rage (Remove filter)
With anyone,
Gives birth to,
Envy leads to Anger,
And when Anger subsides,
Fear overtakes,
Fear of Failure,
Ruining your Life.
Never let them compare you,
For you are unique,
In your own special way,
Cherish your Talents,
Do what brings you Joy,
The most, Moreover,
It's all about You,
So why not compare
Friday 6th October 2023 12:57 pm
Embers flicker and glow,
taking things nice and slow,
breaking out of it’s cold prison,
a remnant of unwanted ignition.
Breathing in the outside air,
licks of flame reach and dare,
slightly heated in their struggle,
as the arsonist starts to giggle.
No longer easily contained,
angry torrents flutter in orange,
roaring for attention enraged,
burning all wi...
Friday 4th June 2021 9:57 pm
Close The Door
Close the door to all the pain
It will not help you.
Shut out all the rage
It will exhaust you.
Think your thoughts again
But try not to descend
Into turmoil.
Because you've so much to do
To ease your mind.
And how you'll do it
To decide.
And if you're going to begin
You can only do it
One thought at a time.
Friday 12th March 2021 5:34 am
The monster
You don’t know about the anger and rage
Which has mutated and grown with age
Only let loose when I engage
In the booth or on stage
Normal people are able to contain and control
(We’re all a bit psycho)
But normal people hold it in their subconscious
Only coming out in hallucinations when they’re unconscious
Grown with time the rage has become monstrous
Constantly li...
Tuesday 22nd September 2020 5:14 pm
temporary insanity
What gives
Me the right
To be so fucked up?
What happened
To me
That I am so fucked up?
Why does
Everything hurt
Who can
I trust?
No one.
Monday 3rd September 2018 1:04 am
The Rollercoaster which we name Bipolar
Up swings
Low swings
Irritable swings
Whenever the bell rings.
Time to change so soon?
Oh thankyou for the gloom
Its not like I needed mental room
I'll just listen to your tune.
Is it time for bed,
Or are you not done yet?
This endless strain of thoughts
Feeling like I'm making a case In front of the courts
Barely awake, but barely conscious?
You'll wish you'd had your bedroom blessed
Wednesday 22nd August 2018 5:24 pm
Can't Escape
You try to escape the demons
But they latch on way too tight,
Their claws digging into my body
And mind, with all their might.
Fighting is exhausting,
It physically and mentally drains.
But still I endure it, hoping
One day I will finally escape the pain.
Tuesday 19th June 2018 10:05 pm
A Bipolar Mind
Each day, more exhausting than the last.
Time goes far too slowly, or too fast.
you're either extremely low, or elevated.
People either love you, or you're hated.
There is no middle ground
- no inbetween.
Everything is one extreme.
you're either Jekyll or you're Hyde.
It is a never ending fight.
You're a walking contradiction ,
With no explanation,
No cha...
Monday 18th June 2018 3:58 pm
Hurt People Hurt People - She Sets Fire to the Kind That hurt Her
she used to be so damn happy
but i guess theres more than the eyes can see
because if im speaking truthfully
she was never really that happy
amused? shit, just maybe
that she was terribly
thats all she began to know, you see,
the abuse began from a young age
the very peak of her growing stage
the beginning of the book that told her story
was marked and torn from the ...
Sunday 11th March 2018 1:44 am
I Will Literally Pay You To Abduct Me
This evening I am out walking
the static crackles
in the living room
and in the hallway
I lace my shoes
and go out walking
Tree-shapes calm me
dew drops kicked from blades of grass
this act cleanses things
I feel my fangs receding
sense the silence
breathe back into me
Imagine the TV glow dimming
imagine the hatred in her eyes
feel the black air cleari...
Monday 31st October 2016 9:21 pm
I’d like to be a cannonball:
Smash through things and knock down walls
I’d leave a trail of destruction in my wake
Before it’s even time to take a tea break.
I’d like to drink fifteen pints of lager
And ride through the shopping centre like a knight on a charger
Smashing things merrily as I go
Making a mess with a creamy gateaux
I’d like to swear loudly in a quiet...
Thursday 2nd January 2014 9:34 pm
RAGE OF INNOCENCE (All due respect to Dylan Thomas)
Do not go easy into that cruel plight,
Life-latency should, combination, stay;
Rage, rage against the prying of the light.
Though cells, prior to conjoin, accrue no right,
Un-right usurped un-bid, entreats that they
Do not go easy into that cruel plight.
Wild sperm who caught and shot the ovum’s flight,
And learned too late, now grieving on your ...
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 2:07 pm
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