The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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You never forget your first




Mine was the big thing

Decades before 

Other honeys 

Entered the picture.


Soul Cinema action queen


Did her own stunts,

Did her own Afro,

Wasted no time

Kicking ass on the big screen.


First of her kind.


The baddest one-chick hit squad that ever hit town!


Mine had no is...

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Pam Grier1970s AmericaSoul Cinemamovie theatreschildhood memoriesinfatuationAmerican Black sayings

Shallow Breath

Soft moonlit eyes that paralyze.

Unbridled passion on the rise.

The room afire in fading light.

Fragrant desire fills up the night.


As worlds dissolve, so unaware.

Entangled in your casual stare.

Nowhere to hide.  No way to see.

No self-control inside of me.


Slow motion moves through tangled time.

In shallow breath I feel that I’m

adrift upon your velvet sea...

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loveinfatuationin lovehelplessly in love


I’ve peeled off my skin for you 

I’ve let you crunch my bones,

Consume beyond my flesh

Beyond my visceral tissues

Beyond my beating heart

Beyond the fibres of my being

Down to my soul

I’ve let you gobble up my spirit

I’ve let you slurp up my mind

Lick the lasting crumbs

of my emotions

Everything in me

Everything making me, me

All that constructs me


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loveheartbreakpainrelationshipemotionvulnerabilityvulnerablegivingsacrificejumpconsumefearpowerinterdependentinterlocksmitteninfatuationin lovebegprayhopedread


I don’t necessarily want to be like you

There are times when you drive me up the wall!

I thought I wanted to be friends with you

I thought that we were something that we we're not

The reason is that I want to be like you, not that I want you

I want to be able to turn my phone over when someone calls

I want to be had a look away and ignore that “ting”

I want to put myself first...

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friendshipinfatuationlovepoetry and mental health

Love Letter to a Stranger

~You're the feeling that makes my heart melt into a caramel abyss
I can taste the sweet demise you subject me to on the tip of my tongue
This sugary concoction flows out of your soul and seemingly by magic, or maybe alchemy, transforms into the feathers that come together like wings to lift me up beyond the natural heights of my masculine flesh
Bringing out the fleshly, carnal desires of my sou...

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The Truth Within

I’ve drowned, too

trying to stay afloat

swimming in those eyes of ocean blue

navigating through hypnotic moves

and poetic words

that make you feel

he only has eyes for you 


But in truth,

you’re another hole

he’s been trying to fill

another escape

to let his mind erase

the truth within


“Was I Just Another One?”

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Born To Muse

In the hammering rain of last night
I slept the best I have all week
I slept deeper, longer
than I have done for months

And would you guess who I should meet there
on the dream stools
at the dream bar
ordering her dream gin
sliding me a dream beer

Well, you come here often
I don’t have to ask
I’ve seen you here so many nights before
but it has been a while
(and I’ve missed you)


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Killer's Instinct

When the eyes do the wine effect,

When the lips turn aroma on…

When the halo transmits magnetism

My mind thinks a hundred times,

How she would be in real?


I mostly happen to see her image,

And there she is defying every age.

Miracle born, miraculous charm

She stirs me from beneath…

And I simply wonder who she is!


Novel attraction or a cute tease,


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addictionsbeautiful womanattractioninfatuationseduction

I never sleep when...

I never sleep when

looking at you,


I never sleep when

counting your breaths,


I never sleep when

watching you dress,

when you serve a dish...

when you write a report...

or choosing wine...


I never sleep

when you're turning  a page...

when you're sitting astride...

when you're folding your arms and

pushing your toes into me.


I never sleep...

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A tulip blooms

In the effervescent sunshine of my heart,

A ray of light I alone

Could not have created,

For not until the birds no longer sing,

Or until the trees no longer grow,

Will my infatuation know its limits. 

Your hair a melancholic autumn,

Shades of brown and hues of amber,

Your heart

A forgotten winter,

Made not by you,

But by those that came before I,


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“babe, here’s something i just wrote—i think you might like it! it goes like this:


‘the truthful glance you cast upon me felt like concrete poured into a casket
.it crushed me.
crushed me into a pulverized valentine’s card,
you know, the ones with sweet nothings smothered on a canvas donning a bleeding heart;
but this valentine’s card dared to push through to the other side of...

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daydreamsinfatuationstructured formwordplay

Muddle Puddle

Eyes and lips
blossom from your carved face,
sugar skull, sherbert fizz.
To Mr, from Mz,
we really wanted to fuck this.
Turned my brain insane,
my tongue inside

Caught in fog,
in haze, like cloudy lemonade;
a gaze, let's misbehave.
I won't make it.
Too intense:
this forever pretence,
can't do more pretend.


Take a hot hit,
bit by bit,
I got...

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The Jagged Edge of Love

This must be my longest night
the moon laying its heavy light right down
this room swims in so much gossiping
conversations; always imagined and impossible

This must be my longest night
the blurred echoes of all we did ring ‘round
there’s no sleep to be had, just counting stars
and scenes replaying; rose or shit tinted now

I found the jagged edge of love
it cut right across my heaving...

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I Was the Reluctant Lover


I was the reluctant lover
She was a Goddess divine
I was not as brave as a man should be
And so her heart was never mine

Oh, am I the fool of legend
Am I the only one
Who loved and lost as I never tossed
My hat in the ring till the girl was gone?

And as I look at the picture
Her face...

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loveamoreadoreamiciwomanunrequited lovepassioninfatuation

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