The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

artefacts (Remove filter)


it began in some dank cave,

rich the reach of human wit,

artefacts to make life easier,

from reservoirs to cess-pit


wombs warm, mostly safe,

then cots and stately prams,

family pews to plastic bags,

bottles of warming drams


harvest rain in your butts,

insurance of prison cells,

cracks in daddy's egg-cup,

minds like burning hells


walnut coffins and...

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containersSuez Canalfreighterhuman heartartefactswombs


once shoes went to cobblers

new valves a radio renewed

cut-throat razors stropping

nappies boiled then brewed


now artefacts come and go

we exploit them every day

serve a purpose then gone

discards, just thrown away


are us people any different?

used and then tossed aside

minds or bodies plundered

left weeping, hollow, dried


poets call it romantic l...

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binneddiscrdsartefactspeopledisposable livesworn-outscrap

The Dig

The Dig


Thousands of years later

They found the sacred site

And used their soft sable brushes

To clear the earth from their finds

Here was what looked like a drinking vessel

Owned by a Covid-19 man called Persil

And look part of a plate with the lettering McDon

So possibly owned by someone from the Northern Zone

Inflation devices with logos of Asda and Lidl


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NaPoWriMo2017day 28(89)archeologyfuturepastmisunderstoodlitterrubbishartefactssci-fi


Archaeology was my chosen field,

Artefacts and pottery sherds, that sort of thing

Above all I strove to date that

Bronze Age hair those white thighs, her

Confusing layers of strata.

In muddy trenches our

Trowels clashed and one wet field trip

We excavated each other.

Epochs later I observed her digging in a charity shop

An old ruin now,

A bit like myself


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Requiem For A Denon

In layers of strata lie the tracks of history

Archaeologists hunt for artefacts and bones

I cut off your flex and buried you with ceremony

Lamenting the demise of your dulcet tones


Sentinel moonlight lit the private interment

Your laser will exhume Miles Davis no longer

Millenia of chords traversed that plastic portal

You left me deaf, my hearing aids get stronger



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