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Hélène on not to the swift
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Hélène on CORRA
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David RL Moore on Of sorrowful songs there is no fear
4 hours ago

David RL Moore on CORRA
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David RL Moore on Tits
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Mike McPeek on not to the swift
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Graham Sherwood on Tits
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Flyntland on MY MAN
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Flyntland on Tits
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Tom Doolan on Cancer Touched Me
17 hours ago


I remember us in the tall
  of balconied condominiums over there.
I remember the seemingly rainbowy effect 
drawing us towards new clothes & music for sale
in exquisite gigantesque shopping malls, the
trust we will be hearing a hello, and have a nice
day tune from shop assistants at every shop door, 
where billboards above advertised albums by Beyonce, 
fragrances, and films, us becoming f...

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Star seeds ‘n’ the Cosmic egg - of life

Dewy lotuses, 
grow in the dark -
creating an entangling —
Flower of Life …

nature and everything — we know — has its roots
on the grounds of truth
every family tree,
a tree house.

Habitats for Humanity  

There is a lone wolf
which is black,
and blue,
in the eyes :
whom sees the world differently
depending on —
whether or not you’re 
— on his or her good or...

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Aethereal protégée

Universal consciousness is omnipresent
— living vicariously, we too are one - and the same,
Having the time of our lives
all knowing— enlightened divine sparks
going —Godspeed.

This is a way of life:

Anatomic amino acid building blocks chain letters,
into the complex double helix;
in our initials is a chemical signature—me and my significant other have between us—
this bond, that

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A Daughter's 18th Birthday Poem

Seasons come and seasons go

Through autumn’s leaves and winter’s snow

Sweet as summer berries you

A fresh spring breeze you carry through.


Though time flies fast, the passing years

Have bought us laughter, joy and tears

And now at last our daughter dear

Has reached her special 18th year.


So with all the love we feel inside

And all a mother and father’s pride


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Here is to another year of life,

Should I be buoyant and forget these years of strife?


See my demons are growing more mature,

As I silently suffer no closer to a cure. 


24 years of carrying this unbearable pain inside,

Yet today I'll show the world I'm happy and hide these tears I’ve cried. 


En fin, feliz cumpleaños para mí

I hope these messages from back home b...

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Entering into today’s day and age, we take turns turning the page.

Let us begin,
as were taken back to a time— lined with the new heights of always measuring up to ones expectations.
Ascendant signs are all "GO".
birthmarks placed on the face of the earth; add attachment to the earthly plane, and embody rebirth.
the fabric of the universe tucks us away—as our materialization is made—from a ...

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Lockdown Birthday

Lockdown Birthday


We walked up from the river

Beneath a canopy of trees

The air was filled with birdsong

On a warm and gentle breeze

The sun was high in the June sky

The road stretched out ahead

We drank some wine together

shared cheese and new baked bread


After lunch we wandered home

The air was hot and hazy

Then we sat around and drunk beer

Refused t...

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napowrimo2017day24(85)birthdaylockdowncelebratingmaking the best of itsuncompanionship

Solar return

instances of mesmerizing glimpses vivify and lend clarity into an understanding of soul.

evocation leaves an everlasting mark as two twin flames embark from a space of divine love to create fate

meticulous minds pick a place and time, upon your arrival show a sign that's vital, gravity pulls us in for a kiss as our hearts meet.

my greatest wishes grant admission, a star is born and with t...

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astrologybirthdaycelebrationexpansivefemininityfeminismlightlovepeacepoempoemspoetrysolar returnsoulspiritspiritualitysun signwisheszodiac

Florida Birthday Girl

You wake me early, with a kiss-scapade and your eyes bright like the morning light that snuck through onto my pillowcase.

You open my car door with a knowing grin, and I make ridiculous guesses, but you refuse to reveal your plans.

First, across the bridges of Jacksonville, to historic Avondale, where old-Florida gardens and old-money mansions show us their frills.

My first time at the Fo...

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JacksonvilleFloridabirthdayRiversideAvondaleAtlantic Beach

Salutations for Sally

I wrote this poem for my wife's birthday.

Salutations for Sally

The years don’t pass slowly anymore,

But there’s still time for an eternity

In your eyes, in your arms, your love.

Each moment a step to infinity,

But time doesn’t march, it ascends,

And we rise on the years,

Sadder, yes, but wiser and

More loving, more understanding.

And you lift everything around you


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Today is my birthday

not sure if I'm happy or sad

I'd be glad

if at 30

we started to count backwards

So many candles on my cake!!

I need a FIRE extinguisher...

By Lynn Hahn


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Happy Birthday Bill

Repost in memory of the 55th anniversary of his birth.


I love Bill Hicks (while being tickled)

    ...I love Bill Hicks (laughing)... no, stop...

   ...I love Bill Hicks (laughing)... I love Bill Hicks honest...


...I love Bill Hicks behave...(laughing)...

    ...shh...stop it! I love Bill Hicks...


Bill Hicks


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A Life's Wish

May you wake today
To see light of day
To hear nightingale
When you're feeling stale

May you rise
With sunrise
And seize the day
Without dismay

May you awaken
Feeling unshaken
And start a smile
For a long while

May you forever love
And feel being loved
May you follow your inner wisdom
And be guided to only success

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Red Letter Day

The clock
The minute
and the liquid
Vanilla scent
and gentle oak
The nose is pleased
The lips poised
The tongue
Then thirst, palate,
mind and soul are
The nectar and company
shared, valued 
And a birthday

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Young and wrinkly

Young and wrinkly


You are not getting old

But numerically you've advanced

No, you're not getting old

You're just chronologically enhanced.


You are not growing up

But of this much I am sure

To avoid growing up

We must become more immature.


We must dance until our joints creak

And sing until we can't speak,

Laugh until our lungs ache

And love until ...

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Birthdayageyouthyoungwrinklyoldgrowing older



Staggering home alone, intoxicated

From another birthday now belated

Booze translates to insomnia medicated

I used to be an animal but am again domesticated

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We Too Hold Truth

A dancer I know made a flag 

 For me

 It contains my favorite colors and

 Holds the spirit of a sloth

Deliberate and lazy

Slow but sure

Hanging upside down

And clear about the difference between

Sky and ground

My flag for my revolution

No nationalistic colors with stripes

Bars animals symbols or heroic images

Represents me - never has

I ...

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OpenMind 2nd Anniversary/Birthday Special

OpenMind return to Fuel Bar to celebrate our 2nd anniversary, exactly 2 years since the first ever OpenMind event at Earth Cafe.

To celebrate our 2nd anniversary we've created a few elements that pay homage to this number. Entry will be £2, we've got 2 headliners, 2 guests per genre, and raffle tickets will be 2 for the price of 1.

As always we'll begin the evening with the most...

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OpenMindAnniversaryBirthday2PoetryMusicAcousticHip HopFuel

OpenMind 2nd Anniversary/Birthday Special

OpenMind return to Fuel Bar to celebrate our 2nd anniversary, exactly 2 years since the first ever OpenMind event at Earth Cafe.

To celebrate our 2nd anniversary we've created a few elements that pay homage to this number. Entry will be £2, we've got 2 headliners, 2 guests per genre, and raffle tickets will be 2 for the price of 1.

As always we'll begin the evening with the most...

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OpenMindBirthdayAnniversaryPoetryMusicHip HopAcousticFuel2

My birthday/OpenMind 25th January full itinerary

As some of you may know there's a character limit on the event pages on here, so I've decided to upload the full itinerary so far for my birthday OpenMind event on 25th January at TV 21, 10 Thomas Street, Manchester as a blog for the OpenMind group page.


Everyone is very much welcome to attend my special OpenMind event whether they're first time readers, casual open micers or veteran ...

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OpenSpaceOpen MicPlansItineraryEventBirthdayOpenMind

Today Is My Birthday


Today, the 27th of May, Friday,

I celebrate another birthday.

I again thank God for prolonging my life,

For giving me the strength for the right strife,

For saving me from a danger,

For giving me a chance to understand a stranger.

For forgiving all my sins,

For congratulating with my wins.

Another year of my life has passed.

I hope it is not the last.


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