The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

redemption (Remove filter)

The Triple Passage of Mortality

Inspired by John Donne's sermon Death's Duel, this poem examines the profound dimensions of death: deliverance from its grip, sanctity within its grasp, and redemption through Christ's ultimate sacrifice. Rendered in a solemn yet reflective tone, it contemplates the mortal journey towards eternal life.

When first we breathe, the womb becomes a gate,
Where life begins—a trembling, fragile st...

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John Donnemortalitysalvationtheologyspiritualityredemptioneternal lifedeathdivine lovepoetry

Song of agony

I cry for all those overcome

The ones trapped, trapped 

Draining souls lost in heat 

Etching sins into the glass

Break free I beg of thee

Screams thunder the grey

All this storm, all this fear 

Release the hell you hold dear

Do not twirl and twist among it

Go take my hand - leap

Don’t fall to his name - rise

Your light of her and all her’s

Come to the promised k...

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In the sun you hear me cry

In the moon you see me stand


I rise to your call

I fall to your mercy 


My hands rest on your knees 

My head bowed in your heart 


Too much for me

Too much for sin

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days come and go

no stopping them

like leaves that wither on the stem


yellow they drop

no longer free

now mere atoms in eternity


we watch them fall

with them we go

flotsam on that tidal flow


a wave that climbs

into the sky

going none knows where or why


washing the stars

bathing black holes

dousing galaxies like blazing coals


is ...

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The Raising Of The Trickster

The Raising Of The Trickster


When the western sky turns slowly into the colour of an old bruise

And the last orange streaks of daylight bleed from the setting sun

A cold white vapour swirls through the fields of corn its fingers prising apart the stalks

As the lands of Albion darken and strange noises start to crawl from the mist.


At the edge of the fields there sprawls a ...

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CrowLoreredemptiontricksterscarecrowprophecyfolk talefolk loremythgothic

Oh My Soul

Oh my soul must have dropped litter in heaven
Here in earth, on Earth, on earth I am bound.

Oh my soul,
Why did you drop litter in heaven?
Now on earth, with earth, by earth I am ground.

Oh my soul
Rise, strive, and soar to heaven
Redeemed, relieved, rebound.

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A Declaration

I'm sorry for the things I said
Sorry for the ways I hurt you.

I know sometimes I neglect you,
I find ways to desert you.

I didn't know you wanted me, I didn't know I was allowed
I didn't know I was allowed to love you and keep you for myself.
Your lights, your eyes, your body, your smile,
They're all for me now.

You'll never walk alone,
You'll never feel untouched,
You'll never ha...

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loveforgivenesskindnessprotectionself carelearningredemption

Redemption in the Water

drown in egoism.

how we forget – don’t.

for flicker- shift  

this shell ashore,

revive the rolling

carcass and dissect,

drag that black heart

with the colour waves,

bleaching comatose

vanity that presses

with weight of our bodies-


we sunk like sinking

stripping skin for river,

it rowed,

it rowed,

wrapped with those oars

wallow, watch, wallow,


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Blank Paper

I start the day with little to no inspiration

Much like everyone else in the world

I also start this poem

With the repetitive voice of exasperation


The sirens are blazing late tonight

As souls are being set on fire

But because of some peoples' perseverence

Loved ones' bodies are also being set alight


Recreational parks are not essential

Travelling out of the wa...

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a little brown and white garter snake

lay on my brick floor

brought in by the cats

I picked it up to take it outside

and it lay still


it's markings were southwest woven

rugs from painted desert roadside stands

smooth and cool on my hand

tiny cloverleaf head

ended two spiral curls

of cool gauzy beaded rope


there are no signs of life

in small brick-baske...

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redemptionlife and deathfree-verse

Close to the Flames

I stood outside the gates of Hell,

Ready to dive headlong into flame,

But you put your hand on my shoulder,

Turned me toward you and kissed my face.

You held me tightly against you and promised

You’d protect me for all eternity.

You assured me I was one of the good ones,

And I never should have been in this place.

You led me from the depths to a softer light,

And we lay,...

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Test Firing

This piece dates from a time when, to put it mildly, I was adrift on a stormy ocean.


Test Firing

I woke from a dream of Huntsmen

cracking with the sound of crashing trees

and found

old men


as they sledge-hammered

the walls of my room.


They said it was to certify

my apostacy

but when they left

the walls still stood,

dividing my loss

from ...

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My studies have given me a legacy of interest in many and wide-ranging social, moral and ethical fields and concerns, as well as the politics of power. This piece is a manifestation of that legacy.


"The world is splitting open at my feet like a ripe, juicy watermelon." Sylvia Plath.

On her gravestone: “Even amidst fierce flames, the golden lotus can be planted.” Wu Ch'Eng-En.



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When I feel my blood boil,

            …I close my eyes.

When I feel my heart sink,

            …I close my eyes.

When I feel my spirits drain,

            …I close my eyes.

When I feel my body buckle,

            …I close my eyes.

When I feel my muscles tear,

            …I close my eyes.

When I feel my ego shatter,

            …I close my eyes.


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Day In/Day Out

The time of labor start once one clocks in

as the money is important for survival.

Better to have it than being flat broke.

Despite what those on the outside peeping in may say,

this man right here isn't flipping patties for nothing.

For he longs to return to his life back home,

which ran smooth like molasses

then snapped in half like a pair of glasses.

As the infallible re...

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motivationpoetryreal liferedemption



The black soul of a sinner,
in a numbing amphetamine haze,
listens to the screech of bats
and considers his end of days.
Sitting in the suicide dark
in Marion County, Tennessee,
he has followed the stumbling ghosts
of the Chickamauga Cherokee.
He listens to the whispering water
tempting him in that cave
where he thinks no one will find him
to lay flowers on his grave.


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Johnny CashNickajack cavesredemptionsuicide attemptgodthe man in black



caterpillars caterpillars
everywhere you look
creeping into corners
no one gives a fuck
peering from the darkness
in the shelter of a door
praying for forgiveness
hungry cold and poor

caterpillars caterpillars
down upon their luck
pleading from their makeshift beds
no one gives a fuck
pressing against cold brick
crawling on the floor
crying for their past lives

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caterpillardeath on streetshomelesspoorredemptionsheltersleeping bags

That Which Autumn Leaves

That Which Autumn Leaves


The clowns were funny in the ring,

as they joked and tumbled and fell -

but in the camp, after the show,

they made our young lives hell.

Still in their masks of garish paint

and drunk on Vodka shots,

they cut and bruised and beat us,

hatching cruel, twisted plots.


I never saw the demons

lurking safe behind the masks


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killer clownscaravancircusredemptionguiltnarrative poemautumn

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