The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Young And Ready

She sees the world as an ocean 

And she wanna dip her toe in it 

I told her if you go to far 

You gon need a boat witcha 

She grabbed a boat 

She's ready to go 

I told her make sure there’s a 

Life ring and a lifeboat 

Just in case cause you might need those 

She responded “that’s fine” 

Bags packed

Excited to go on this ride 

I untied the rope from the pillar 


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My Safe Place

A deep calming breath.

Take in the oxygen, let it fill your aching lungs.
Blow out the pain and the suffering into a the air, 
Free it from the shackles of your body. It felt like a stranger.
Feel your fingers tingle as the blood rushes up and back down. 
Feel your soul leave the confines of your physical being.

Don't be afraid. You are still here. You are in the world,
Your body is sti...

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Covers face

Unknown eyes watching

Religious tolerance found wanting




Double standards

Stops the spread

Of disease and death


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covid 19day 23(84)double eleveniedouble standardsfearmasksnapowrimo2017religionreligous intolerancesafety

A Better World

We should all feel safe when in the street.
Wherever we may go and whoever we meet.
And if there's one thing that should be clear,
We should not go outside while we live in fear.

Yes, all the people have the right
To live in peace and without a fight.
And it is our right to go out somewhere
To feel secure and free of care.

And I do hope to have an expectation
That people shall have mo...

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HopeSafetyStuart VannerThe Streets

Extra Large Sized Men's Padded Hooded Parker

the rain beating down
I am safe
under a large winter coat hood
I am safe
just a tunneled gap to peak through
safer than ever
warm and safe and comforted
this padded men's Parker is a thousand hugs
it makes me invisible
I am far from it
yet I am the closest to feeling invisible
than I have felt before
they can't see my eyes
therefore unaproachable
the unknown
no reassuring fac...

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rainparker coatsafety


If you learn from the past 
Improving your future 
Then you'll achieve the goal 
And reach it safely faster 

Pay an attention to move 
Know the direction to go 
Have time to Improve 
Act well, not only "show" 

Earn your people' regard 
And don't cross the fence 
Know the value of the word 
Now you've got confidence 

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The Angels

I saw the footsteps of an angel

Within the deep pools of blood

No one noticed the scarlet halo

Because angels are meant to be good


No one mourned the demons

No one shed a tear

No one noticed the angels descend

Until there was nothing to feel but fear


The angels smiled as they hurt you

And laughed as our children cried

There were no demons left to save the pe...

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The Dresser

From the front at least

A beautiful victorian dresser

From behind

The ugly truth

Assembled from wooden orange crates

The company name stamped

Telling of a former

More humble existence


Two little drawers

One at each side

Gunmetal latch handles

Age worn

From opening and closing

Hold family secrets

Make up

Lipstick stumps


Snaps from Blackpool ...

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AcceptanceChildhood memoriesDadFamilyMumSafety

Blip Blip

Is is safe to surface now?

is it safe to come out?

from under the radar??


Is it safe to surface now?

Is  it safe to come out?

into  the light??


is it safe?

To tell the truth........



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warnuclear wintersafetyversecomfortlovefreedom

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