short story (Remove filter)
Jack in a box
Jack was a boy who struggled in school
Getting suspended ...for breaking the rules
He would wonder the streets and rob out the shops
Take milk from the doorsteps and lead from roof tops
His mum was an addict his dad wasn't there
Troubled young Jack got put in to care
Stuck in the system.. Jack's just a number
From pillar to post now split from his brother
He's mixing...
Saturday 7th December 2024 1:37 pm
he doesn't text me anymore
i think to be unloved is to be damned.
for a while i thought myself damned.
can you really be damned at 16?
i gave him two cigarettes this time,
and offered another two.
he smoked them till the tips of his fingers burned,
i wanted to place them on my lips.
suck them, kiss them, cool them.
i sat across from him, nursing one drink, careful with my teeth and my brow.
Thursday 22nd December 2022 11:37 pm
"i know how to walk from here to there"
okay, i muse back,
"so walk through fires with me, walk through"
i cant. i never have been able to.
the places that i walk from are the mouths of cavernous houses.
and from them ive only just realised i can leave.
"i will give you wings and a heart and a lust for the finer things"
good, i need an incentive.
"but you must act upon...
Tuesday 15th November 2022 12:43 am
there's a couple sitting two seats in front
sitting on a train with my head bowed in a quiet mourning for the couple sitting two seats in front.
or really for me.
i mourn for me, me and my love and its cramps.
im in love, im in love and once more im in love.
not with anyone but with everyone, or anyone who'd see it through.
then each time i remember that the only thing i want to be is noticed,
someone can notice that, eve...
Tuesday 1st November 2022 10:35 pm
hear it now!
if you show yourself to me
i will disappear under the vastness of linen filled lines.
i will run through clouded streets until my legs give way.
if you loan yourself to me
the farthest hills out yonder
arent far enough for me.
the distance to be put 'tween us
by me,
must be longer than the wizened vines that grow from your mothers childhood home.
must be wider th...
Friday 23rd September 2022 9:48 pm
i miss the child i was at 17.
i miss 17, i miss missing, i miss loving nothing.
i miss wanting to feel and not being old enough to get it yet.
i miss thinking i was emotionally literate.
im 19.
i am still a baby, a kid, a viriginal chalice not yet ready to be drunk from.
there is no slow down, you crazy child when it comes to me.
my onlookers wince as i choo...
Wednesday 21st September 2022 10:32 pm
big girls don't cry except when it is absolutely not the right time to do so.
am i hungry or has the pit returned.
that stupid fucking pit.
its an eternal loop, circling in and out of itself.
floating dead centre in my gut.
particles of another girl explode and expand out of it,
overcome by this strange girl from the strange world.
i weep on my mothers lap,
i retch over porcelin, patterned.
seeing my sister for the first time in weeks,
she glow...
Monday 19th September 2022 9:32 pm
don't hmu.
youre a good little girl,
he types.
youre submissive arent you,
he moans, over text.
he expects a beguiled,
blushing emoji in response.
what he gets is three dots and an empty silence so loud he remembers what he is.
a greasy teen (21 years of age).
a lusty manchild looking for another child.
he tells me im a cute and submissive girl,
with luscious milk bags.
Wednesday 14th September 2022 12:43 am
I couldn't think of another stanza
curled on a velvet chair
in a darkening room
is a monstorous teen.
outside the blackening,
is a fading pink sky.
the clouds within whisper to shepards,
"Delighted I Hope"
and on the highest grassy hills,
the shepards face eternity.
Friday 9th September 2022 8:08 pm
lost my way
my soft soles patter over the cold slates that make up the maze of halls im scurrying through.
i am on an adventure, a treacherous journey,
to retrieve a single key for a locked door ive been trying to batter down my entire life.
there are others, winding their ways through the spiralling turrets.
sometimes we even fall in unison,
our shoes hitting the same beats, on the same beate...
Thursday 14th July 2022 12:51 am
you know the bliss of evil
i've seen the smallest, tall creatures be eaten alive from the inside.
a quick glance to the left and under the bed will tell you all you need to know.
the festering, rotten bed frame.
assembled by the very thing that chained me onto it for years.
but when i finally broke my own chords, vocal and the ones restraining,
another creature crawled from under the bed and took my place.
...Wednesday 8th June 2022 10:10 pm
the day I decorated one side of my wall
on the day i decorated one side of my wall,
there was a statue that fell with a crash,
and cratered the ground.
a statue whos golden plaque was read aloud to me as a child.
and on the day i decorated one side of my wall,
with the movie quotes,
and the pretty people,
on that day my eyes bruised themselves silly.
my pockets full of hours, and grief.
non violent pu...
Friday 3rd June 2022 11:16 pm
a bang trim
to feel as if one has emerged from a cloud of dust each time they wake, has to mean a great deal.
it's what's on your mind, as you duet with the girl on the other side of your headphones.
it must feel like the brightening of the day, the singing of the earliest bird, the sweat after the fight.
at least this is what you think to yourself.
for you it means to be able to run two steps ...
Sunday 29th May 2022 9:29 pm
love feels like cold jealousy.
sitting across from one another.
the table could be worlds and oceans.
i sting with furious stomach churning envy.
snakes and beetles scurrying between my legs.
closed and rotten now i know what i do.
she is so much younger than i,
the times my time was always first,
no longer exists.
she broke a cycle as old as i, and therefor
as old as my time.
Saturday 28th May 2022 10:30 pm
Whispers from Pandemonium or Once In a Blue Midnight
There were whispers that the reaper king Mortimer once lost his human form, his body, his shell. Among the reapers, rumors changed it to his soul being stolen.
This is what really happened,
Blake Alexander bowed to his audience from his stage so did his partner in his magic act Max Starfire. They dematerialized and rematerialized in their dressing room backstage.
"Max you never do things righ...
Tuesday 7th December 2021 8:42 am
The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.
"Hello Blake," said a man dressed in a Chicken suit with a mask.
"What brings the Masked Chicken to the morgue?" Asked Dr Blake Alexander the local coroner.
"I need info for a case from my source in the morgue," said the Chicken.
"So this isn't a social visit," said Blake.
"No," said the Chicken.
"You shouldn't be in here," said Blake's Assistant, Dante walking in the room.
"Dr Alexander is ...
Sunday 5th December 2021 3:14 am
Bad Omens or the insane unfortunate ravings of a mad chicken
The day began like most others. Blake Alexander yawned as he got ready for work at Charing Cross hospital. Where he was the coroner in charge of the morgue.
His wife was on holiday without him in America so it would be lonely at work.
He heard the doorbell and dashed to answer the door.
He found at it a slightly nervous man a Postman.
"Hello," Blake said wondering why he was nervous.
"Here is...
Sunday 5th December 2021 2:55 am
Dark side of the moon
The grim reaper sat drinking a cup of coffee as a man in his office peacefully until his son ran in his office. "Dad you won't believe it the moon has hatched!" The Necromancer shouted. His father choked on his coffee.
"You alright Dad?" asked Lance worried.
"Yes, you psycho! The moon did what?" Blake, his dad said to his serial killer son.
"This is more important than you and me! The moon has ...
Sunday 5th December 2021 2:50 am
As we sit in the covid Squallor at first i thought i'd never want to or be able to write anything about it. I was stuck in the house a lot as a kid and this time in our lives has made me feel like i was going back to that, just slowly falling back. The closing down of old life i found too heavy and miles too depressing, and truthfully its still despressing but out of that came a great suprise...
Friday 11th September 2020 12:24 pm
Til Morning Light
{Til Morning Light}
I've doubted my
happiness along
awaiting for my newer
sins til morning light
and as I rewrite all
of my stories and
compete with my
never-ending ends
that seems to never
be ending for me daily
and I don't have time
for no imposters
because I will only
fade away at the
rumbling watery
morning light while
rewriting all my new
...Saturday 3rd November 2018 10:58 pm
The Darkness
{The Darkness}
Your whole
aura is
giving off
that deep
down darkness
that we all
fear to love
but you are
making yours
to resist
©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer 2017 but posting here on February 21,2018
Wednesday 21st February 2018 10:18 pm
The Moment
{The Moment}
The moment
when happiness
arrives but some
stubborn asshole
comes along to
screw that up for
you so steer clear
of all assholes
that's even
including you
©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer 2017 but posting here on February 21,2018
Wednesday 21st February 2018 10:00 pm
“And to his rock be bound eternal; forever gifting man all that is infernal.
Bound by chain, suffering as the eagle’s meal; freedom bought by the one who shall steal.
Unto the eagle’s beak his blood be lash; to control he who shall become our man of ash.”
There’s something about the heavenly reflection of that silver-tongued devil which comforts me.
The cigarette pursed between his lips, con...
Tuesday 12th July 2016 12:30 am
short #3
It was on the sixth day of the arctic voyage that I realized that I hadn't brought any tampons. I was so wrapped up in becoming one of them that I scarcely had a thought about my feminine attributes. It was my adventurous demeanour that had brought me here, along with a few gifts that had been graciously donated by mother nature: a strong jaw that squared off my face and gave me a sort-of hellish ...
Wednesday 23rd December 2015 7:03 pm
short #2
Us boys started off towards a thickening wood, Tom leading the way, making small chat about the shortened seasons this year while holding branches for me to pass through. As we neared a thickened grove of trees, I could hear a sad melody emerge from in front of us. I gave a start and reached out to touch Tom's jacket, however I noticed an upwards angle to his mouth that I had not yet seen. An expr...
Wednesday 23rd December 2015 7:01 pm
short #1
My husband cheated on me, what an asshole. Why she used a typewriter to record this daunting thought was beyond her. Perhaps it was the slow but definite click, like the ticking of the clock. A reminder that although time feels still, it moves relentlessly on. Shit, it's dark. She whipped around to face the clock that covered most of the wall. It's huge hands were pointing to something but this cl...
Wednesday 23rd December 2015 7:01 pm
Short Story - The Last Meal of The Condemned
I know it's not poetry, but I have performed it once, so I hope that makes it okay. My short story The Last Meal of the Condemned is available to read online at Litro:
Tuesday 15th July 2014 12:09 pm
How am I going to Explain This?
I killed a man. It was self defense. But God forgive me I killed him.
I told him, "Don't mess with me. You'll regret it." But he didn't listen. The next second he was writhing in pain. I could tell his knees wanted to buckle, but they held firm.
When I released him I said, "Walk out that door and don't mess with anyone ever." He turned as if to leave but lunged at me. The knife in his hand ...
Wednesday 16th April 2014 1:31 pm
A Small Story about a Small Town
The small town had struggled to survive for years.
In it's heyday it had built a church. It even had an organ
whose pipes shown like silver. The organist pressed the pedals
as is she were making wine to be served as communion.
The church doubled as a school for a small group of students.
It even h...
Tuesday 8th November 2011 6:21 pm
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