The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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there's a couple sitting two seats in front

sitting on a train with my head bowed in a quiet mourning for the couple sitting two seats in front.

or really for me.

i mourn for me, me and my love and its cramps.

im in love, im in love and once more im in love. 

not with anyone but with everyone, or anyone who'd see it through.

then each time i remember that the only thing i want to be is noticed,

someone can notice that, eve...

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My work, "The P.O.T" (Sample)

I have a collection of poems, titled "The P.O.T".  Below are excerpts of the work.


The P.O.T (Poured Out Thoughts) is analogous to water being poured out from a pot to the ground. Here, water is a representation of thoughts and the ground represents the peoples’ minds.

It is a collection of poems that draws its thoughts from the interests of inspiration, motivation, spirituality...

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The Communications Trilogy Pt:2 Telegram

Hello again

 The time has come to upload part two of my Communications Trilogy. This time the subject of my misery is the dreaded letter. A source of comfort and hope to some and a source of pain and anguish for others. As you may have guessed from part 1 I'm writing from the perspective of the pain and anguish people.

 I hope you enjoy it.



Click! Clack!
The le...

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