luck (Remove filter)
The Art of Luck
Oh, fortune's wheel that spins both high and low,
Thy hand seems fickle, yet thou canst be tamed.
Not through mere chance doth serendipity grow,
But by the deeds where effort is proclaimed.
The lucky soul looks not for fate’s decree,
But steps with courage where the path’s unclear.
They plant the seeds of opportunity,
And tend them well with hope and steady cheer.
Tuesday 7th January 2025 8:54 am
My Selfish Heart
My selfish heart is just plain happy
As the world tumbles into an abyss
Only you and I know how it’s come to this
We’ve found a love like never before
Soon to be judged by those we adore
Our clean hearts true to ourselves and each other
No time now for froth and bluster
Just love seared with joy and heart felt laughter
Short time, fast journey for two hearts from The Poo...
Wednesday 15th November 2023 7:23 pm
Heads or Tails
Like a coin
tossed in the air,
chance will decide
whether I will land heads or tails
To have control is almost impossible,
when I think I'm at the top
someone incapable or enviously sick
comes from behind
and knocks me down to the ground
I get up smiling,
starting again;
leaving nothing half done,
that's how I face life;
even when insults rain down ...
Thursday 12th January 2023 4:31 pm
Square One
How come it can be this hard
To climb these mountains in my path
And just a small mistake
Is all it takes to slide back down?
How come it can be this tough
To climb the steps in this building?
And just a little fail
Brings me straight back down.
How come it's never quite enough
And the journey's never easy?
Could it be because
Joy keeps falling out of reach?
How come although I ...
Wednesday 17th February 2021 1:13 am
Lucky Coins
Lucky Coins
It would have been about nineteen seventy-seven
Outside The College pub at ‘Closing Time’
When I nearly stumbled over an old man
Lying by a slate stone wall.
He was dressed in dark clothes and had grey hair
That lay across his face
So that his features were obscured
And he was trying to pull himself up to his feet
I stepped towards him and help...
Thursday 25th June 2020 2:35 pm
The Midas Touch
The Midas Touch
I saved the life of Lady Luck
And as a thank you I was told
That all I touched metaphorically
Would surely turn to gold
This gift came with a caveat
That seemed to be quite fair
I mustn’t get too greedy
Or all would turn to despair
And from that day without a doubt
I’ve found this to be true
I’ve won small bets on horseracing
And a game...
Sunday 7th June 2020 1:27 pm
Wheel of Fortune
Every time you greatly suffer,
And with your life be disappointed.
And you feel that there is no hope,
And all things seem so disjointed.
Every time you feel lost,
And ask yourself: What can I see?
And you feel that there is no future,
To find a purpose for being me.
When you feel the whole world mocks you,
And that it always seems so cruel.
When you feel you have no place in life,
Sunday 23rd February 2020 1:06 pm
Lucky lucky lucky
Lucky Lucky lucky Spanish Sellers shout
it warns other sellers English Tourists here
Lucky lucky lucky lets make a few bob today
Sell to young English ones, what ever you may
Tell them fools gold is expensive, sell, sell, sell
While your hard at it, seller add on a story as well
if its worth twenty sell it for eighty or there abouts
Lucky to day so lucky English tourists are about
Tuesday 21st January 2020 2:48 pm
Beautiful You
For every ship that sailed away
you forever received two in return
the heavily laden burden of fault
from which you never had to learn.
The sparkling light of luck
shone always on your skin
and the bright spark of hope
built bridges from within.
Perfectly formed a beautiful being
the mirror blushed at your vision
a sight to behold and to admire
a form unn...
Wednesday 11th December 2019 10:11 am
Money is the soul to reach a goal
It is the tool to play a role
But if you're miser or a poor
No way to live happy and cool
Luck is the wing across future
but work is the core of the creature
To be strong even no wing
Keep your effort to win the venture
Poor & rich, should also search
Money everywhere, we must fetch
the only lazy .. also crazy
Forever, no goa...
Thursday 4th April 2019 4:09 pm
Aisa Kyu
By : Mirza Sharafat
mujhe kya , har cheez me tera ghar lagta hai
wo sama , teri ghali ka wo manzar lagta hai
pawu zameen pa rakh ke samandar lagta hai
teri muhabbat ka asar is qadar lagta hai
Sulagti huwi aagh pa mujhe chalney do rafiq
Har qadam pa maloom uska reh guzar lagta hai
terey ansuvu ki jo na kar sakey qadar
phir dil usk...
Tuesday 29th August 2017 5:18 am
Luck Runs Out
The dog stole my scrumptious donuts a-waiting,
And on school days, my thinker never worked the long haul
Then fate decided to reveal my bowling prowess
Before it flung me four-score a-gutterball.
Is it my fault I needlessly negotiate with math?
Or school days proved me a sitting duck?
Even if genes came into play,
I blame humanity’s ups and misgivings on luck
Saturday 19th August 2017 4:41 am
"The Four Leaf clover"
I love the beauty of the four-leaf clover
I study thier patterns over and over
Some collect them for Irish luck
But for other's like me, we're simply awestruck
We collect them because we know thier rare
They give us hope to not despair
And just like them, with light we'll grow
As the ground is watered here below
So remember this blessing, caught unaware
There might just ...
Thursday 31st March 2016 5:00 pm
"Lucky Otter"
There once was a man who lived by the sea
Who fished the Irish water
The man had a ship that really was hip
He called it "Lucky Otter"
And every time hed sail he'd catch a thousand krill
And take them back to harbor for a hundred dollar bill
The man had a friend way down at the end by Jessie's magic parlor
She'd go for a trip with the man that was hip
Who owned the "Lucky O...
Thursday 31st March 2016 4:43 pm
The retiree
He goes for his morning walk,
with his ambling, enthusiastic gait;
he knows he’s lucky, and sunshine kisses his hair -
not yet grey, barely greying. He of fortunate fate,
makes his way over the field, calmly,
unharmed, green grass nipping his heels, and late
summer flowers bow to him. The sheep watch curiously,
then defer to the master of the estate.
The children whoo...
Tuesday 15th March 2016 11:14 am
one saint patrick's day
Where did you get that hat!?
Folks grind on me each day.
"Keep it off, tis not funny!"
Sorry, but it's staying on this way!
Tis the hat my father never wore
on St. Paddy's day, you'd swore
Tis but me spiked up hair, y'seen
Doused with a lot o'spray on green!
I haven't me a hat, let alone respect;
So I'll bug off with me head erect.
And just as well, I'm on me way
I haven't a shamro...
Wednesday 18th March 2015 1:00 am
Your dawn chorus
Saturday 10th August 2013 7:14 am
Your Excellency
Your Excellency, a Lady of Separation!
I am cold, and that's a damnation!
The letter in the envelope, do not tear, my dove!
I am not lucky in death, I’ll be lucky in love!
Your Excellency, a Lady of Luck!
For someone you are kind, for another one a chuck
Nine grams in the heart, just wait, do not call!
I am not lucky in death, I'll be a winner once for a...
Friday 2nd November 2012 8:03 pm
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