The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

'til all my breath is you

How have you inked

this palpitant heart?

Well, let me tell you:

Your barbs extend

long and deep and far,

far enough to pierce

skin of my resistance

with needlepoint of

your persistence.

But not only skin

deep; you refuse to

settle for what I

had to offer, deep--

you broke skin and

plunged deeper than

anyone ever did go

pierced right through

very v...

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World Poetry Day

Had I known much earlier than I have , It would most surely have been spent With more intention and purpose. Then again, there is always next year!  __________________________________ Resolved during the 30th UNESCO session to proclaim March 21 as World Poetry Day.

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your very own non-imaginary life

You have a right To bruised knees And broken dreams Disappointments And promises kept, To casts, itchy & graffitied On either arm or leg and tears on reddened cheeks; Elation and defeat, Snotty nose and blistered feet. Yes, to these you have a right, and more, Life's every essence, outside your door.

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one saint patrick's day

Where did you get that hat!?

Folks grind on me each day.

"Keep it off, tis not funny!"

Sorry, but it's staying on this way!

Tis the hat my father never wore

on St. Paddy's day, you'd swore

Tis but me spiked up hair, y'seen

Doused with a lot o'spray on green!

I haven't me a hat, let alone respect;

So I'll bug off with me head erect.

And just as well, I'm on me way

I haven't a shamro...

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