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David RL Moore on For Bob
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Red Brick Keshner on David RL Moore
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Red Brick Keshner on piecemeal
11 minutes ago

David RL Moore on piecemeal
13 minutes ago

Keletso on Hindsight's light
26 minutes ago

Red Brick Keshner on piecemeal
8 hours ago

ZTK Space on Not Least By I
8 hours ago

Holden Moncrieff on (Mis)aligned...
9 hours ago

Tom Doolan on Pickleball Man
10 hours ago

Robert Mann on Who Are You?
12 hours ago


The boys in the street mend their cars.
A miniature garage, it seems.
I feel like crying, I feel so alone,
No-one to mourn me when I am gone.
No-one to miss me, no-one to care.
I pound at the walls, but no-one is there.
And if they are there, then no-one hears.
And if they hear, then no-one cares.
No-one to care, no-one to cry,
If I live, If I die.

The boys in the street are at it agai...

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belongingconfusionearly poemidentityisolationlove's tempestbeginnings


While waiting for the bus to school,
I came upon the weighty problem
Of what to do with my hands and feet.

Unused to such quandries and puzzles,
I first thought the answer to be
Simple, like hands in pockets, and stand on feet.

But unbidden, there came to my mind
A picture of myself, standing on my feet.
A plump girl, with her hands in her pockets.

At last I could stand it no longer

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love's tempestbeginningsself esteemself lovebelongingearly poemsocially awkward


For a long time you felt that you were weak

For a long time you felt that you weren't loved, that you didn't belong

Too emotional, too many feelings, 

How could anyone or anything ever love the broken human you'ved become

How could anyone see the beautiful you trying to emerge from the dark

For a long time you felt that you were weak

Too emotional, too many feelings, you deserved...

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Who Am I and Where Do I Belong?

Who Am I? And where do I belong?

Where do I go right? Where did I go wrong?

Was it real or fake love I was shown all along?

Am I really that mentally tough & strong?

If I fail, Will I momentairly freeze or stay froze?

Will I dig up a pile of dirt in my back yard & find a bunch of diamonds & gold?

Or am I to die a failure, lonely, & old?

This the type of mindset the old me was ...

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real lifeBelongingSelf-discoveryDepressionExploringAdventure'Wisdom'Couragepoemanxietyfreedomlifepower


She walks masked, meandering,

unacknowledged through her neighbourhood

Wishing earnestly that she somehow could

share her true self

 remove the make-up painted veneer

she hangs nightly on a shelf

how emancipated she would feel

no longer enslaved within her mind

because of this facade

strangers think her, the vapid kind

no thoughts of value

within her head, you'd fi...

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The Winning Hand

In the dimming garden
beneath the belt of Venus
fingers grip a bottle
a nightcap alone

Finally, I belong
finally, I belong to someone
how I’ve run from this
for so long

Now, nothing makes me happier
nothing makes me feel more sure
of anything
than knowing that you’re waiting

There were so many jokers
in the deck
the two of hearts, too many cards
and still dealing, still dealin...

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As The Power Lines Crackle Overhead...

Too long, too long
I’ve been too proud
to belong
to let myself lay open
and love
to open myself to love
and follow the flow

But the power lines crackle overhead
as we walk beneath
I reach my fingers for yours
feel the sparks fly
the way they always have

Too long, too long
I’ve been too scared
to belong to one
too envious
too greedy
to let myself just love 
chase the current


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belongingeyes openingloverealisationsparks

Poem 64 of "Because of This"


Stop, look inward.

Be aware by becoming still.

Notice your thoughts.

They are seeds.

Plant with care.


This may be difficult

because we want

progress quickly,

but even the longest journey

starts with

a single movement.

A tower rises from

a single brick.


Just be. 

Don't worry about failure or success.


Step by step,

life emer...

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tao te chingcalmcentermeditatebeingbelonging

What do you represent?

I represent the entirety of my peers.

I represent my profession, my passions, humanity, the man on the street.

I represent the homeless, the loveless, those with respect and those I respect.

I represent you, I represent me, I represent what "they say".

I represent facts, I represent theories, I represent questions, ideals and ideas.

I represent dreams, I represent fears,

I repres...

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Since Yesterday

When we were children, if things hurt us we would stop

Pricking fingers on roses, desperate to feel its softness, to smell it

We would be curious and we would get hurt and we would learn a lesson from that 


But as I've grown older

I've hurt myself further

I've clung to what we were as if I was gripping a rockface in a heavy storm

sometimes the storm wins


Everytime I ...

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belongingbreakingheart achehurtinglosspain

I Found Where Ponce De Leon Happily Drowned

I Found Where Ponce De Leon Happily Drowned


Under the dim, natural lighting of a celestial fortress forever far away
I burned my confessions into my arms.
The ashes blackened my skin; the sting was partly pleasing.
I rambled about the greatness of man’s insignificance and called it quits.
He took back his lighter and went inside
while I waded through the valley of ashes to my bike.


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Blood thief

There’s a floor called race and a home called blood,

it can be what forms you.

It can be what clothes you, what warms you as it flows through your body,

a rich honey providing brotherhood, relation, family and love -

bonds of pride which cartwheel through your body.

I have a mystery and in my father lies the clues.

I had droplets of speciality, uniqueness, distinction, excitement...

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