holidays (Remove filter)
Inhaled, indelible
40-a-day road-trips,
in a 3-door lagoon-blue
Mark II Hillman Imp.
Backseat passive passengers
tapped and shuffle packed.
Oblivious to the slow burn,
no open windows, not even a crack.
Upfront, ritual smokes,
their bond of small pleasure.
Love over Embassy Gold
compact and ash-covered.
Dad’s heart said give up.
...Thursday 12th December 2024 7:15 pm
We will Once again...
We will once again smell that hot humid air
As we descend below the suns glare.
Those warm beaches of foreign lands,
Where our feet dissolve into the golden sands.
We will once again step into this evanescent reality,
And treasure its timeless beauty
Scaling the towering peaks
Capturing moments as we speak,
We will once again canoe down a meandering river,
Tuesday 9th February 2021 4:22 pm
Poetry Prompt: 'Forever is composed of nows'
Just the right amount of squeeze
at my hip
of a lemon
on the pasta we craft for each other
of the sponge he knows I don’t like to touch when wet.
A tongue, a croissant, a bottom smack,
exactly when we wanted one
A well-timed tease, balletically treading that tightrope line
from this now, to the next, to the next to the next please
Moments studded above our ...
Saturday 9th January 2021 3:36 pm
The Season of Changes
Every Autumn fills
with browns and reds,
yellows and oranges;
Sweeping leaves
and a steady wind
blowing through trees.
Halloween decorations,
candy corn, and costume trials
as little ones prepare
for changes in the air.
Days lead up to celebrating
another trip around the sun,
yet this season is another reminder
of all those years ago
when we lost you.
Years collect dust ri...
Friday 9th October 2020 5:09 am
Chrissie Hynde
2000 miles
remember years
long by
home filled
from far
and wide
in love
a bevy of
turtle doves
came this way
for a
short stay
my heart
of me they're
still a part
time ticked
those occasions
now gone
stll feel
the cheer
after all
these years
too old
for magic
in the sou...
Monday 16th December 2019 1:19 pm
The Ocean Inside The Shell
The salty sea spray sprinkles my skin,
like summer showers
That begin
Then end
I stand in front of a crust forming at the edge of the beach
Splintered, softened wood
Shiny when wet
Their colours
Like common jewels
Topaz, ruby, emerald, turquoise, coral pink, terracotta
All there for the picking
All at my feet
This Novemb...
Wednesday 13th November 2019 5:07 pm
The Invitation
a sonnet
That thou may'st happly spend your day
Fair maid amongst the northern hills
With books and study that will oft defray
Your time and thought in winter's chills;
That there is pleasure 'mongst your shelves
Oh lady in your cottage home
Tis proven by each and everyone who delves
In dusty library vaults to hunt a tome;
That thy bookish studies are good I swear
...Monday 3rd September 2018 9:33 am
Holi by Aryana Issa
Holi by Aryana Issa
In India, Holi is a festival of colours
But not only that it is a day of togetherness
No matter where you are in the world
You should not have a day of togetherness or being thankful to one another… and it goes on…
Everyday should be about that
Sunday 1st April 2018 11:00 am
The Sea Dog
He shouts at the top of his lungs
I scurry
Through soggy sand
Tripping over sea-softened
Splitting wooden posts
In my eagerness to see what’s happened
“What is it Dad?”
“What’s happened?!”
I stop.
Puffing and panting
Against the sun
I see him
Sat on the sand
Looking flabbergasted
Pointing away
Towards the ...
Thursday 12th October 2017 6:05 pm
Caravan holiday
Away from the city
The town
It's 'nice' districts
And 'not so nice'
Is where I find you
And Dad
Even though you've been gone
For over a decade.
You'd rummage round the big market
in Fleetwood
Drink tea, coffee
Toasted teacakes
From a local cafe
Staffed by friendly ladies
With time on their hands
Got up to look like maids
In an old Victorian cou...
Sunday 21st May 2017 6:32 pm
In Formby it never ever rains
Playground all summer long my early days
Playtime was forever then and there
Crowded caravan crammed with joy
Quick splash of water on the face
Dressing quickly, combed through hair
Breakfast rushed on happy faces
Checking windows for neighbour friends
Are they up, are they ready
And off we charge into seaside light
Yesterday's plans r...
Tuesday 9th May 2017 6:31 pm
C-R-A-P World Holidays
I’m looking for a holiday.
I’m surfing on the internet.
I want a little getaway,
a place I haven’t been yet.
I hit on this site
-‘s got lovely colour photos,
the prices are all right,
there’s lotsa countries you can go.
It’s called:
That’s C-R-A-P-World dot com.
Tuesday 24th November 2015 12:56 pm
the great heave of recent war
lay back swallowed by the cold channel floor
beach out of bounds
with its lullabies of mines and barbed wire
marram grass saluted a past
like a bereavement
as we climbed from the train at Harwich
en route by Bedford coach to a week of levity
the boiler of the locomotive hissed in the rain
platform alight with puddles
Saturday 14th November 2015 5:12 pm
Let's hear it for Blackpool
trams lit up at night
gliding on like Fairyland
whether dull or bright.
A welcome like a cleavage
a smile for everyone
entertainment wherever you look
and the tower a wonderful sight.
Food prepared by the bucket
nothing much wrong with that
If you get indigestion
there's always the funny hat.
Try to be there in the Autumn
when the ...
Sunday 16th August 2015 9:31 pm
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas , my dearest friends,
Living on different and beautiful Lands!
Merry Christmas to all - big and small!
Merry Christmas to you and you, and you!
To all those who say more often "hello" than "adieu".
Merry Christmas to all… rich and poor,
To those who are always know and sure
That tomorrow will certainly come,
That our world is blithesome and awesome.
Merry Christmas to...
Thursday 25th December 2014 2:45 am
Suncream, Sandwiches, Sea and Sand
Warm sheltered rock-pools on the beach
This British green and pleasant land
Where Donkeys' poo and Seagulls' screech
Grandad’s hanky on his head
His rosy cheeks a shade of peach
His Daily Mirror long since read
Where Donkeys' poo and Seagulls' screech
Grandma’s at Bingo every night
Her handbag with her like a leech
Her rol...
Thursday 21st August 2014 8:52 pm
When the Holiday is Over
Forget the blue skies and the swimming pool
Your desk is all ready so don’t act like a fool.
Forget the pavement cafes and Mademoiselles
As your computer fires up with a thousand e-mails
Enough to numb the pain
and the nagging desire for a glass of red wine;
Act cool.
Briefings, meetings and folders to review
Memoranda and consultations to ploug...
Saturday 21st September 2013 12:10 pm
The Ghost Of Summer
The Ghost Of Summer
A leaded cloak that settled on the bay,
forewarned us of the chaos yet to rise
from deep within the boiling soup of grey.
The thunderheads that blocked our sunny day
and scattered tears of winter from their eyes –
made all the basting bathers go away.
The crystal spume of effervescent spray
that settled on us, causing such su...
Monday 22nd April 2013 6:54 pm
shrimping net city
There’s nothing so pretty
As shrimping net city
Where rock pools are tempting
And hermit crabs charm
In gingham and sandals
With sand between our toes
A spade and a bucket
Held in freckled arms.
The grannies are wiry -
Running down to the ripples
A chorus of children
To left and to right.
As the gulls wheel and deal
On their pasty patrol
...Sunday 2nd December 2012 12:06 pm
Happy Easter!
Palm Sunday has gone,
Holy week has begun,
The week with events
Leading to Jesus torments,
To His Resurrection,
Showing the spirits domination.
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Easter Sunday today,
The greatest holiday.
We pray and say,
All around the world,
The words of love to our Lord
Showing that his death was not in vain.
Saturday 23rd April 2011 4:31 pm
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