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Scots (Remove filter)

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proud Scots wha hae

Which ever way

the voters turn

(Robbie, river and the flame)

for Auld lang syne

they've crossed the burn

proud Scots wha hae

a land to claim.

And even if

the map's the same

and even if

Westminster rules

Scotland's braves

they've yet to tame

coz they've the oil

ye Southern fools.

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If the Scots become the late departed

Will we English be downhearted,

Knowing they're gone beyond recall

On the darker side of Hadrian's Wall?


Or willl we sing aloud in praise

For leaving us our longer days

And New Years free from haggis and Burns

With wailing pipers taking turns


To make us deaf to proper tune

And gentle voices born to croon.

Let English foo...

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