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Competition closes in 54 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

Face To Face With Us

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{Face To Face With Us} 




My white and tan face fades, 

hiding inside of this grayish black smoke. 

I knew they'd use it against us, 

dammit; the tear gas is filling the blue skies around us and as the rub bullets flies past our heads. 

I'm grown I make my own decisions to fight this fight. 

I'm fresh like I just rolled out of bed.

Their clouded misguided assumption eyes me like a invisible runaway fading and slipping fastly like we are guilty as the nightfalls like the guilty deadly sin that is upon us, while chasing the morning. 

As I run this way-the darkened streets let's me go.

I turn that way-I get pushed, forced and thrown in the back of the police van again, and depending on my attitude to be all the difference.

I run down the sign half-way expecting to find my name amongst the other names that was written out in the protesters ink. 

I touch the names of Ruebon Galindo, Iaroslau Mosiiuk and Josue Javier Diaz; 

I see the beat cops tired worn-out eyes. 

The names are stretched out across the protesters banners and signs but when they walk away the names falls from our sinful lips.

As the "paparazzi" flashes this light and that light while putting us all on worldly display.

But everyone calls it a deadly riot. 

The ground is flooded with the fallen trash.

As one body hits the ground.

The white and black cops images hovers all of us while they shoot pepper spray in our faces and the cops faces goes blank as it gaze's straight through mine.

I'm like a broken foundation with all the broken windows falling out hitting the ground.

He's raised his left arm with a gun in his hand. 

And the grayish black smoke fills the air and streets while the drone tracks down all targets: No, as the deadly crow gasps for fresh air.

As the bodies continues hitting the ground all around us. 

As they are still standing face to face with us.








©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover All Rights Reserved April 15,2018 


Lifelivingpoemworld around usprotestersSocietystorieswritingwordy queenpoetry poetryshort poemsshort storieswriting out loudTina GloverOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover

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