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Awkward Questions

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Awkward Questions


Awkward questions, I don’t want to speak

Leave it alone, the hurt is too deep

Pick at the scab and I’m sure to bleed

In silence I scream, this is not what I need

The one word answers

Can’t you see that it hurts

Things buried so deep

You are trying to unearth

I don’t want to face it

I’m not ready for that

Inner thoughts are my secrets

That I don't want to pass

Try to dig deeper, my defences go up

Feeling badgered and panicked

It’s not about trust

I’ve carried this burden for most of my life

As I start to feel stronger

It starts to cause strife

So no awkward questions

Leave the answers with me

Only when I’m ready will I set them free


© curiousdud3 07/2022







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