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The observant amongst you will no doubt have seen my latest poems being posted as music tracks. That's because I've rewritten a number of poems that I had previouly posted about my home city of Wakefield and added music. I've done this alongside a brilliant guitarisr/instrumentalist, John Kettle, from indie/folk band Merry Hell.
There's a range of music styles on the album - and although the subj...
Monday 25th November 2024 6:36 pm
Book out now!... or you could just read them on here lol!
I hope you don't mind, but I've Shamelessly used some of the comments I've recieved here on WOL & named some of you in both the books description & Acknowledgement. Just let me know if you would rather it be removed!
Thanks for inspiring me to complete it!
Here's the link, if you're interested 😄
The Darkness and The Light
Thursday 27th October 2022 6:37 pm
I read her mind
she's like a book
no chapter worth a second look
my life-sentence
jailed on a page
brackets bar this printed cage
her musings pour
bound by rude glue
she rarely takes you anywhere new
she intends to
edit me out
I'm two two-dimensional; I cannot shout
other fellows
fill the pages
to supplement her bulging wages
Tuesday 7th September 2021 10:42 am
New book of poetry
Christian Faith Publishing is going to publish my third book of poetry this year.
Sunday 14th February 2021 2:04 am
Already Written
The aged book filled with leaves turns to unveil a man, Atlas-like – bowed, broken, & torture racked on a wooden frame. In the book, crushed down and up again.
Millions say the words live. Entertain, and watch stony hearts become flesh. Others blame. And this way, remain the same: habitations of corpses. Who, rather than listen, rage. Saying the book’s aim is insane. Thus, death’s reign is...
Tuesday 26th January 2021 4:41 am
The Chapters I Remember
The book lies closed now
Gathering dust on a shelf
I look, but do not touch
That reminder of yourself
Better to imagine our life
Dream of better times
Envisage your lovely face
Hum your happy rhymes
Shady bluebells in spring
Red leaves in November
Bonfires and sparklers
The chapters I remember
More novella than novel
Not near enough pages
A ...
Sunday 8th November 2020 10:58 am
An empty bookshop
breaks my heart
It´s a piece of candy
in a wrinkled hand
with no grandkids in sight
Tuesday 19th May 2020 7:34 pm
Happy World Book Day
Books can make you smile ,
Books can make you cry ,
Books can heal your mind ,
Books can make you kind ,
Books are your life light ,
Books encourage you to fight ,
Books will make you smart ,
Books will never break your heart .
Happy international book day .
Friday 24th April 2020 5:51 am
A Book by Fatima Diop
A Book.
by Fatima Diop
A book to me is a golden door
A door I have never entered before
It feels like I have just set foot in Neverland
Joylessly I read to many books I got banned
A book to me is a crazy place to be
I can be in the Bikini Bottom under the sea
I have realized that this book is taking me outer space
So I decided to stop reading just in case
My mot...
Tuesday 3rd April 2018 12:44 pm
She Defeated Death
She Defeated Death
She should have left the city when the chance was there.
Before the Nazis came, closing the noose.
She has so many regrets, except on her actions. ...
Monday 19th February 2018 10:49 pm
Time and Windows
This poem is a reverie and contemplation of my mother.
Time and Windows
If the past is a tattered old book,
then why am I a ghost
at my mother's window,
so clear I can sense her mystery,
and her brown eyes, so alive?
Look, I can fly to her
through the high windows
of my memory
until I'm so close that she disappears,
and the curtain flutters silently.
Friday 29th December 2017 10:44 am
A Book of Hours
This poem came to me after a visit to London, where I was thunderstruck by the scale and beauty of the restored Reading Room at the British Museum. I was also wrestling with Existentialism at the time.
A Book of Hours
There was Time when its Arrow
flowed like a ticking clock
as it carved the future from the past
like a blind sculptor in one dimension
Saturday 14th January 2017 12:32 pm
'Realisations' - available to buy now!
Hi all,
I have just released my third ebook 'Realisations' - a year after my debut ebook 'Open to interpretation' and it's subsequent second edition. It is available to buy now on Lulu via this link:
A brief preview is available for all three of my books on the website itself. Please buy a copy now and support ...
Tuesday 20th September 2016 10:49 am
My first poetry book!
My first poetry book has just been published and is available to purchase as an Ebook at the following link!:
Thursday 10th September 2015 4:56 pm
But I! Neither a product of love nor pleasure
The collection of Frida Narin's poems are not a nostalgic work; the past is not in the habit of painting romantic pictures. The boarders in Narins poems, from north to south and from east to west, are not lines separating humanity. The flags in the collection of Narins poems are not raised to separate the people of the earth from one another. These flags must be sown to create a carpet for childre...
Sunday 30th August 2015 12:14 pm
He whispers in my ear,
With words contrived to change opinion.
Long, spindles of fingers,
Reach into my brain,
The shocks of his sorcery.
He tells his story, with whispered murmurs,
Using the language of his creator.
He surpasses,
Goes beyond expectation, 'til at last his spell is woven,
And the memory of his touch,
Leaves me yearning,
Wednesday 14th January 2015 11:49 pm
New Collection Available
Saturday 17th August 2013 11:18 am
What is it like to be jailed for writing songs?
What is it like to be locked up for having an opinion?
What is it like to want freedom and say you want it?
What is it like to actually do something about it, your lust for freedom?
What is it like to stand up for your opinions and be jailed?
For four and six years.
In some cases, a dozen.
What is like...
Friday 8th February 2013 6:43 pm
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