The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

sunset (Remove filter)

Tide's Afire

I watch the flares of trickling gold
Hear gentle lapping on pebbles of stone
Sea bound adventurer lift and soar
In orange skies a shadow form

Horizon line, the suns devourer
Her fight begins in reddened anger
Casting fires fingers across the void
Setting oceans tide a line, afire once more

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Azure Dreams

I dream in shades of azure blue,
White horses crest, their dance anew.
Murmurs soft on gold-kissed grain,
Diamonds dapple, twinkle's reign.

Song of light in subtle fade,
Saffron fingers sketch, persuade.
Shapes caressed, each curve's embrace,
Warmth's tender kiss, the night's soft lace.

Embers burn to sky's demand,
Fires grand where heavens stand.
Ashes red in twilight's hymn,

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A Perfect Evening

Sitting on the couch next to you

Makes me feel calm, happy and content,

Like walking on a beach with a sunset view,

Every second here is time well spent.

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things used to be simple

lovers dawning undiluted

before he turned up and

left my dreams polluted


I knew she had a history

you sensed it in her eyes

she'd seen many lovers

said a host of goodbyes


hoped she'd seen sense

woken up and matured

that restless streak still

her carnal urges cured


my money she was after

I knew it from the start


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Her Sunset Came Too Early

There was only one for me

She never was replaced

Her going was a very hell

Worst times I ever faced


We've all seen suns go down

Images burned in our minds

My eyes blurring as she set

A woman a man rarely finds


No cloud marred her eye

Her nature too open-wide

Proud I was to know her

Gaily make her my bride


I remember her blue skies

Sunlight lanc...

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Chasing Sunsets

Chasing sunsets,

The ones that shine brightest

Only to disappear

And return again

But never in the same light

Never seen the same way

These eyes tell me, don’t look away

Before it too is gone too soon

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Dancing in the yard

It was a long summer afternoon
a crackling fire lit the yard
the southern sun was setting
while I strummed my old guitar

It was her way of moving to the music
she captured the glowing cinders in her eyes
she danced with the slightest sway in her hips
and her heavenly body torched my skies

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The Last Breath Of Evening

The Last Breath Of Evening


The sky is bruised purple at the last breath of evening

The air stilled from violent storms before the last breath of evening


From the new sunrise and the slow burn of a waking day

Stretching ahead in unknown pleasures to the last breath of evening


A day of honest work and muscles that ache

With the strain of reaching the last breath of e...

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napowrimo2017day 13(74)ghazal formsunsetlifeageingcontemplation




I took to watching slow dying sunsets

Marking the passing of the dawdling day

The trees casting their stoic silhouettes


Counting the golden currency each ray

bestows upon my mood and mental health

keeping the braying doubts and fears at bay


Accumulating natures gift of wealth

hoarding value like a miser stores gold

a solar bank that aids the commo...

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day 3healthnapowrimo2020rhymessunrisesunsetTerza Rima formwealth

Evening Light

An almost mystic silence

descends on the lambent, lamb bent,

lamb bobbing fields


as the West sinking sun

leaves an early evening light,

the day has almost passed:

the bright pale green of the new larch buds

the rusty pink brown of the budding almond

the gold of a burgeoning dog wood

are set against

the solid darkness of a solitary fir tree

the soft clouds in a...

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eveningdusktwilightsunsetlightlambsfarmsWalesCeredigionCambrian Mountains


5th September 2018



on the drive home

the transcendent wonder

of the clear ice blue rimmed with golden pink

and the blackness of trees

horizon silhouettes

and bats

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My Sunset Haiku as a Sunset Englyn

My Sunset Haiku [1] as a Sunset Englyn [2]


A green flash from the setting sun - and night

Now sea and sky are one

Dusk from the gold orb is spun

Thus this mystic day is done





Where sea and sky meet

                a green flash from the set sun

Lighting distant shores



The Welsh englyn unodl union is a straight one-rhymed englyn consi...

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haikuenglyn formenglynionsunsetdaynightdusksundarkseahorizon


This is my humble commentary on that matchless Middle Eastern and Indian story-book “One Thousand and One Nights”. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's symphonic suite of the same name is the perfect musical accompaniment!




Tell me, Scheherazade, how you fled

the evil emir like a bleeding lion,

his twisting, vengeful face now full with

requieted lust; your wisdom shines


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Sex Overlooking The Sunset

It was surprising that after work, on Thursday,

she wanted to meet and share her bed with a man, again.

Maybe men, even, she thought, suddenly indecisive and guilty,

but for society, men, peers, their judgment, their pursed lips and nods of disapproval.

Now that she was almost home, her fireplace and Scotch seemed dearer, as usual;

the icy blanket of her acceptance of undesired celi...

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ageoldsocietyprejudicebiasdivorcesexlovelonelinessnightalienationlifesunsetsexualityintimacylibidomaking loveshamefamily

That Tennyson

“That fucking Tennyson.”
           I caught myself muttering
as I walked along. “Yes,
that fucking Tennyson,
           he can organise a sunset
and flake gold better than I can:
and Emily Dickinson,
           with her yellow children
           at the bars of a gate
closed by her sodding dominie in grey.
And Yeats!  That fucking Yeats
wags an ageing tongue at creation
and leaves me ...

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The searing summer sun        

sets on the distant horizon,

setting ablaze

in a shimmering heat haze

the careless cumulous clouds,

aglow with crimson incandescence.


Distant twinkling stars

awake in the turquoise twilight sky;

mysterious worlds,    

afar and on high.


The end of another glorious day

with promise of more to come.

Days as fresh and gloriou...

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sunset ... an elegy.


The sun is slow tonight, she moves towards
the horizon with care, an uncertain path
because someone is missing.

The sunset will hesitate again, she moves
unsteadily, knowing the colours will be faint
because someone is missing.

The horizon reflects the sorrow in a lake,
my lake, where drowning she takes away our
hurt, because someone is missing.

We nail our friend to a cross, i...

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A Step Towards Summer

A Step Towards Summer


I look into the mirror’s depthless space,

at what is standing in the shadows cast

by light dimming swift with each day amassed

and passing by me, at a startling pace.

I sprint to catch the future in a chase

that takes me on a journey to the past

and makes me wish each moment used will last

until the day they put me in my case.



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I asked you for the recipe for Lettuce Diabolical;

You turned away and shrugged as if the question was rhetorical.

Your life is filled with every contradiction and perversity,

For one who boasts diplomas from a leading University.

Your shoes, one red one black, suggest a failing in your sanity

And yet the way those babies strut proclaims your cocksure vanity.

You mentall...

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