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If Ever I Fall

A re-post 'cause it's one of 'The Wifey's' favourite 

And it is valentines, apparently...


If ever I fall will you catch me

And sing me a sweet lullaby?

To stitch up my heart when it's broken

For, I've never been good at goodbyes


Would you weave me a story of wonder

To light up my mind when it's cold?

And chase all the darkness & thunder

From the emptiness of my...

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the Good Book

generational forefathers
bore thine
fruits of their labor,

to an heiress

Oh, the burden
given to this poor mistook child.

the Fall of man—after death
40 days and 40 nights,
If we were to predate the Gregorian calendar
… spring too,
life—before Christ—dark
and light archangels
would earn their halos
from Helios through
sun worship,
during the 7 Days of Creation,
summer was mad...

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Token Valentine Poem


Roses are red


yellow, orange, white, blue, black and pink.

‘Romance’ stands outside of this.

Meaning colours petals

never meant to send a message;

nature couldn’t give a shit if Tim and Tania

fuck and call it love.

Hallmark really care (about their profit) though.


Roses grow in muck

and Aphrodite’s tears never watered them.

It’s just association.


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Hey There Valentine

Hey there Valentine
Give me a sign
Can I put my trust in you
Lay it all on the line
Reflecting past romances
They have all turned out bad
But it feels like love is in the air
And it makes me feel glad
Feeling thankful for your loving
All the things that you do
Feeling thankful for the feeling
Of just me and you
So hey there Valentine
I think it's a sign
Let’s walk together side by si...

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A Certain Valentine

To My Valentine -- V V


  Our love is very patient
      we crave to share always
        & we are very confident
       we can make our ardor blaze
      when we show we are competent
     our desire becomes a craze
      our energy feels omnipotent
       we flex our passion plays--
        our mighty dance is fervent
         we imitate ballets
        & when our force is final...

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lovelove and romancevalentine

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

February 14th is Valentine's Day 
So a poem I thought I would write,
To explain about love and how to find
Mister or Mrs Right.

For some, love happens instantly 
After meeting for the first time,
Heart skips a beat, butterfly effect
These feelings inside! Oh sublime.

But let's take a moment to ponder
About love and Valentine's Day,
A day when you show your true fee...

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Valentine's DayValentine poemValentine

Sad Valentine

? Today I ached so deep in my heart for you 

Yet my tears where all in vain, and wasted

You don't want me, you never have really care

A fool I throw myself at you, I love you dearly

24/7 I pray you will be mine, yet your with her

There is no real love why should you care

My head thinks about you 24/7 can't stop it

I am deeply in love and I honestly admit 

Your my night and ...

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Valentine in heaven

❤️Happy valentine my darling, I miss you so this day❤️

      Even though you are in heaven I just want to say 

     I send a rose ? as a mark of my devotion to you 

           Till we meet again when my life is through 


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Eggs before hearts

On hearing about Easter eggs going on sale on Christmas Eve


No chance for cupid

To pick up his bow

Not yet melted

Those men of snow

When what was on

Shop shelves

Full show

But  a shiny

Easter egg


Left uneaten

Chocolate money

Leaping Lords

Replaced by bunnies

We're still in winter

Though a little sunny

Christmas on 

Last legs



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Love Seed


To win my heart, cross my roads 

To get my love, you knock my doors 

Let's to start, to earn cruise 

To build a nest within love rose 


Adore you much, looking forward 

To keep in touch, even one word 

Eager to fly, to reach sward 

Where your face, shines on board 


You're the star, you're my sun 

You're in heart, the only one 

Grow love seed, before ge...

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Buying each other pointless things

chocolates flowers diamond rings

In the hope to share our love

But still it feels it's not enough

We could just forget it 

and we wouldn't regret it 

But those feelings i have make me want to share

love you show you how much i care

It's strange how without you i feel so alone

makes me weep cry and moan

I'm to emotional and sensitive


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cuteheartlovelovelysweetvalentinevalentines day




Innocence surrenders

As noon stirs in the wake

Of chocolate melting sun-light

Soft breath upon my neck


Covered easy whispers

Birds and breeze conspire

With music swayed by nature

To utter desire


Wine in a glass as warm

As flesh

Passion, seeping through the mesh

Of skin

That opens to the sky

And calls for mercy, with

A sigh

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Saint Valentine's Day Mascara

Saint Valentine’s Day Mascara

She cried when I forgot.
She cried when I remembered,
her tears like silver arrows
to my heart,
her eyes black-lined with sorrow.

The ink, barely dried,
smudged with liquid joy.
A big wet splash on the ‘o’
turning ‘love’ into ‘live’
and crowning my name
like a liquid tiara
for a princess
in a cruel land.

Granting wishes
like kisses.
So I wished s...

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cryingdeathlost lovelovest valentines daytearsvalentine

The Gate

By : Ali Taha Alnobani


Yesterday she invited me to see the moon in her garden
The wind tried to prevent me
Although I was sad, I walked under the rain
The gate was full of small doors and small cats were looking at me
Their shining eyes told me the tale of my baby
One night she was looking at the moon,
But a big cat with shining eyes got her dreams broken.

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dreamdreaming spiresbroken dreamsRose DrewdrunkSweet Dreams Love Poem Poetrygatecatcatlovecathy flowerlove poetrysad poemssaddnesssad loveValentineValentinesValentine's Dayclosedclouddarknessdark tower

I'm to leave now


By: Ali Taha Alnobani

I'm to leave now

A tall ghost is carrying my bag

A long street is walking behind me

A mad merchant bought my smiles

And no water to renew the dusk

I can't have my step begun

Even if the rain washed my tears


I'm to leave now

Can I have a deep look at your eyes?

Can I take my dreams, your smile

And my dried red rose?


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farewellgood-byevaleValentinesValentineValentine poemleavingshe leave me small giftslovesad loveromantic distance love dan hookslove makingLOVE SONGfalling in lovelove and time passinglove passionfire flesh love passion obsessionlove sonnetLove lostlovedlove is deadLoverslove endingThe Passionate Lover To An Artisttravel love thoughts musing

Don't Forget Valentine


For those who celebrate or not, the tale of how it all began, to whom this day's celebration found its humble beginnings. Read, but do not weep, he did all for love.
Valens, you are esteemed worthy,
at the Via Flaminia you lay:
Valentinus offered up in faith.
Your deeds aren't known in our day.
In this life yo...

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The Forgotten Valentine





Valens, you are esteemed worthy,
at the Via Flaminia you lay:
Valentinus offered up in faith.
Your deeds aren't known in our day.

In this life you wed young couples;
an act the Emperor would not permit.
And though your grace the monarch received,
your execution he did transmit.

Alas, with clubs and stones they came,
challenged by your fortitude gr...

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ValentineValentinesHeartsLoveYoung LoveWedding

My Eyes Will Ever

My Eyes Will Ever
Tip me a wink 
Don't let my heart sink
There's so much passion in the thoughts that I think
Pray hold out your hand
Help me to understand
All that your heart wants to find in a man
Look deep in my eyes
Take full note of my sighs
I can promise you nothing if you take these for lies
I will seek out your trust

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