Brunette. Blonde

Black. Grey

I am auburn.


Hazel. Green

Brown. Blue

I am Grey.


Tabs, blanks

Pockets, sockets

Corners, middles

I am unique.


Flat pieces; four points

Innies and lock

The back

always Grey


Without me, you are not complete

With me, we are replete


A needle in the haystack

melancholic morning


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fading reality

Reality is questionable,

Probabilities of success are like a needle in a sack of nails,

It takes a breath to fail, but why is progress difficult?

Definitions and laws dictate this realm.

Flaws we never talked about yet we keep faking it,

“Ask you shall be answered”, ironically it has been silent.

Talk about how to fix this, fix that, how about break that and wreck this?.

Fail ...

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confused poem by a confused mind

Trying to function but my brain's on the grind,

trying to end me, I won't give up,

in my head an enemy, chaining me up,

stuck in this conscience losing my mind.


Reflections broken, looking away,

this existence brings mostly just pain,

the beautiful moments scatter to gray,

I'm just one person, both Abel and Cain.


Wandering aimlessly looking for purpose,

I dream...

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Trapped Thoughts

Locked away emotions
I won't let no-one inside
Behind a masked perfection
Is the place I run and hide
Alone I’m always thinking
My mind just fills with dread
Unknotting the confusion
That’s tied up inside my head
Trying to escape thoughts
But I can't find no way out
My eyes are slowly welling
My cries are silenced shouts
I'm looking for the answers
But they just never seem to come

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mindhatesadnessadvicelonelyconfusedLGBTQ poetryhope

As a child

As a child
Friends knocked the door
Eagerly excited
You were waiting for
To hear the question 
As it left their mouth
Asking your parents 
If you were coming out


As a child 
We’d run around
No care in the world
And acting the clown
Getting dirty
And playing in mud
Making as many adventures
As we possibly could


As a child
I was building a wall
To keep me safe
And ca...

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snow white's apple

Walking down the road no one travels on, lost are the souls that tried so hard to find themselves. Was the path really better? Luering you in with the beautiful greenery but what is lurking behind the beauty? Desperation to grasp ahold of innocent travelers, leading their journey to peace astray. Not a spiritual awakening they'll find, instead another dead end. Defeated, as you look theres no way ...

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Sex with the Devil

Happiness in those eyes

No more pain in those eyes

Never a lie told to me because what you got to lie for

Arms open ears turned body language focused

I got something to say and I need you to hear it but my mouth won’t speak it

If the relationship falls it’s because our love holds it up

It stops and starts our love stutters it needs some helping up

I love the unknown I need to ...

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confusedlove poetryundecideduncontrollabledismissivesexual awakening

Green Eyes

I held you in the dark

Your face burrowed in my breast

Your tears made my body sweat and my fingers

Clung to your hair


A smile so small grew on my lips, as you

Thanked me. 


I expect nothing from you.

And I would probably do anything for you. 

And I knew from the moment we touched. 


11am, with the sun streaming in through the window.

You lay in my lap as...

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Twisted Semantics In A World Upside-down

A summer's Christmas,

A winter's Easter,

Sun blazed reflections,

Moon chilled features,

Decaying bright shadows,

Renewing dark radiance,

Exogenous void within',

Luminescently extraneous,

Lagging just to rush,

The constantly inconsistent,

Concealing joyous sorrows,

Being contiguously distant,

Thoughts resistantly flowing,

Nerves electrically static,


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backwards worldconfusedcontemplationcrazy worlddepressionfalliing skiesinsane worldLifepainsadnessSemanticsthinkingupisde down world

My Fault Again

He made our argument physical again tonight

Every time I think it's the last

Leaving him isn't an option

Plus, where would I go?


My heart can't take the cruel words or pain

Eventually, I'll learn how to cope.

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sadaloneangryrelationshipargumentconfusedlonelymental healthtired



We were like ‘yin and yang’,

‘Spick and Span’

- Hot pot, big pan -

slick and tanned!

The could we can -

sweet, sweet like marzipan!

The kind of love that makes you FAT,

that attracts the sniff sniffing rats.

- Rap! Trap! Rat! The blind bats! -

But I walked and you ran,

I was kicked like tin-can

then you thought you were tin-man,

cause you forgot your heart ...

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word playfunconfusedidentityselfrelationshiprediscoveryreinventionlost


I'm a tell you the truth

I seen you do what you do

When you do what you do

But what you do when you do what you do I wish I knew

Oh, I wish I knew


What a mystery 

My misery

Your happiness

What's happenning?


Even though I've seen you do what you do

When you do what you do I am confused

You are amused

I feel abused

You are accused

I want to find yo...

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