The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Monsters don’t exist

Monsters don’t exist they say, they aren’t under your bed
I realise now I’m older, it was all just in my head,
but them ones are the scariest, the monsters in your mind,
the ones that make your heartbeat race, the creatures you can’t find.
Only you can feel them there, it’s driving you insane.
your body shakes, your brain, it aches ,from fears that live within,
you cry inside, you’ve got to ...

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At the Deep Woods

And in the deep woods the creature slowly crept
The snoozing boys deep in slumber continued on how they slept
Even under the chilly blanket of night the creature's spits warm breath
A sound was made when the twig snapped where the creature has stepped

One boy jumped awoke and examines the surrounding in fright
The boy saw only darkness and the glimmering torch they placed
The boy lays once...

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poemspoempoetrydeep woodsmonsters

Keep The Monsters At Bay

Ugh! Men are preposterous,

Monsters deep inside...

They show the softness on face,

But there is grin they can't hide...

Rise when they & stand by the mirrors,

The mirrors reflect their dark side,

The faces turn gentlemen momentarily,

The emotions otherwise stay dried.


Thoughts hidden and when they bleed,

Reality pours out and strikes hard...

Emotions condensed so...

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monsterspeople and actions


In olden times great monsters roamed

Spirits and devils hid behind each door

Superstition governed fearful peasants

Subsisting uneducated naive and poor


Centuries on and we have progressed

Affluence burnished the common weal

Giants and dragons imagined no longer

For today's modern monsters are real


Frankensteins stride brazen and free

No wonder in our hearts we...

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Monsters in our midst

The quiet twisting of already

screwed and spewed words,

uttered from the gaping wounds

of their sorry faces,

mouths as bleeding caverns,

pus filled lies uttered in a

disingenuous cacophony,

where no one is safe from

the tirade of empty locution,

a terrible warped view

crammed into the selfish egos

of monsters in out midst.


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The truth about...

I heard once that monsters used to live among us.

Can you imagine that?

Eating, sleeping and living just like we do.

But that all changed one day,

I don't know why, but it did.

Now, during the day they can't see us,

and we are tormented by the sight of them,

day and night.

strange, right?

Don't get me wrong, they are interesting creatures,

I just want to know why we m...

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BeautyDark & Light and InspirationdarknessHumansLightMonstersPeopleUgly



I found myself in a nightmarish place. There were lots of people, if that’s what you can call them. Some were horribly disfigured. Some seemed to be more demon than human.
These people/demons were cannibals. Eating people they had captured. Some ate them alive ripping them limb from limb. Others preferred them to be killed first and then cooked.
I kept asking, “Why haven’t you eaten me,...

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False GodsHumanityMonsters

The demons that only I knew

Would you believe me

If I told you the truth

Would you stay with me,

Or would you just leave?

Would you still feel 

The way that you do

If you saw me kneel

Before the demons so cruel?

I tried to escape

But it fell right through

It was never fate

What should I do?

I didn't mean to fail 

I did choose you

But the monsters fight

Harder than I'm able to


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Demonsmental healthmental illnessdepressionpsychosisanziwtybipolarptsdtiredmonsterscreatures

Angels and Monsters

I crept out the back door
to hide from the horror 
of what stood before me
too afraid to watch it anymore
People dying all around me
Tears in my tired eyes
Weary of listening to 
the same old story every time
being told to the next generation,
to learn and unlearn in one blink
of the eye
Creeping out of the light
and into the darkness of anonymity
Stepping into the obscurity
of the m...

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I'm sitting in purgatory
A deserving end
To my shitty story

You think you know who I am
But you don't know what I've done
Some call me the devil
Some call me his forgotten son

I'll take your heart at the start
And say you have mine
Once you realize I'm empty
I'll leave you all alone, crying

I've done a thing or two
That I can't say I regret
I'll dig into your memories
Make it i...

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What Monster?

Just a bit of fun, these poems are used in my work as part of a project using monsters as a way of inspiring young people to share an enthusiasm for writing. Can you identify the six mystery monsters?


More than just the sum of his parts

this monster stole another's heart

and his hands and feet as well

not much is his as you can tell

his head is screwed on firmly

by the bolts...

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children's poetrymonstersNeil Westyouth


Poison vapours

etched in gloom.

Ghastly, void,

vacant, the guardian of

a chained black gate.


Never sleeping;

eyes, as heads,


waiting for heroes

to seal their fate.


In legends torn

from clay cast bright

we may witness

fire and blades and bows;

such blood-fuelled spite.


Now all too real;

slowly shed,

the skin of time;


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2013Greek MythmonstersCorruptionTyrannypoliticians


Fear, expresses no emotion.

It neither wraps itself

In cotton anger, or

Brittle sanity.

It lives in the deepest part;

Of your dream.

Taking up room -

Where the life-force should be.


This living ghost,


It does not chew it's food,

It devours it.

No table is enough to

Satisfy it's cravings.

When every opportunity feeds


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