funeral (Remove filter)
Thank You Dad
Thank you Dad.
Thank you for your deep deep love.
For always making me feel so special and loved.
For teaching me to pass on that love to my own children.
I could not have felt more loved.
Thank you Dad.
Thank you for sharing with me your love of music and poetry.
For reading to me at bedtime and encouraging my love of books.
For instilling in me the love of words and ...
Tuesday 24th May 2022 12:25 pm
in my soul she dances on,
tuned to a polka her feet,
swish of expensive velvet
big teeth white and neat
dance band chords echo
wind and brass combine
but can't erase the stink
of spilt burnt turpentine
smoke up my nostrils
provoked by her deeds
loung lizards basking
careless of my needs
tunes one after another
standards she'd adored
at her f...
Saturday 5th June 2021 11:18 am
A Silent Expiration (Borrowed Emotions from a Ringmasters Perspective)
Cover the mirrors
Open the windows
Let the mourners in
Through the front door.
Gather around a wooden box
To witness an act
Played by a dead corpse
A tear here and a tear there
Enough to fill a bowl
To water the parched air.
Life is just a circular affair
Never eternal
But not the end.
Saturday 8th May 2021 8:52 pm
A Heart With No History
When I saw your wayward ways
My heart switched into reverse
This was far from what I wanted
An outcome so plainly perverse
Yours was a heart with no history
We were strangers, noon till night
The one I married was a mystery
A mirror that reflected no light
Tales you told me of your past
Turned out to be little but fiction
I stood next to a stranger when
Tuesday 1st September 2020 10:43 am
The Ballad of Mabel Jubb
Mabel Jubb was a mystic, a deep thinker
She read philosophy, was often miles away
Her house was stacked with learned tomes
That she cherished and revelled in every day
Poor Mabel she was full of good intentions
She signed petitions and gave to the poor
But the lockdown became too much for her
The coastguard found her clothes along the shore
She'd never married tha...
Wednesday 10th June 2020 11:34 am
Funerals for old men
In a cold cream brick chapel,
That should've never been built,
Was buried a man who was ill understood.
Redeemed in the minutes just before he had died
Look away now, this is not where he lies.
The truth can be found deep in the woods,
Beyond the dampest and darkest of familial 'shoulds'
It's sound slithers, and wrenches and wriggles so fine,
To open the door to this s...
Wednesday 10th June 2020 5:46 am
There they were beyond the
Railings in broad daylight, flouting
The rules, hundreds of them
Socialising cheek by jowl while
Above ground, as if
Condoning the breach
Sat an older couple on a
Bench having a
Picnic by the looks of it
Sandwiches flask the lot, I
Wondered if they'd been barred from a
Funeral and had come to
Say a deferred farewell before taking
Tuesday 2nd June 2020 11:30 am
Aunty Fanny’s Funeral
Auntie Fanny's funeral day oh my god what a to do
They had all thirty stone of her, all dead for all to view
I never knew she had a mustache little billy said
at that his dad took off his cap and slapped him on his head
When the cortege started off, the back tired on car went pop
forcing all the traffic in Liverpool to come to a stop
Then as if it could not get no worse it and well t...
Tuesday 21st January 2020 11:04 pm
Player Piano
Player piano in the empty funeral parlor foyer cranks
out old standards with a Dixieland flourish. The old
wooden cross. How great thou art. Take my hand precious
Lord. No one hears it. No one is here to discuss pre-planning.
No one peruses coffins for his aunt who has been sick so long
the family forgot she would die. No one is scooped out
by grief at the accidental death o...
Tuesday 19th February 2019 11:07 pm
The Promise
It has been so many years
since that moment of truth
when finally you were truly alone
It has been so many years
since you flew with the flames
as the organ played
and I looked out at the distant horizon
seeing you there drifting away
into finality
It has been so many years
since I made you a promise
I could not keep
You said
Do no...
Monday 19th November 2018 11:46 am
At the Grave
As the rains came we followed
As the rains fell we listened
And walked towards the minister,
Passing by the dark grave wherein she lies,
To drop another daffodil, a final kiss from life,
On the pale box below.
And on, to cluster round beneath the trees
Circling the family, rooted by some strange harmony
Of communion: a drifting mass lost in loss.
On the hillside, as the ...
Monday 2nd April 2018 3:04 pm
I was there that bitter cold day
When Winston Churchill passed my way;
Keeping watch beneath Admiralty Arch,
I breathed to the beat of the funeral march.
About the man no more need be said
Long since called to arms by The Glorious Dead;
But I was there that memorable day
When Winston Churchill passed my way.
Friday 30th January 2015 3:28 pm
funeral days
funeral days
funeral days
should always be like this
early mourning dew
in the eyes of those gathered
under a slate grey sky
(not blasphemous blue)
whose heavy tears
will splash
the golden Judas kiss
of leaves crackling
beneath disrobed trees
betraying the sadness
with their joyful colour
the heavy damp sods of earth
clinging close to the coffin
like the grief
that surrounds...
Friday 10th October 2014 7:14 pm
£10 million for this?
Roses are red
Maggie was blue
now she is dead
they're having a do.
They're airbrushing history
re-writing the past
Big Ben's falling silent
the flag's at half mast.
In a time of austerity
they've money to burn
for the pomp of her funeral
but the lesson we've learned
is they secretly know
she's not loved by the nation
Thursday 18th April 2013 10:50 am
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