The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

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elegy (Remove filter)

Elegy For Days Lost

Elegy For Days Lost


Another day has come and passed

Left pain and sadness in its wake

The seconds, minutes, hours amassed

The sun will give the moon will take

The distant friends the loved ones lost

Amid the times of dread disease

Each family will count the cost

And curse the name of days like these


And yet the sky was clearest blue

I wrote a poem, sang a so...

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napowrimo2018day 24elegylost timelosscovid-19hopesadnesshappiness

The Summer Tree




The Summer Tree.


You missed your niece decorating the Summer Tree
with strings of butterflies and flowers we bought
in Kelsall at the festival.
… then here she encircled small white stones
around dark flat slate and pointing at a
photograph softly asked, “who’s he ?” …

You missed your nephew skipping through
the hall and dripping choc ice onto a shoe
whilst bala...

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Elegy For A Ghost

Elegy For A Ghost


Some say ghosts are chilling things

Ethereal and fleeting

But they’re not


They are the empty chair

The pint not bought in a round

The hiss at the end of a telephone line

The deleting of a mobile number


They are the sad spaces

That once held you

On the terraces

At the bar

In the conversation


Ghosts are sad things

They h...

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day 18NaPoWriMo 2019elegygriefremembrance

Elegy to a plum tree

Preamble: it took the death of a friend to push me into at last trying free verse, and quite frankly it makes me nervous.

Decades proud

You were of this land long before the moving bone-bags appeared

claiming paper-thin possession.

Still, generous to a fault, you shared the profits of your growth.

I wonder how many generations you trained

in the art of pick-your-own?

Lips on g...

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elegyfree verseplum tree

Testimony: An elegiac poetry account on Battle of Karbala

By: Mirza Sharafat Hussain Beigh

My sight caught few papers scattered
On the shelf, sunk in time.
I wiped dust cautiously from papers,
So words could remain intact.
Yet, soul energetic and each word
Sustaining therein, though condoling.
And a number of couplets
Each on paper finding reciter.
I pushed the window to let air in
And perched on old window frame‟s sill, wide and thick...

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battle of Karbaladirgeelegyimam husayn hussainislamic poetrylullabymarsiyashia islamthrenody

How an Ode to Glitter Became an Elegy to Ziggy Stardust

Oh Mr. Stardust and I have a mutual love

Copolymer sheets grinded down to miniscule hexagons

Not as glamourous as crushed diamonds

But now availible in an epic array of application methods

My way to freak out in a moonage daydream

It glints and gleams with glimpses of faraway starmen

My mind does a dreamlike disco

A heady intoxication lacking propriety

Have you tasted it? I...

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Elegy by a poet

Cold, close-fisted
Gluttonous grave
Please release
My age-old friend
From gambolling fields
Working place
To blessed bed!

Cold, close-fisted
Gluttonous grave
Please release
My wife and my life
My life and my wife
My love and my dove
My dove and love,
For my heart is her tomb
She leased with love
From her mother's womb!//

A n old poet friend of mine once told m...

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sunset ... an elegy.


The sun is slow tonight, she moves towards
the horizon with care, an uncertain path
because someone is missing.

The sunset will hesitate again, she moves
unsteadily, knowing the colours will be faint
because someone is missing.

The horizon reflects the sorrow in a lake,
my lake, where drowning she takes away our
hurt, because someone is missing.

We nail our friend to a cross, i...

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