The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

New Buds

The old man stepped out into the garden and stood in the sunshine. Warm, yes, but not too warm to work. He collected the battered barrow from the shed. In it a kneeler and a bucket containing gloves, a trowel and secateurs.

There had been five weeks without significant rain and at the end temperatures had been up in the mid to high thirties. Now, after some good downpours, the garden was just begining to revive and green up again.

He started cutting back the buddlia branches to the height he could comfortably reach. Most of the leaves and all of the flowers had shriveled up but there were lots of grey green new shoot buds showing life.

Not a lot of physical or mental energy was needed, shaping up the garden in the sunshine. He started thinking about something he'd read that morning, a type of poetry called Haibun. He wondered maybe ...? It was warm but not too warm to work.


Stretching up to cut,

He sees new buds in blue sky.

What new will they bring?




◄ In the Red

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Adam Rabinowitz

Fri 2nd Aug 2019 06:43

What an excellent form. And having recently and always pruned Budlia am happy to know of the suffering of others.

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Thu 1st Aug 2019 21:05

Thank you Devon. Thank you Graham. Did visit liked much your limerick on irony. ><>

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 31st Jul 2019 22:35

I wish you well on your haibun journey Fish. If you look on my blog pages there are other styles too, all explained.



Devon Brock

Wed 31st Jul 2019 22:06

And a well done Haibun at that.

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Wed 31st Jul 2019 21:14

This was triggered by seeing Grahame Sherwood's Haibun a few days back. This was a type of poetry I knew nothing about and am very grateful for the pointer. This combining of prose and poetry (prosimetric - new word for me) is intriguing and I'm quite exited about it, bit like a boy getting a first tryout with a new toy ? ><>

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