The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Sunshine (Remove filter)

Nature Poem

I adore our Sun for it brings me cheer.
It takes my angst and takes my fear.
It makes me happy and it sends me peace,
I then believe this feeling shall not cease.

I relish the great, green rolling hills,
And with so much joy - my heart it fills.
And I love the sky when it is blue -
I then rejoice at this delightful view

With wildlife one sees all around,
Such beauty it must to us asto...

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Stuart VannerSpringtimeSunshine




Dusky Sunshine kissing mountain's meadow,

Like a Mother adoring her baby's enchanted glow...


Chirping birds flying as a tidal wave,

Pondering to whom shall we care...


Serene shadows of ever grateful trees,

Imposing us to find our Inner Peace


Being loved is a blessed boon,

A Hope of finding love is the race- half won...



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Journeylifelighthopecherishmomentsunshinepeacepeace of mindreal lifejourney of lifelife's journey

The Thorn

The Thorn / Michael Kwack


It seemed a big bird had flown;

For, onto the desk of my own,

A feather was falling,

Through the air fluttering.


As if in a dream did I gaze:

A tiny bird it was!


I stretched an arm,

And the bird got on my palm.

The whole body, in bright gold,

Was the wing of this bird.


Should I hold it on my palm?

Let it go afloat in...

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A world functioning through the sunlight
We are blessed ...blessed day light
Sun rays create moon light
To break the darkness when its night
Trees and plants grow because of this
Yes the process of photosynthesis
No sun no life
We need it
Food that grows ..the sun it feeds it
No sun no vitamin D
No sun no you and me
Essential to existence
And when life seems cold and dark I'll
be your...

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The sun is out but I have to stay in.  A black pen and a white piece of paper await my creative side to begin. There is no noise here inside my house.

I sit still while the chaos continues outside. I lift the black pen and I start to write. My body is calm and these four walls have been my safe space. 

I have heat, clean water and fresh food in this place. This place I call, my home. How luc...

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New Buds

The old man stepped out into the garden and stood in the sunshine. Warm, yes, but not too warm to work. He collected the battered barrow from the shed. In it a kneeler and a bucket containing gloves, a trowel and secateurs.

There had been five weeks without significant rain and at the end temperatures had been up in the mid to high thirties. Now, after some good downpours, the garden was just ...

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Did I do my best?

Everyday, we have things to do,

To mow, buy groceries or do our jobs.

And we have a choice to be average, our everyday self,

Or leave an impression lasting forever.

And my constant worry is that my best,

Just lets everyone down.

I guess I can't dwell on that,

For pausing in this life is a quick death.

Only to focus on the next moment,

To keep moving forward.

Hoping I ...

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turning point

Part of my disorder

is that consistancy isn't real

every day is a wave that I am forced to ride

I want to grab each day by the horns

I don't want to be on a ride anymore

I want to be the driver

I want to set the pace of my days 

I will see a time where this is my present

and not just a fantasy

I will have control over my life

one day


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moodsBipolar depression sadnessmentalthoughtsupsidessunshinerainbows


Blank eyes,
Gazing skies,
Saw your skin,
Full of lies,
Touched your hands,
Saw Wrinkled lines,
No family,
Few Broken ties,
Casual traveler,
Finding life,
Two strangers ,
Such A cold night,
Sipping wine,
Dim sunshine,
A girl I met,
By riverside,
Beauty as if,
Shining moonlight,
Felt like I know her,
From some other life,
I think she was Running away ,
Just Like me,
Drinking aw...

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Somebody’s Sunshine

Soon, you’ll be loved in all the right ways by the man who will worship you like you are the sun and the brightest star in his galaxy because you are not merely just a shooting star that goes out quickly after some time - you are his sun, the brightest and most beautiful star there is to see... So bright that the world can’t help but be drawn into the turns and pulls of your atmosphere and everyth...

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lovesunshinenew lovenew beginnings

Festival Fun

Spell-binding hammer-pounded sunlight retina-

flinches squint-eyed revel-faces.  Crowd folk lost in

head clouds slow-revolve whilst time is on leave, passing

without fail – stopping to tell me not to hurry,

moving on unnoticed, startling late-crowds with

midnights and an early, well spent sun rise.  Band-lulled

we join a synchronised gyro-walk, pacing the

flow-gyratory past fo...

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My Ray Of Sunshine

Here I go again
Explaining another quirk to some bullshit that happened years ago
I don't keep journals anymore
I hate writing in pen, normally
Someone always saw
Someone always spoke
I always saw some psych
So I never published under my own name
For fear of commitment
In a sense
And here I am
Ashamed of my behavior
Knowing how damaged I sound

"Considering the many things

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Manuelmy partnerargentinalovepolyamorypolyamorouspartnersunshinehealthy relationshipi love himunderstanding

Sunny Days

I don't feel worthy of this earth.
It's a bright and happy day today. 
I feel a fraud amongst it all.
As kids and parents play. 
Sandcastles, colourful buckets and plastic spades, 
Happy laughter fills the air. 
Desperate darkness clouds it. 
There is no point, no joy, no end,
I am hollow and so void. 
I smile and wave and look the part,
Each photo frames the day. 
Behind the mask the c...

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Put It Away

Put It Away
The time is upon us
When the sun comes out
Inhibitions change
Of that, there's no doubt
Like the flick of a switch
Deep inside the brain
When the weather moves
To sun from the rain
It affects everyone
From the fit to the fat
Questions respectability
Can't comprehend that
The men and women
Are both equally bad
Displaying t...

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Love Life



In love, a delicious drowning feeling,

Where stillness surrounds us, contrasting

A movie-like, high speed madness around us,

Bypassing us, because our love is frozen in time,

Growing now like the first buds in a spring passion,

Our touch electric-like, brings us closer than skin,

So close, that our hearts beat like one heart,

So close, that we drea...

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