The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.


Let's hear it for Blackpool

trams lit up at night

gliding on like Fairyland

whether dull or bright.

A welcome like a cleavage

a smile for everyone

entertainment wherever you look

and the tower a wonderful sight.

Food prepared by the bucket

nothing much wrong with that

If you get indigestion

there's always the funny hat.

Try to be there in the Autumn

when the mayor switches on the lights

the national grid puts the price up a quid

to put in the box of delights.

There's some as thinks Blackpool downmarket

they don't like the throb and the pace

but just look at the glamour around you

you can't fail to fall for the place.

If you want to rest easy take my advice

for a holiday try the Elite

you'll enjoy the cleavage

the smile and what's more

there'll be bliss on a nylon sheet.


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Tue 18th Aug 2015 10:59

I was a bit taken aback having read today that a headless corpse was found on the beach at Blackpool!
I won't make any tasteless comments but still it is tempting .... poor sod.

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Stu Buck

Mon 17th Aug 2015 10:36

like moths to a light, one flash of shiny things and we flock to it.

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Stu Buck

Mon 17th Aug 2015 10:36

funny and sad. a welcome like a cleavage is a brilliant line, exposing (pun intended) both the primal desire felt when approaching lights, noise etc and the shallowness of what is actually given.

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