grieving (Remove filter)
The hurt of remembrance
Tuesday 7th September 2021 11:10 am
Death is a heartless Bastard!
A rotten, snarling thief!
And all that remains
are feeble words
and emptiness.
Wednesday 22nd July 2020 3:18 pm
Dry and numb.
Grief cannot be duplicated, though it can be felt, again and again.
We’ll just go to sleep and never cry again. so it shall be dreamed, not wept.
It will fade, but right now, we sleep.
Numb and dry.
Tuesday 21st July 2020 6:57 pm
Grandma 1
This is me
Trying to write about you
But there’s too much pain
Too much sadness
I still don’t understand.
The words don’t come
The sounds don’t flow
I just really miss you so.
Backdated 10/8/19
Wednesday 9th October 2019 7:59 pm
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
The gravestones in this place are wet with tears
Of children, wives and husbands who have stood
Beside dark holes that swallow up their fears
Replacing ice water where once flowed blood.
November skies are grey and hold no lights,
The flowers flattened in a winter gale
That whips away dark thoughts the widow fights
To keep hidden behind her mourning veil.
...Thursday 4th April 2019 2:17 pm
A Fine Line between Living and Death
You do not exist anymore
Scientifically speaking,
You are absolutely nothing
Unconscious, intangible, not there.
You exist in my mind,
Poetically speaking,
You live on through that funny anecdote
Or recipe, your legacy, our memory.
You are my tragic backstory,
Therapeutically speaking,
The key to solving why I am the way I am
What you made me w...
Friday 18th January 2019 7:55 pm
You think that time would make it easier and maybe I'd just forget.
I still think about that day often but I'm starting to think about it less.
I don't know if I should feel guilty because you're not always on my mind.
Or maybe that's just what happens when you've been gone such a long time.
I do wonder if you'd be proud of me and the things that I've done.
Would you tell me that you're h...
Saturday 29th December 2018 7:18 am
Vasovagal Syncope.
Clock out, start my car and check my phone.
I look down, see a text "Hey, you doing okay bro?"
Confused and realizing I missed about 12 calls.
Didn't know what was going on, nothing was clear,
*Incoming call from 'enter name here'*.
I answered "Hey what's up?" and then I heard the tears.
"What's going on? What did I miss? Are you alright?"
'You didn't hear? She was driving and passed away l...
Tuesday 11th December 2018 7:58 am
She is long gone
So long I have to strain to hear her voice
Down the years
The last thing she said to me though
Clear as day
Like the sun through mists of dawn
‘Oh Janey’
An unexpected heartfelt sigh
Two words could not contain more depth
For she was lost to me long before
She left this earth
Or so I thought
Until the parting of the clouds
So brief
To gi...
Friday 1st June 2018 11:11 pm
Trigger Warning
I see it everywhere,
being laughed about, tormented
“Ha! Triggered!”
If only it could be prevented.
This generation needs to grow up
stop being so damn sensitive
a bunch of babies who can’t cope
well how about you stop being so damn negative?
“Kill yourself!”
Ha, wait, is that a trigger?
Not yet, but it will be
when you realize you’re the killer
Wednesday 4th April 2018 3:42 am
On Taking the Early Train
A farewell to two poets that have only just passed on: Sandra Fowler and Sonya Florentino. R.I.P., dear friends.
Yes, I will try to be brave
just like you'd want me to be;
here I am waiting on shared memory:
Dear old friend, where might you be?
And where is it that we have arrived:
now we're quickly fading into oft-turned pag...
Thursday 29th November 2012 1:35 pm
Shadows in the light (Goodbye Grandma)
I walk from room to room
and try to catch a glimpse of you,
but all that I could see,
are muted shadows playing tag.
Sunlight catches visions
of days now stored in memory
and with your recent passing,
you climbed upon the misty crag.
The kitchen tap still leaks,
we've fixed that oft and time again;
your trusty stove still works,
those smells a...
Friday 25th March 2011 11:41 am
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