The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Misunderstood (Remove filter)

Where You Begin

The first time

Is a pin prick

To unstitch

Your skin

To feel yourself


You search your being

You are it:

Coursing through yourself

The second time

You search inside

A stranger

Behind the corner shop

You find where he begins


But come back,

Stinking of rot

Void of thought

To feel what?

What are you searching for?

To begin ag...

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beginselfidentitysearchseekadrenalineriskfindfeelnumbself destructionrebornendattemptmisunderstooddepressionanxietythrill seekself harmalcoholmisusetaboostigmasex

The Dig

The Dig


Thousands of years later

They found the sacred site

And used their soft sable brushes

To clear the earth from their finds

Here was what looked like a drinking vessel

Owned by a Covid-19 man called Persil

And look part of a plate with the lettering McDon

So possibly owned by someone from the Northern Zone

Inflation devices with logos of Asda and Lidl


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NaPoWriMo2017day 28(89)archeologyfuturepastmisunderstoodlitterrubbishartefactssci-fi

Death (XIII)

Death (XIII)


My entrance on a pale horse

Raising the black standard with white rose

Is anathema to most


These bones are survivors

Of the battle between

The worlds of living and dead


This black armour

From the land of eternal sleep

Is unsurmountable


Before me

The clergy, kings and peasants

Fall beneath my hooves


When she flips me over


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day 27deathmisunderstoodnapowrimo2018tarottarot readingsXIII card


I have opened my world to you

To have a glimpse of what is true

The lies that have gone before

May now be laid to rest


I have opened my heart to you

So you may see my intentions are pure

So often misunderstood

Yet all is laid bare for you


I have walked you through my dreams

So that with sight you may see

All you see is not always all there is

Trust requir...

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Floor of Lava

You say a little too much,

And I think a little too much;

Jumping to my own


Stone to stone.

Our love,

Like a floor of lava,

But I’m the only one who gets burned

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Last call

Its the final curtain lets see who was acting and who really hurting 

A burning desire to be a follower no matter the case 

Instead of showing some back bone you rather limp home with your tail tucked between your legs 

I bet you thought you was big dog on campus till you seen a real monkey act up 

Even a rose got thorns dont think a beauty cant defend itself 

You got grass thinking...

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I hate the arguging and the cursing 

The fist fights using words and

The long walk through the fire aint no beach over here 

Its just a pilliar of mixed emotions waiting to get knocked down

Im not gone hold it up lets see how long faith keeps it up

Now im the one laying with a frown

You disappointed fine i get it but that dont mean you dont tell the shopkeeper wassup

You still...

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lovelessIf? hopeless feelings down depressionwaitingmisunderstood


On my lips

I want pressed

The lips of another

misunderstood creature


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Cold Nights

Cold nights,
Desperate halls,
Filled with old pictures on the walls,
Empty rooms,
Broken hearts,
Casualties forced apart,
Silent whispers,
Ice cold tears, 
Looking at what you've become in the mirror,
All the aching past dreams still withstood, 
But even still your misunderstood.

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Irregular Apocalypse

“Got 10p for a cup of tea?”

“If you show us where you can get one for that price,

I'll give you a quid”

He never did...


Irregular Apocalypse.

Lonely and irksome.

The bitter glow of jaundice

tears at society's rustic chains,

one tragedy at a time.


“The Freemasons took my children,

they took my baby.”

Now she's hopping magic buses,


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ManchesterEnglandUnited KingdomUKHeroinHeroin AddictHeroin AddictionSmackSmack AddictFreemasonsConspiracyMental IllnessMentally IllCrazyCrazy Bus LadyMisunderstoodTragedyReal LifeBroken BritainNaPoWriMo

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