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Happy Easter!

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Palm Sunday has gone,

Holy week has begun,

The week with events

Leading to Jesus torments,

To His Resurrection,

Showing the spirits domination.


Glory to Jesus Christ!


Easter Sunday today,

The greatest holiday.

We pray and say,

All around the world,

The words of love to our Lord

Showing that his death was not in vain.


Glory to Jesus Christ!


We light the candles

As a symbol of the rising sun,

And their light resembles

Jesus was really God’s Son.

The light comes back to the world

With the risen Jesus.


Glory to Jesus Christ!


The church bells ring,

The whole world sings Alleluia!

Easter eggs we bring

As a symbol of spring

With pretty small limes

Since the ancient times.


Glory to Jesus Christ!


Easter Rabbits or Easter Bunny

Look today happy and sunny.

They represent a new life

Full of presents and so nice.

We wear new clothes to look the best,

We’d like to follow His behest.


Glory to Jesus Christ!


The history of Sunday Easter has a long story,

And today we proclaim Jesus Christ Day

And say: Glory to our Lord!

Glory to the King of all Christians:

Ukrainians and Indians,

Russians and Americans,

Of all those who want to live in love and peace,

Our life for better to increase.


Glory to Jesus Christ!


And…..Happy Easter!


©Larisa Rzhepishevska

The 24th of April, 2011






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