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As a child

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As a child
Friends knocked the door
Eagerly excited
You were waiting for
To hear the question 
As it left their mouth
Asking your parents 
If you were coming out


As a child 
We’d run around
No care in the world
And acting the clown
Getting dirty
And playing in mud
Making as many adventures
As we possibly could


As a child
I was building a wall
To keep me safe
And capture it all
Capture all the emotions
That were coming my way
Trap any thoughts
That I might be gay


As a child
I put on a mask
To hide behind
In case I was asked
Because I didn’t like stuff
Like the other lads
Connected more with girls
And their toys and fads


As a child
I couldn’t admit
Or accept to myself
That I just didn’t fit
Fit in with the others
They were not like me
But I carried on
I just couldn’t see


As a child 
I wish I’d known
Because the hiding continues
Even now I’m grown
That knock on the door
Meant coming out to play
But that’s not what it would mean
If the door knocked today


© curiousdud3 08/2020



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Shifa Maqba

Sat 1st Aug 2020 15:18

"That knock on the door
Meant coming out to play
But that’s not what it would mean
If the door knocked today" this verse harbours so much depth, it's astounding.
Thank you for sharing such a poignant and honest piece!

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