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Competition closes in 60 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

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beer (Remove filter)

Peak Ale

Peak Ale

Rivers of beer flow down the mountainside

Like spring time rain fresh wet refreshing drowning

So lovely to sooth you no worries mountain beer

Very strong just what the doctor ordered

Drink your fill have enough to drown in

You will not feel death it’ll be like birth

New beginnings brought by peak beer

Brewed atop the summit by a Goddess

See people lined up to su...

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Mountain thyme tea rolled up in seaweed playing the role of a joint

All this time,
reminded of the thyme tea I drank,
as I was talking to you.

And all those stories I've heard,
from liars and thieves,
about you, not being who you say you are.

Can't even drink my favorite beverage,
my mind being leveraged,
by the thoughts of another summer without you.

Another year,
another failure,
mind messed up from beer portrayed as a liquid savior,
yellow at ...

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Open Mike Night

One night a week I go out for a beer

To visit with friends and seek out good cheer

Its open mike, tho I do not play

I do sing along and cheer away.

There's always the regulars, there's Jeff and there's John

And sometimes Bobby will be around

Newbies are cool and always a treat

But the show that can't ever be beat...

Malcolm! They always save him til the end

With his keyb...

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Comradeshipfriendsfunopen mikebeercelebration

Down the market

carrots, apples spuds and fish
chocolate brownies, a porcelain dish
jeans and jumpers, pots and pans
stockings, bras and ornate fans
paintings of the lacal town
jackets, bags and a dressing gown
onsies that look like Donald duck
sweets to chew and sweets to suck
DVDs and home made jam
vinyl records by bross and wham!
perfume, deodorant, talk and soap

yorkshire parkin and a cantelope

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beerbootscakecarrotscraftshaticecreamjamjohn cooper clarkelemonademarketing


Blunt after blunt

Beer after beer

My attempts to drown the pain do nothing as

The joy in my life slips from my grasp

Shot after shot

Numb to my emotions and logic

I’ll double down on my agony

Burn bridges half built and cut poorly tied ties

All in the name of self-improvement

Something that never comes and never will

Why would I let myself grow

When I could continu...

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Depressionbeersubstance abusebluntdeath

Drinking Life Away

Drinking life away
To mourn and celebrate
With a drink in hand
A prop with which to stand
Have a drink to laugh
And stop sorrows in their path
To grieve at rising sun
Part of nightime fun
Drinking is your brain
The new way of being sane
Drinking is your super power
Your friend at every hour
A pint is always there
Like a friend who cares
A whiskey to relax
Drowning all the crap
But ...

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alcoholalcohol abusebeerboozesociety alcoholwhiskey

Football's problem - a tee-total football fan's message to UEFA

We've heard sectarian and racist hate
seen a governing body in a sad old state
fans forced to flee flying fists in fear
but football's problem is not just beer.

We've Neo-Nazis, ultras and yobs
most whom must hold decent jobs.
Some come just for the fight I hear
so football's problem can't be just beer.

We over-pay schoolboy prima-donnas
to create cheap imitation Maradonas
for a si...

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Bile of Crocodile

Bile of Crocodile

Je suis Charlie,

Je suis Odessa,

Je suis Farley,

Je suis poetessa.

А в Мозамбике …

(In Mozambique)

Hello, Enrique!

56 человек,

В наш 21-ый век,

Отравились пивом,

А не парижским аперитивом.

Bile of crocodile

To the beer was added.

No reason to smile,

The devil this act headed.

I also like beer

But thank God for …

not having ...

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Liquer in the front

Poker in the rear

You can go down to the pub

If you only want a beer


.........I'll get my coat!  ;)

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Beer, glorious beer. It’s such a great thing that anyone can experience.

As for me I like ice-cold strong lager and a pint of real ale with the kick of a mule,

they all get you pissed if you have ten pints, so let’s have some more, it’s so much fun.

Beer comes in all shapes and sizes from all over the world,

from Chinese rat piss to Dutch thunder brew.


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We went into the pub's beer garden to see the illegal vodka factory run by Eastern Europeans.                                                                                                                                        

We dance madly around their lorry and sing, "Give us a drink! We're parched like the Gobi Desert. Don't you know, we drank the pub dry? Vodka...

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new years evepartydrinkbeervodka





We went into the pub's beer garden to see the illegal vodka factory run by Eastern Europeans.                                                                                                                                        

We dance madly around their lorry and sing, "Give us a drink! We're parched like the Gobi Desert. Don't you know, we drank the pub dry?...

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drinkvodkabeerlorryillegal immigrantspiss upnew year

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