The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

Extra Large Sized Men's Padded Hooded Parker

the rain beating down
I am safe
under a large winter coat hood
I am safe
just a tunneled gap to peak through
safer than ever
warm and safe and comforted
this padded men's Parker is a thousand hugs
it makes me invisible
I am far from it
yet I am the closest to feeling invisible
than I have felt before
they can't see my eyes
therefore unaproachable
the unknown
no reassuring face to make me approachable
a break from too approachable
although not many folk about on this bitter
dark down pouring night
cold autumn rain I welcome thee
extra large sized men's padded hooded Parker
come and carry me
hug me
make me invisible
for tonight for one night only I am
mysteriously anyone
I could be anyone
they stay clear
don't approach me
that coat has super powers you know



rainparker coatsafety

◄ invisible Army

Put the fire out ►


<Deleted User> (17847)

Wed 7th Aug 2019 11:36

and this poem has powers too, Sarah, powerful enough to make me

? it.

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Jason Bayliss

Wed 7th Aug 2019 10:47

Almost like a, "Cloak of invisibility," but more a, "Coat of anonymity."

Really good.

J. x

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Angel whisperer indigo child x

Wed 7th Aug 2019 09:37


Amanda Morton

Wed 7th Aug 2019 09:32

Brilliant poem Sarah. Am gonna get myself a large hooded Parker. I love your work.

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Martin Elder

Wed 7th Aug 2019 09:13

You have summed up here the amazing effects a type of clothing can have both on the wearer and others.

Nice one

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