The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

short poems (Remove filter)

A poem for a mother’s 80th birthday

Over the sands of time you’ve travelled.
Across the ocean of life you’ve sailed.
Through the fog of daily worries,
Your unfailing love’s prevailed.

Your light shines from within,
Brighter than the heavenly sky.
The fire in your soul’s unquenched,
The flames one can’t deny.

Don’t measure your life in years
Nor by the number of breaths you take,
For we’re blessed by your resounding wis...

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a poemanniversary poembirthday poem for best friendBirthday poem for friendbirthday poemsbook poetryfuneral bluesfuneral blues poemfuneral poemsfunny birthday poemshappy birthday poemmarriage poemsmemorial poemsmemories poempoem writerpoems about marriagepoems for birthdayspoems in remembrancepoems of lovepoems on homepoetriespoetryrhyming poemsshort funeral poemsshort poemswedding poems

Underground (Part 28 to 30)

(NB. Three more haikus on the Underground)



Asleep on the seat

He only just wakes up

Before it leaves.



As the taxi beeps

Outside he tells himself this

Can’t keep happening




Guitar in his case

The busker offers the tramp

Some of his coffee.

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haikuhaikusshort poems

Underground Part 1 to 6


Out of tune busker
Pausing for a few moments
Opens up a beer.


Pausing for its breath
The train can’t look back turning
Away from the guard.


Getting off the train
You almost turn back round to
Get straight back on it.


Stepping from the mist

You feel like you are stepping

From a dark film noir.



Pausing suddenly

you think briefly ...

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haikushort poems

Disappearing in the midnight air across the meadows

Leaving no trace your

Feet disappear suddenly

In the midnight air.

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haikushort poems

Til Morning Light

{Til Morning Light}

I've doubted my

happiness along

awaiting for my newer

sins til morning light

and as I rewrite all

of my stories and

compete with my

never-ending ends

that seems to never

be ending for me daily 

and I don't have time

for no imposters

because I will only

fade away at the

rumbling watery

morning light while

rewriting all my new


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Poempoetrythinking out loudstoryshort storyTina Gloverwriting out loudshort poemsshort poetry


Once she used to be able

to be recognizable to the

herself but bit by bit this

evil demon that lives inside

of her that's stealing her life

and herself dignity right

out from underneath her is

making herself image

distorted giving her a

false impression that

started to look like a

black sheep dressed

up in her skin making

her unrecognizable to


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fictional pieceOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetryshort poemsshort poetryshort storiesTina GloverWriting out loud

How Could You Miss Something You Never Had?

{How Could You Miss Something You Never Had?}



It's sad to say

that for a long

time now I

would be missing

you but in reality

how could I

miss something

I never really

had in the

first place 


Yes it started

off by me

missing the

sound of your

deep voice 


And the tender

touches of your

hand against

my skin



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humorous poemshumorous poetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetryshort poemsshort poetryshort storiesTina Gloverwriting out loud

Holding Your Tiny Hands {Cody}

{Holding Your Tiny Hands}{Cody} 



My dearest son,


I remember when you was born at 12:30 p.m. December 17 


And then the doctor's laid you on my chest and as I wrapped you up in my arms and kissing your small tiny hands and face as the happy tears flowed down my cheeks 


And then I started to count your small fingers and toes making sure all of them was there 



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memoriesOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer_Tina GloverPoempoem 4 my sonpoetryshort poemsshort poetryshort storiesTina Gloverwriting out loud

She Misses Him Badly

{She Misses Him Badly}

They shared

something so

beautiful and

something so

deep and true

but that truthful

lustful love affair

ended to soon

between them

because he

didn't believe

her so she went

on her way no

matter how much

she cared or loved

him and so much

she wanted to

stay but she

knew that if she

did they would

only hurt eac...

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Fictional characterfictional pieceOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetryshort poemsshort poetryshort storiesTina Gloverwordy queenwriting out loud

Walk A Mile In My Shoe's

{Walk A Mile In My Shoe's} 



Walk a mile in

my shoes

because I was

left alone

without no

money and no

family at the

age fifteen to

comfort and

love me while

my life started

to spin out of

control hitting the

ground full blast

like a nuclear

weapon blowing

the world up

around me




this isn't the l...

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Wordy queenWriting out loudOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer_Tina Glovershort storiesshort poemsshort poetrypoempoetryTina GloverFictional characterfictional piece

His Whisper's In My Ear

{His Whisper's In My Ear}



He always

whispers sweet

desirable sexual intoxicating love

in my ears 



And when he

leans my head

back slightly

pulling my long

hair back while

kissing my neck

as he nibbles his

way down my

desirable hot

body leaving my

body shaking

with excitement of wanting him as

I nibble on my


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Erotic poemeroticalustful poemslustful poetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writerpoempoetryshort poemsshort poetryshort storiesTina Gloverwriting out loud

Timeless Temptation

{Timeless Temptation} 


He had lips like a

sweet soft angles

lips that made my

heart melt away

to rubbish 



As his eyes

sparkled in mine

like the starry

skies above my



But his words

was intoxicating

to my ears as the

sound of his heart

and mine pounded

loud and louder

until I no longer

could hear his

words just th...

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Poempoetrylove poemlove poetrywordy queenshort poemsshort poetryshort storiesTina Gloverwriting out loudOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

Life's Expectations

{Life's Expectations}



Life isn't what we

think or expect it

to be 


Because life can be

filled with hurt, pain,

sickness, death, lying,

cheating and

bamboozled with

condensing pricks

that only seems to

think of themselves

and no one else in

life no matter how it

effects the other

person in the situation

at hand 



Because my ...

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fictional characterLife poemOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetryshort poemsshort poetryshort storiesTina Gloverwlife poetrywordy queenwriting out loud

Take Care

{Take Care} 




Take care too, Friend.

There are times I want

to hide from the sun too,

so I at least know how

that part feels like.

Thing is,

there's so little sun

here anyway that even

walking about in the

fresh air seems like a

being under a rock

at times.

I never not wanted

to be your friend,

ma'am and I hope

we can put this


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fictional piecefriendshiplifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverPoempoetryshort poemsshort poetryshort storiesTina Gloverwordy queenwriting out loud

Face To Face With Us

{Face To Face With Us} 




My white and tan face fades, 

hiding inside of this grayish black smoke. 

I knew they'd use it against us, 

dammit; the tear gas is filling the blue skies around us and as the rub bullets flies past our heads. 

I'm grown I make my own decisions to fight this fight. 

I'm fresh like I just rolled out of bed.

Their clouded misguided assumpti...

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Lifelivingpoemworld around usprotestersSocietystorieswritingwordy queenpoetry poetryshort poemsshort storieswriting out loudTina GloverOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

Little of Your Love

Its okay if you don't want to fall again

Love was hurtful

So you said again

Maybe its true

I feel your pain

How will I know

When I always abstain

Make me experience love

My heart cries

Make me feel love

My soul dies

Alone I have been

Looking like a Wanderer

Reality have seen

Not like a Slumberer

Searching for the perfect heart

To lost in love with


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HeartLovePoemShort poems

In The Arm's Of An Angel

{In The Arm's Of An Angel}


As I have been 

wrapped up in the

carrying loving arms

of my angel and he

came to me so long 

ago now and you have

been there loving

and guiding me the

whole way no matter 

how hard life may get

for me and through

my pains and sicknesses

I've always had you there 

tocomfort me the entire 

way and  so many times 


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lifelivinglovingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetryshort poemsshort poetryshort storiesTina Gloverwriting short poemswriting short poetrywriting short stories

Murderous Tears

{Murderous Tears}


These murderous tears

follows down my cheeks 

wetting my shirt as I gently

wipe them away like the

way the did you by murdering

you in cold blooded murder

and it left me here like a

child that was orphaned 

to survive in these darkened

cold streets that the

blood stained asphalt

surrounds my feet 


But I cannot fathom 

how th...

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deathlifelife after deathlivinglovingOne_PissedOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetrysad poetrysadnessshort poemsshort poetryshort storiesTina Glover

Starry Skies

{Starry Skies}


Rose's are red,
Violet's are blue,
the night starry
skies are shining
through you just 
like when I gaze 
into your starry 
twinkling burning
fiery eyes that is
intoxicating to resist
that always lights up 
my life 



©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer October 3,2016 but posting here on February 23,2018 

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Poemthinkingthinking out loudshort poemsshort poetrylifelivingpoetrywriting short storieswriting out loudOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover



He loves me,
He loves me not,
I love him,
He loves me not,
I fought for us,
He didn't, 
I chased him,
He didn't chase me,
I saw the sparks in his eyes, 
I saw the way he looked at her,
I watched his body movement,
I watched him kiss her all of the time,
I've wrote a thousand songs for him,
I have sang a thousand songs for him,
I shipped a thousand feeling's to him,
But he...

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HimlifelivingTina Gloverlesson learnedloving himpoempoetrywritingshort storiesshort poemsshort poetryhurting heartsthinking out loudthinkingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #35 {I Will Not Live In Fear}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #35} {I Will Not Live In Fear} 



Once upon a time

from my past I

once lived in fear

because of a situation

with an exrelationship

gone wrong because

this man became

insanely crazy over

me `n` he took it to

the point of calling

me day `n` night then

stalking me `n` showing

up in the dead of the

night trying to bre...

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diary of the southern queenexperiencesfearlifelivingno more fearoutside inspirationpoempoetryshort poemsshort poetryshort storiesstoriesTina Gloverwordy queenworldly inspirationwriting to write

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #8 {What A Typical Man Wants In A Woman?}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #8} {What A Typical Man Wants In A Woman?} 




Sadly she's a




But many people

doesn't appreciate

that in a woman



Because oddly

enough most

people prefers a

woman to be trashy

not classy with sass

about her because

it's all about what's

between her legs

when it comes


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diary of the southern queendissing on youhumoroushumorous quotelifelivingoddlyOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutside inspirationquoteshort poemsshort poetrystoriesTina Glovertrying to surviveworldly inspirationwritingwriting short stories

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #7 {A Story About Me I Will Always Tell It}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #7} {A Story About Me I Will Tell It} 




If there's

a story

about my

life that's

a story

that I

will have

to be the

one to


because I'm

the only

who knows it

`n` can

tell my

story so

well `n` until

then my

story will

remain untold 








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diary of the southern queengetting bylifelivinglove poemsOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutsiders inspirationpoempoetryquotesshort poemsshort poetryshort storiesTina Gloveruntold storiesworldly inspirationwritingwriting poetry

International Women's Day

Pages and pages of pink and pink
roses on dresses and slender chic drink,
All pictures pretty some might think
but none reflecting strength, and that's the thing:

Women's Day isn't all flowers and hearts
it's message shouldn't be limited before it starts,
we are more than our constituent parts
so today try to tear stereotypes apart -

Support our differences, our quirks,
you don't have...

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poempoetryshort poempoemsshort poemswomenwomen about womenstrong womenwriting

My work, "The P.O.T" (Sample)

I have a collection of poems, titled "The P.O.T".  Below are excerpts of the work.


The P.O.T (Poured Out Thoughts) is analogous to water being poured out from a pot to the ground. Here, water is a representation of thoughts and the ground represents the peoples’ minds.

It is a collection of poems that draws its thoughts from the interests of inspiration, motivation, spirituality...

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poetspostanthologiespoemscollection of poemsshort poemslong poemspublishers of poemsseeking anthology publishers

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